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Everything posted by Melanie_72

  1. Yes they do a great job on the remake I think and they definetly have chemistry! Also, there is another duet they sing together on her Hundred Miles or More Collection CD called "Lay Down Beside Me". It is simply gorgeous! They are so adorable together.
  2. Amen! I can't believe this thread has gone 40 pages!! It is beyond tiresome hearing some people bash Robert for the zillionth time!!
  3. Yeppers!! She and John Waite are definetly an item and are rumoured to be engaged. They attend each others shows when they can. I heard he goes around calling himself "John Krauss", LOL BTW, I think he can sing too and is a hottie himself, lucky Alison!! Anyways, back on topic, I have always loved Robert's stage moves. He is so sexy!
  4. Guess I mean, really, kick him hard in the ass!! That rhymes, cool! LOL, that is funny!!
  5. Great article and thanks for sharing! Leona is so lovely and how lucky of her to have Jimmy's breath on her face, LOL.
  6. Melanie_72


    Good for you for putting that racist in her place!! See this is what pisses me off when some people going around calling themselves a "Christian", but can have so much evil and bigotry inside them, it is downright scary!!!! I am religious, but consider myself more spiritual though. I also don't like the "holier than thou types" either, that act like they are better than everyone because they go to church all of the time. My view is that, it is how you treat each other nicely on an everyday basis, not running around trying to preach to people about going to hell if they don't believe in God or go to church every Sunday and then treat them like crap. It just isn't right! BTW, I would like to see this movie though. It sounds very interesting.
  7. Shadows of the Night-Pat Benatar
  8. Wow, what planet is this kid on? If I had three t-shirts by a band I didn't know anything about, I would a least do some research on them, LOL!
  9. Yaaayyy, it's about time his crimes have caught up with him!!!!! I have no sympathy for O.J. whatsoever and thought after the murders of his ex-wife and Ron Goldman, how disgraceful it was of him to be out on the golf course smiling and waving as if nothing ever happened!! Cannot see how anyone can live with themselves after all of that went down. Now, all of this his come back to bite him in the butt, good riddance O.J.!!
  10. I wasn't the biggest fan of New Kids back in the day, but I must admit, I do like some of their songs. I saw some of their VH1 Behind the Music show today and thought it was interesting. I think it is cool if they are wearing Zep t-shirts!
  11. I had to choose "all of the above". To me Jimmy looks good in all of these looks!!
  12. Back to rap, like I said, I do prefer "old school" rap waaaay better than the rap that is out today!! I felt in the beginning it was new and fresh and majority of it was fun, but now it seems like EVERYONE is rapping, and alot of it is very negative, IMO. I have been enjoying the 100 Greatest Hip-Hop Songs countdown they are doing on VH1 this week. Alot of those songs bring back some great memories.
  13. I ought to be very interesting. I will definetly watch!
  14. Yes, Percy and Trixie are enjoying this time together. LOL BTW, I just found out that Trixie is Alison's nickname. (This is what her boyfriend calls her)Cute isn't it?
  15. Made it past "hump" day, now only two more days until the weekend, woohoo!!
  16. I don't have the album, but I think Boston is a great band. I really like their songs and think they have a distinct sound.
  17. You got that right, that is a mouthful! LOL
  18. Hmm, what is so "eww" or "yucky" about two people making an album together?
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