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Everything posted by Melanie_72

  1. I wasn't the biggest fan of New Kids back in the day, but I must admit, I do like some of their songs. I saw some of their VH1 Behind the Music show today and thought it was interesting. I think it is cool if they are wearing Zep t-shirts!
  2. I had to choose "all of the above". To me Jimmy looks good in all of these looks!!
  3. Back to rap, like I said, I do prefer "old school" rap waaaay better than the rap that is out today!! I felt in the beginning it was new and fresh and majority of it was fun, but now it seems like EVERYONE is rapping, and alot of it is very negative, IMO. I have been enjoying the 100 Greatest Hip-Hop Songs countdown they are doing on VH1 this week. Alot of those songs bring back some great memories.
  4. I ought to be very interesting. I will definetly watch!
  5. Yes, Percy and Trixie are enjoying this time together. LOL BTW, I just found out that Trixie is Alison's nickname. (This is what her boyfriend calls her)Cute isn't it?
  6. Made it past "hump" day, now only two more days until the weekend, woohoo!!
  7. I don't have the album, but I think Boston is a great band. I really like their songs and think they have a distinct sound.
  8. You got that right, that is a mouthful! LOL
  9. Hmm, what is so "eww" or "yucky" about two people making an album together?
  10. Disco, all the way baby!! I do prefer old-school rap compared to the crap out today though.
  11. Although it would have been great for Robert to get back with Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason, I am glad he finally put all the speculation to rest. No matter who they get to replace him, he will always be the voice of Led Zeppelin!! I fully support him in his decision as well as the three J's to move on with their plans. Can't wait to see what the future holds for all of them!
  12. Agreed 100%!! She can sing the phonebook and make it sound exquisite!
  13. Thanks for the link Knebby. I thought Leona did a great job performing at the Olympics.
  14. The Zep song I remember hearing for the very first time was Bonzo's Montreaux. My older brother is a drummer and he was listening to it one day and I thought it was so cool!
  15. This is very sad news. He was a great actor and he and Joanne Woodward were THE ultimate Hollywood couple. R.I.P Paul.
  16. You guys look amazing!! Thanks for posting the pics everyone.
  17. I don't know about the tension, but I did read in the comments a poster left saying that someone yelled some obscenities at Alison to get off the stage in St Louis.
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