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Everything posted by maureen

  1. maureen

    Roberts Jeans

    yeah yeah yeah WELCOME
  2. You guys are great)))))))) what a funny russian discussion))) yeah, i suppose it will be fair if i write what we were talking about in Russian. well at first we discussed where are we both (me and Inga) from and it turned out that we are veeeery far from each other...then we discussed our education and what else...hmm...i don't really remember....well schools and universities...that's all..oh and we thought if it was ok that we were talking in Russian))) that's all ^^
  3. я всегда рада помочь)) да, яуже посмотрела твой профиль,у нас с тобой разница в возрасте вообще маленькая)) слушай,а ниче что мы тау тут флудим по-русски?))))))))))
  4. я учусь в двух универах. оба очно и беслпатно: лингвистический (англ. первый и еще французский) и юридический) вот)) а ты? мне английский вообще как родной, очень его люблю)
  5. очень на это надеюсь)))
  6. спасибо))) да мы тут все родные, нас объединяет любовь к лед Зеппелин)) и не важно, что мы разбросаны по всему миру...но согласна, приятно встретить родного по стране человека)) далеко ты, конечно..)
  7. Ой как я рада землячке))) привеееет) я из Нижнего Новогорода, а ты?))))))))))
  8. Thanx God i have posted smth usefull ^^
  9. Oh thank you so much!!!!! Everybody is beautiful in his soul in this forum because he love the LZs music))) and the physical beauty is just an addition)
  10. i don't know if these pictures have already been posted, but here they are
  11. thank you but what you mean "quite"????))))))
  12. oh nice!! come and visit it, it's worth seeing)))
  13. Kristina, thanx)) i'm from Nizhnij Novgorod (Нижний Новгород по-русски) which is not far from Moscow))
  14. that's me)) i hope that links works....btw, i'm wearing the led zep t-shirt here))))
  15. yeah, that's what i've been talking about ^^
  16. Oh god...the last pic is fantastic...what a look...and hair..)))) i LOVE this picture...))
  17. try to show him pics, especially the ones where Robert looks girlish, maybe he will realize how hot Robert is (but be careful, he's still your husband) ^^
  18. yeah, so let's put more more more beautiful pictures of Persy)))))))))))))) i could admire him endlessly.........
  19. i'm afraid you're right ^^ and you have put these pics to prove it yeah?!))))
  20. yeah!!!! plus his voice is so sexy...i remember hearing his voice for the 1st time...i was shocked...it came inside of me and i got so warm, so great...and since that i can't avoid listening to his voice...it has MAGIC!!!
  21. oh GOD!!! stunning...Robert doesn't look like him here but still he's SOOOOO handsome, so...so....hot...i'm lost for words, really............ and Jimmy is very handsome too...his hair are so beautiful, his smile etc - just everything)))) but still..if i had to choose...it would be definitely Mr Plant...
  22. "Squeeze my lemon till the juice runs down my leg..." - ah this phrase IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)))))))))))))) yeah i have too bright imagination
  23. OMG what lovely pics!!!))) thank you!!!! seems like my collection of his pictures will be unbelievable big!!! i have seen the 1st pic of the last post, it's just stunning!!!!!!!!!!! and i like the second pic too - he's so young, and i have always loved his beautiful scin.....oh God......
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