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Everything posted by hags28

  1. I wasn't sure if it was a grammy, hence the ???, anyway, I never knew if they "won" a grammy or not. I guess i never really cared...but thanks for the info. The Pearl Jam reference probably came from that tour (set) at some point. I was just recounting a few tidbits that popped into mind.
  2. A few things I remember hearing and/or reading... *Jimmy was a fan of Ten Years After and particularly Alvin Lee. *Jethro Tull was opening for them in Boston (in the early theater days) LZ wanted to hurry up and leave and go to a certian club in NY to party. So they told Tull to open for them. Obviously Tull was hesitant...Jimmy told them something equivalent to "you are the worst band around and you'll do as I say". *When accepting an award (grammy ???) Bonzo said that Rush deserved to win. *Peter Grant (or maybe Cole) approached Bob Dylan at a party and said told him he managed Led Zeppelin and Dylan said "don't tell me your f*%$* problems". *More recently I heard Plant say that he and his kids were fans of Pearl Jam. And I read an interview with JPJ in which he was asked "Do you find modern ryhthm sections lazy?" His reply was something like "not Tool, they are refreshingly intricate."
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