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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. The clouds prepare for battle In the dark and brooding silence Bruised and sullen storm clouds Have the light of day obscured Looming low and ominous In twilight premature Thunder heads are rumbling In a distant overture... All at once, the clouds are parted Light streams down in bright unbroken beams... Follow men's eyes as they look to the skies The shifting shafts of shining weave the fabric of their dreams...
  2. <<<< Slave to Zep that’s pretty cool ! Giant triangles are thought to be seen worldwide. Some believe it’s a US government black project craft…… The most famous incidents have been the Phoenix lights and the Belgian UFO reports. The Belgian incident has the best photographic evidence. ….99% of the video footage you see on the Phoenix lights are flares dropped soon after the triangle was reported, some say to discredit the people who reported the first sightings of the triangle. here is a pic of the Belgian craft, circa 1990:
  3. Thrill of it All - Black Sabbath
  4. Wheels Of Confusion - Black Sabbath
  5. Hole in The Sky - Black Sabbath
  6. This new album is great, best since Moving Pitcures. The Garden has got to be one of the to 15 Rush tunes of all time IMHO.
  7. [Prologue:] In the constellation of Cygnus, there lurks a mysterious, invisible force: the black hole of Cygnus X-1... Six Stars of the Northern Cross In mourning for their sister's loss In a final flash of glory Nevermore to grace the night... [1] Invisible to telescopic eye Infinity, the star that would not die All who dare to cross her course Are swallowed by her fearsome force Through the void To be destroyed Or is there something more? Atomized...at the core? Or through the Astral Door? To soar... [2] I set a course just east of Lyra And northwest of Pegasus Flew into the light of Deneb Sailed across the Milky Way On my ship, the 'Rocinante' Wheeling through the galaxies Headed for the heart of Cygnus Headlong into mystery The x-ray is her siren song My ship cannot resist her long Nearer to my deadly goal Until the black hole Gains control... [3] Spinning, whirling Still descending Like a spiral sea Unending... Sound and fury Drown my heart Every nerve Is torn apart... To be continued...
  8. Faster moment spent spread tales of change within the sound Counting form through rhythm electric freedom Moves to counter-balance stars expound our conscience All to know and see ...........The look in your eyes Passing time will reach as nature relays to set the scene New encounters spark a true fruition Guiding lines we touch them Our bodies balance out the waves As we accelerate our days ......To the look in your eyes From the moment I reached out to hold I felt a sound And what touches our soul slowly moves as touch rebounds And to know that tempo will continue lost in trance of dances As rhythm takes another turn .....As is my want I only reach ...To look in your eyes Cha -Cha -Cha Cha -Cha Cha -Cha -Cha Cha -Cha Cha -Cha -Cha Cha -Cha
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