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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. Its hard to explain, at some point during the trip , the inside of that pic is the only way to describe how i felt like. Very vivid, time was meaningless......almost like another dimension.....its sold in headshops here in Texas, but outlawed in other states. I would not recomend this ride to anyone unless you have experience in the other well known various forms of transportstion, if you know what i mean.
  2. Its all worth it.......thanks....my girls Paige & Avarie........
  3. Great music to sit at the desk and get some numbers crunched too................ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg4GcLZ8ysk&feature=related
  4. Last night at the ballgame......
  5. no pics, i was only 15 at the time, no digital cameras back then . We were hanging out in a beach park in lake peekskill ny, about 200 people there at the time. We all watched it come in way out to the south west, and fly directly over us without a sound.....i loved every minute of it.....at that point,even at 15, i was into the unknown paranormal stuff.
  6. I saw the Hudson Valley UFO when I was in my early teens. http://www.ufoevidence.org/topics/hudsonvalley.htm
  7. The view from under the goal post at Cowboys Stadium (the Giants will be spiking the ball there this season)
  8. Cowboy Stadium as seen from atop the Ballpark in Arlington
  9. ..all bickering aside.....is there much talk up there about them going to Brooklyn?
  10. Islanders suck .............but it would be a shame to see the leave the island. Second best place for them would be in Brooklyn...
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