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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. Barry Melrose is picking the penns over the chicago for the cup....F that!.......I'd like to see the Rangers over the Blues...
  2. 1 Vancouver vs 8 Los Angeles 2 St Louis vs 7 San Jose 3 Phoenix vs 6 Chicago 4 Nashville vs 5 Detroit
  3. Texas Rangers / White Sox ........fox sports southwest
  4. Series 'A' - #1 NY Rangers vs. #8 Ottawa Series 'B' - #2 Boston vs. #7 Washington Series 'C' - #3 Florida vs. #6 New Jersey Series 'D' - #4 Pittsburgh vs. #5 Philadelphia
  5. “That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary’s trip. He crashed around America selling ‘consicousness expansion’ without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him too seriously . . . All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours, too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped to create . . . a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody—or at least some force—is tending the Light at the end of the tunnel.” Hunter S Thompson
  6. Caps are killing the Rangers WTF!
  7. 109 points........the Rangers clinch the east!
  8. She did ok....my wife and have watched idol since the first season, it took years for them to be able to sing zeppelin. I think its a good thing to hear zep on idol.
  9. These are some sad days for the leafs and the habs.......the garden was chanting "your in last place" to the habs last night ....LOL The leafs are up on the sabers 2-1 end of the second..first home win in 54 days? oh wait......it might be 3-1...
  10. That might be it for the caps .......Florida picked up 2 points in a shoot out with the habs. Pens lost to the Islanders, now the Rangers have a chance to go up 3 points...........and..........they do.....! blue shirts beat the wild.
  11. Yea.........Miller stood on his head...zuc broke his wrist...and Rangers barely beat a bad Leafs team last night. Devils have got to beat the pens tonight......damn Dupuis just made it 3-1!
  12. very cool speech, and its that school of thought that contributes to the longevity of the great melodies they write for the songs that continue to appeal to the masses (Grammys) while gaining the respect from the artists the grew up admiring.
  13. " And Nixon talking about don't worry ... He say don't worry.... He say don't worry ....He say don't worry ....."
  14. i listened to it, I like the piano in there, all and all its a rocking tune. If the album is nearly as good as the tune, I'll get it no doubt. They sound "hungry" again.
  15. I think the Foo Fighters are great live (although i haven't seen them since the late 90's) and the best top 40 rock band in recent history, they can write a really good pop tune better then any rock band that I can think of. I don't care for "pop" music, but there is an art to writing the type of melody that appeals to the masses and has staying power.
  16. Duck Walks & Lasers........... 5/22/77 Ft Worth, is my favorite. The 1980 versions are great and I really like the delay on Jimmy's guitar, but most that I have heard are to dry..........damn sound board recordings !
  17. The Cult were great! Here is their teaser on you tube..........
  18. You Won't Change Me - Black Sabbath
  19. ^ 6.5 / 10.........that was very cool, never heard of them before. I dig the Asian vibe that guitar has with somewhat of a Dick Dale run towards the end.......LOVE the surface noise !!
  20. Ive seen Flea with Janes several times, but I don't think I have seen RHCP live before, if I did, I cant remember. .....Do they do any free form jamming? If so, the possibilities of what Jimmy could do with such an avenue would be mind blowing to say the least....even if it is just for one jam at one show. Flea does have that RHOF jam in common w/ Jimmy, but to my knowledge, that was the only time they shared a public performance.
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