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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. Let's go RANGERS! 3 - 1 over the caps
  2. Darvish threw 82 of his 119 pitches (68.9 percent) for strikes, well above his 56.8 percent entering Tuesday's start. * He started 21 of 33 hitters (63.6 percent) with a first-pitch strike. In his first three starts, he threw a first-pitch strike to less than 48 percent of all hitters. * Thirteen of the 21 balls in play (61.9 percent) against Darvish were hit on the ground, compared with 42.1 percent in his first three starts. Twenty-two of Darvish's 25 outs were either grounders or strikeouts. * Lefties entered Tuesday hitting .313 against Darvish. The six Yankees lefties in the lineup Tuesday were 4-for-21 with eight strikeouts against Darvish. * Yankees lefties were 0-for-5 with four strikeouts in at-bats ending with Darvish's curveball. * Yankees hitters were 1-for-12 with five strikeouts with men on base. * The Yankees chased 25 Darvish pitches out of the strike zone;
  3. Darvish just pitched a gem!! Shut the yanks out, with 10 strike outs!
  4. The blue shirts take it to game 7!
  5. Holland had a bad night tonight......CC on the other hand was spot on.
  6. should be a good series, I'll be at the game tomorrow.
  7. Texas takes 3 of 4 in Detroit.....bring on the yanks!
  8. Humber just pitched a perfect game!
  9. Texas is rolling over boston!
  10. Rangers / Flyers will be sweet!
  11. The Mountain Song - Janes Addiction
  12. Hole in The Sky - Black Sabbath
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNcSksHu258&feature=relmfu
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