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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. I agree, sounds like a intonation issue
  2. The clouds prepare for battle In the dark and brooding silence Bruised and sullen storm clouds Have the light of day obscured Looming low and ominous In twilight premature Thunder heads are rumbling In a distant overture... All at once, the clouds are parted Light streams down in bright unbroken beams... Follow men's eyes as they look to the skies The shifting shafts of shining weave the fabric of their dreams...
  3. Fly......... Justin Adams or Robbie Blunt
  4. Sabbath w/ Dio is up there w/ all of Ozzys solo stuff......but Id have to answer Ozzy solo.... Randy or Zakk ?
  5. <<<< Slave to Zep that’s pretty cool ! Giant triangles are thought to be seen worldwide. Some believe it’s a US government black project craft…… The most famous incidents have been the Phoenix lights and the Belgian UFO reports. The Belgian incident has the best photographic evidence. ….99% of the video footage you see on the Phoenix lights are flares dropped soon after the triangle was reported, some say to discredit the people who reported the first sightings of the triangle. here is a pic of the Belgian craft, circa 1990:
  6. Thrill of it All - Black Sabbath
  7. Wheels Of Confusion - Black Sabbath
  8. Hole in The Sky - Black Sabbath
  9. Teagarden with a walk off in the 13th!
  10. Children Of The Sea or Children of The Grave...
  11. This new album is great, best since Moving Pitcures. The Garden has got to be one of the to 15 Rush tunes of all time IMHO.
  12. I was at the show too.......Jones Beach has such a laid back crowd.....might be the drinking and "partying " on the shore the day of the show?
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