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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. "Thinking" you know what love is means you have no idea. Love shouldn't even need to be described or defined. It's something you either feel or don't, and you know it when it's there. Not everyone is capable of love and i sincerely wonder if you are. Considering a person's looks as a criteria for love is proof to me you really don't know. I'm not saying that attraction isn't a big reason why many people fall in love. But attraction doesn't always mean "hot". You put it as your top priority and there is no room for "growth"...it has to be there for you right away, and has to be returned by your prospective partner, or things will not progress. I can't say any more than this is shallow, and not love. A couple personal examples for you. I fell in love with a guy (this goes back to 87') who i found "appealing"...that was the word i used to describe my attraction to his looks. I fell in love with his personality and the way he showed me his nurturing side from the first date. People who knew him described his looks as "okay" or "cute". We were together for seven years, and just grew apart (we were engaged for a few years but i wanted to finish college before we married, and then by that time both our feelings started to change). As a side note: some years later, Matt Damon became famous, and i was surprised at how many people consider him hot (wasn't he one of People magazines sexiest?)...he looks identical to the bf i just spoke of... Another story, the man i left for the one above was "hot". I guess initially i liked his looks, but after about a year, i couldn't stand his personality anymore. I tried to make things work because of the committment i had started with him, but when i looked at him, i didn't see his "good looks", i saw a person who was aggravating me and ultimately to the point of my breaking up with him. Looks fade fast when you don't like the rest of the person. I guess they may grow more appealing when you do like the person (ie...my Matt Damon look a like). You make looks too much of a priority and you will continue to be unhappy and not in love. My idea of love: enjoying a person's personality, being able to be yourself with them, having great communication between each other, loyalty and devotion, caring about them and caring for them, feeling less selfish than you are naturally, being supportive, protective, trustworthy, being willing to compromise, being willing to do things that you may not want to do or feel like doing because they need your help...having respect for each other... to name a few. If you need to ask, you just don't know, Spats. Let me ask you: if you don't think you are good looking (which is what you have said here repeatidly), then why do expect a girl you are interested in to find you good looking? You need to focus less on looks and more on "mutual interests, hopes, dreams, whatever"...lol. Just for the hell of it, call that girl one more time! I'm dying to hear if she will go out with you after all this. What do you have to lose at this point?
  2. I don't see Spats paying someone else's expenses, lol But he could call an escort service for Saturday night dates.
  3. At this point, i truly believe he doesn't know what love is...and maybe he doesn't want love in his life anyway.
  4. ~tangerine~


    lol, then you missed the Barbie doll avatar i had for a while, too Well in honor of my wonderful girl, i put up one of her favorite characters (Skippyjon Jones)!
  5. ~tangerine~


    Billy Joel might just a guess
  6. Thank you Penny Lane! My dad needs open heart surgery, and is still thinking about it (although he will do it). Almost ten years ago he had the same surgery, but under life or death circumstances, and beat the odds and made it through (after a long recovery). He is afraid, but also very brave. I appreciate your kinds words! My little girl looks up to my dad like her own (since her dad doesn't care)... so i can't afford to lose him.
  7. Most people don't know if the person they are about to ask out is interested in them. The point is to do it and find out. Spats, would you honestly want people to be able to read your mind? I doubt it, and that's about the only way you can be sure...especially if you are asking a stranger for a date. Sometimes obvious signs turn out to be nothing more than freindliness or flirtation. No guarantee when you "pop" the question, the answer will be yes. Seems unimportant now why she didn't call you back. You are the interested one, you need to show that to her. One more try would have been a better way to know for sure. IMO, it's not too late to call her, if you have the guts. As for looks meaning love, you are warped. I don't think you have a clue about love, and as mentioned earlier by another poster (sorry don't recall who) you seem to think "lust" is "love". You are saying if you were to be involved with a woman you find "good looking" for a reasonable amount of time, and then one day she confessed, "i didn't find you good looking at first" you would dump her? That is asinine. I'm starting to agree with the route of "paid" date for you...as in a "call girl".
  8. Driving on a road i don't travel on much anymore. It's a shortcut from point a to point b, about 2 miles long, very winding, with large, beautiful houses (the kind that are set far back from the road with lots of ground). I was actually enjoying the way the white snow gleamed on the houses, lawns and trees. Considering i hate winter and snow, i was surprised to see everything looking so nice and calming to me. I was also happy my daughter has been on good behavior today, while i struggled with a headache. She was also a very good girl at the hospital where we went to visit my dad and at the restaurant my mom and i took her to for dinner. I am certain everything will turn out well
  9. I also saw Bruce at Giant Stadium on a rainy night in the summer of 2003 (i don't remember the exact date). We were sitting on one of the first rows of the first level. That was the last time i saw Bruce in concert. Saw him also in 1999 twice in Philly. All fantastic shows! I hope to catch this tour! Fan since 1977!
  10. So i don't forget on the 13th, Happy Birthday, Dzldoc! What are you turning 30 this year My family is full of February birthdays! My mom, mom's mom (rest her soul), one niece will be nine!!!
  11. I'm not sure Bruce needs to "promote" his albums at this stage...or even back in the late 70's, but i know what you mean. I think the set was "what was expected" of him, but he has to please the masses in an event like this. At least in concert, Bruce pulls out some great surprises, every time! If you have ever seen Bruce in concert, you know there is no "over the top" he is just awesome live!
  12. Bruce has certainly stayed in shape! Enjoy the show! My sister and I are going to try to get tickets for Philly. She says they are going for $250...i have to check into this. They will be sold out in minutes anyway, always are... so next step will be even more costly.
  13. Since that approach hasn't been successful, next time ask her for her number and call her.
  14. I will agree with you that you can't always tell if someone is sincere, just charming you, or just plain kiniving. People who outrightly act like jerks are obvious. But i can tell you from experience with a long term relationship, you don't always know right away. Women can be just as insidious as men. I don't think it's a matter of radar. I think it's a matter of getting to know someone and allowing yourself to see the signs (or not being in denial when you see them and close your eyes to them). If JPP65 has such good insight into people that she can tell so quickly, i applaud her.
  15. I really don't care about the Superbowl...the only one in my immediate family, but i do want to catch the halftime. You don't have to be sorry for not liking Bruce, who cares? Musical taste is personal.
  16. Bruce performance or commercials? No contest
  17. Currently reading this series with my 4 year old...such endearing characters in these books, especially the main one!
  18. They are standard, but more likely to be played than my "hopes". I have heard Born In The U.S.A. and Born To Run enough (not that they're not great anthems). I don't expect to hear even one of the songs i would like to hear (i picked each one considering the theme of the show, not because they are the songs i would most want to hear if i could pick ANY). So Jethro Tull, which stadium are you planning to see Bruce on his next tour?
  19. F*ck the commercials, play more Bruce !!!
  20. You and the majority. I hope Bruce is more original and picks some songs that aren't so expected of him. I would love to hear: Out In The Street, Countin' on a Miracle, No Surrender, Something in the Night, Fire and Quarter to Three. They will need to extend the halftime a bit
  21. All this sounds very good Will any of it sink in, lol? Yeah, i am starting to wonder more, does Spats "just" want a hook-up? Unfortunately, he will expect her to pay, if you know what i'm saying...
  22. This has bothered me but i never really thought about it enough to ask, do your buddies ever get into serious relationships with girls? The way you talk about them, they are always "hooking up". Sounds like the have made their way through half the girls in Toronto by now ... anyway, did you ever call that girl back? My guess is you didn't. Take a good bit of what longdistancewinner said to you into consideration. Go for what you want. Don't expect the girls (who obviously don't make the first moves on you) to start now. Either take the initiative or don't bother worrying about women. Maybe some day, out of the blue, some hot chick will make the first move. Do you want to wait to see if that ever happens? Take responsibility for what you want to achieve in life.
  23. Shine On You Crazy Diamond...Pink Floyd
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