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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Come on Doc. I'm sure you are being paranoid here. Spats needs encouragement right now, not more fear.
  2. I had a boyfriend years ago who loved flowers. I bought him a gorgeous tropical arrangement with orchids and birds of paradise (less girly looking flowers) etc.. for Valentine's Day. I had them sent to him at work. He loved them! Anyway, i was joking about Spats giving his buddy flowers, lol. Even though his friends felt weird after the fact, he did it willingly so shame on him! Spats should treat him to a bento box for a thank you.
  3. So now you have learned your lesson. On the bright side, she wouldn't haven given your friend her number if she didn't have some interest in you. So call her and ask her out. Just be normal. You pick a place to take her for lunch or dinner. You pick up the bill. Flowers (as mentioned) would be very nice. Most of all, just be yourself and try not to worry so much. You will either click or you won't. Don't make such a production of this and maybe you can do it! If you both have a nice time, tell her you would like to take her out again. As for your friend, well he will get over feeling foolish. Buy him some flowers, too
  4. I've lucked out so far this year. I usually get an Upper Respiratory Infection by November, and i only had a very mild cold so far this year, and it didn't last but a few days. I hope i haven't jinxed myself now by saying this. I don't get the flu shot so that's not protecting me.
  5. What printer? My printer has been down since around 01 when it ran out of ink and the cartridge it took was discontinued. 09 may be the year i get a whole new computer system! If you try to get tickets electronically, what are your chances, with all the other people doing the same, that you will get a seat for a show that often sells out within minutes?
  6. It's not just about being cheap. Antibiotics don't treat virusus, which are what cause many symptoms that people get when they are sick. The overuse of antibiotics is very serious today. Resistance is a real threat to us. Having said that, i agree with you. If it's a week of "drowning" get an antibiotic. I stayed sick with a chronic cough and sinus problems that a Chest Xray and blood work couldn't diagnose as anything serious for almost 2 months in 07, until i finally asked for an antibiotic. In just a couple days i was much better. Was probably Bronchitis, which i have gotten yearly for the past 16 years (being around respiratory illness at work).
  7. I got U2 tickets on Ebay once (that was scary, wondering if they would really arrive), that was for an out of town show, all the other tours were from a ticket agent. I had a family friend who has his own agency, so while i still paid a hefty price for tickets, i didn't pay as much as he charged others, and the seats were always VERY good! I don't want nosebleed seats for my favorite bands. I have been close enough to take some good pictures at many shows. U2 shows sell out too fast to get decent seats by traditional means. I am also looking forward to the new record. I can't get interested in most new music, so it's always great when a band i have loved forever puts out new music. I wish Robert Plant would write another solo album one of these days, minus any other partners (no offense to Jimmy or JPJ, but maybe offense to that bluegrass chic, lol). I miss Robert's early solo style.
  8. I enjoy reading this thread and i don't get bugged by all that. He is the one missing out by being the way he is. It doesn't effect my social/love life so i don't get worked up over it. But i am the kind of woman he is looking for (at least in the respect that i will make the first move, if i want someone). I'm not the "one" for him though, lol.
  9. What's the big deal? Granted, i have never been in a relationship with a guy with the insecurity issues Spats has, but like Bonnie, i have a soft spot for him. Kind of like i do for puppies and kittens maybe?
  10. They tore it down because it needed too many repairs. Been gone since 1992. I always heard that stadium held 100,000 people, but read that with floor seating it could hold 120,000! Pretty big crowd! Some of the great shows i saw at the JFK were The Rolling Stones with George Thorogood, The Kinks with Foreigner, and the Round-up (ABB, The Outlaws, MTB, CDB). A little nostalgia from that event: http://www.geocities.com/scubadog.geo/roundup.html A new arena was built in it's place a few years ago. I haven't had the luxury of going to concerts like i did before having a child, but hope that will change this year! My last U2 concert was when they toured "All That You Can't Leave Behind" or otherwise called the "Elevation" tour...i plan on seeing them next tour! I have seen U2 six times.
  11. I don't eat fast food very often, but i do love Popeye's dirty rice. Been a couple years since i've had any. So what's so special about these red beans and rice anyway?
  12. I wasn't sure if you lived in the area, but didn't want to come right out and ask! Glad you had a chance to see a great event at one of my favorite (sadly no longer there anymore) stadiums! I saw many great shows at the JFK!
  13. I felt the same wayas you. My best friend Lynda and I went to Live Aid (and my youngest sister who was 15 at the time). Lynda and I were Zeppelin fans from the start of our friendship at age 11. We missed seeing Zep because we were really too young, but ITTOD would have been our first time, and we were heartbroken over missing our chance. We loved the performance because of our "heartthrobs", Robert was mine, Jimmy was hers! Did you see ZooTv in Philly? I was at their Vet Stadium show in the summer of 92.
  14. All is well, thank you! I hope you are well too. I loved the descriptive way you write, don't worry about the length of your story. Tell it the way you want it to be read!
  15. I recall you saying you want to "meet him" lol... but seriously, yeah he's "okay"
  16. I'm just having fun, please don't take offense. I know Dzldoc a little bit, and so when i read what you wrote i laughed and figured he would too. But i really don't mean what it sounds like, just in jest is all Your wording was "ominous" lol.
  17. Believe me, i know you are a peaceful man...i can't speak for Yukon however...
  18. When i first read Yukon's words my thought was more ominous,
  19. I can't imagine what you have gone through with your illness, but i wish you the best in dealing with it and overcoming it! Reading what you say about your daughter is something i can fully identify with. You are her protector, provider and hero. I'm glad to hear you are doing better and keep it up!
  20. I laughed (and used my better judgement this time and didn't reply) to that stupid post. I don't read too many intelligent or decent posts from that fool, lol. I bet you are excited about Tuesday!
  21. Bruce Springsteen is going to be performing at the Inauguration (certainly won't be the same as a Springsteen "concert" but it's damn cool) and Beyonce is said to be opening (not a fan, but that's cool, too). One of my favorite actors will be giving a speech, (Denzel Washington)!
  22. Hi Ninelives, i was also at Live Aid at the JFK! I always say what a wonderful event it was to see Robert, Jimmy and JPJ together, even though the performance has been highly criticized by those who have seen it on video. They are just jealous, lol Did you happen to see ZooTV? That tour was remarkable musically, visually, and emotionally! Bono calling the White House and ordering pizza's, what a trip!
  23. Awww Bonnie, i agree with you to some extent. My problem with your suggestion is that i am way too old for Spats! When i talk to him i feel like a much older sister (i'm not quite old enough to be his mom)
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