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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Awww Bonnie, i agree with you to some extent. My problem with your suggestion is that i am way too old for Spats! When i talk to him i feel like a much older sister (i'm not quite old enough to be his mom)
  2. That Dr. is stupid, find another one. The PE teacher sucks, write a letter to the Board of Education! If you have asthma then you should keep your inhaler with you at all times. You also need your limitations respected. This teacher sounds like he is a danger to the students.
  3. Even my father who is over 70 and has been "old fashioned" all my life, has gotten past thinking anything of his daughter's (all three of us) asking guys out. It's not a big deal. Letting someone know you are interested in them if they don't do it first at least keeps you from missing out on a guy that may be afraid to approach you, for whatever reason (see spats for some examples, lol). As for this woman, or others like her...i would say maybe she is looking for a fling with no strings attached
  4. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You has been my favorite Zep song for at least 25 years. Ten Years Gone is my second favorite melody. Thank You would be my third favorite melody. Other melodies that make my top ten favorite Zep song list include Tangerine, Going To California and I'm Gonna Crawl... i love the melodies edit for typo
  5. I have done it a few times. Actually, in the Atlantic Ocean. A good swimmer isn't worried about how deep the water is Oh, guess that's not quite what you meant, lol. I understand your intention. I wonder if it works with people your age (as mentioned, it's a juvenille way to ask a girl out). Anyway, i'm dying to hear the results. Please let us know. Seriously spats, you have to get past worrying about being rejected. If you like someone and take a chance, at least you tried. It's better than the regrets you live with.
  6. Same as a Springsteen or Rolling Stones ticket, i have paid between $125 to $200 to see all of them (more than once) and that was as far back as 92. All those shows were sold out as well, and the only way to get a ticket is to go through an agent (for a decent seat anyway). If you want to see one of U2's best shows buy a copy of ZooTv live. That concert was amazing, and i consider the show i saw to be the best concert i have been to (and i have been to many really great concerts over the past 25 years). Please is a beautiful song and off "Pop" i also love If God Will Send His Angels and Staring at the Sun. That was another great tour...you might enjoy that on DVD as well.
  7. Totally disagree with you. Women should be just as forward as men are if they are interested in a guy. I have always been, even at age 10. I have never considered myself to be "loose" or "easy", and friends/family have never told me i am. I have to have true feelings for a guy to be intimate. I take the time to get to know someone. Being the one asking to get to know someone doesn't mean you will jump into bed with them any faster than the girls who the first move is made on. This sounds to me like a perception that is from the "olden days"...lol. In reality, many woman do make the first move. Granted, it is nicer if a guy you like approaches you first, but no reason to let someone slip away, either.
  8. Personally, i think after Joshua Tree, Rattle and Hum, and then my very favorite, Achtung Baby, the bar was set too high. I can't imagine U2 ever putting out an album to sound better than any of those. I still enjoyed many songs on their follow-ups (especially Zooropa) ...and their tours are always amazing. I also love their older records, and first album "Boy" has such wonderful songs, and the "boys" were still just that, teenagers. If you get the chance to see them live, do yourself a favor. Even if the new album doesn't blow you away, they will surely perform many of their classics, and the shows are always full of energy and fun! Bono is one of the best frontmen!
  9. Catching up on DVR recordings, watching this week's episode of The Bachelor. Jason is such a great catch. One of these women will wind up with a truly good man...
  10. Me too! I need a U2 concert this year! Thanks for the post, Jahfin!
  11. My friend has a huge crush on Obama, she blushes when we tell her so! Anyway, she has an old boyfriend who works for the Secret Service in D.C. so he is supposed to be getting tickets! and to ninelives, i agree with you!
  12. Lucky! I was too young to see any concert in 75' but i have been to many at the Spectrum...probably my favorite place to see a concert, although the JFK was great for summer shows!
  13. Aside from the historical relevance, which is massive to say the least...i see this as a time of "hope" for our country to recover and have a brighter future. I believe our new leader and his partner (Joe Biden of course) truly want to get our country back to the great land we used to be. I am confident they will make great progress despite the terrible mess left behind. I have a friend who is going to the Inauguration. I look forward to her report on the event.
  14. Being able to really make a difference in someone's life, even if for only one day. Because of my perseverance and great pride in what i do for a living, i was able to keep a homeless lady from spending tonight in a shelter. It's not easy to get a doctor to stop a discharge, but i did it. Me and all my co-workers were so relieved at the outcome
  15. She Came In Through The Bathroom Window...The Beatles
  16. Sorry dude, just couldn't resist! Yeah hopefully gone for good but i somehow doubt it...
  17. If the outcome is positive, all these things are actually fun.
  18. I don't remember if a tv was on, but i know there wasn't any music (i would have never forgotten what song/songs if there had been). But the one song and album that stands out for me (a few years after losing my virginity) was with a new boyfriend of a month. Our first time we were at my best friend's house. She was in one bed with her new boyfriend (my bf's best friend) we were in the other (in her room, lol). She put on Physical Graffiti. The song i remember as a highlight is "In The Light". That was the first time i really listened to that song (after already being a huge Zeppelin fan for a few years). If there had been an "album" to go along with my first time, it would have been "Darkness on the Edge of Town" by Bruce Springsteen. On that note, time for bed
  19. Sorry, i wasn't trying to criticize your enjoyment of a song. I just pointed out i don't like it, but seems Bill Withers is actually a two hit wonder, lol. I just heard Lean on Me the other day in the car, and that song always makes me feel like crying. Another song i love that seems to be a one hit wonder (at least here in the U.S.)...this band may have a following, but as far as airplay, the only song i recall being played by them..."If You Leave" by OMD (from the classic movie "Pretty In Pink")
  20. LOL, well you are already wet so yeah, guess wouldn't matter if you did sweat You can get a great low impact Cardio workout nevertheless. I have loved swimming since i had lessons at age five. For me, it's just so relaxing and peaceful to be in the water. Nothing quite like it, aside from being asleep...
  21. Well sounds like you are doing it right and i know you will feel great when you run in that race this summer! A tip, if you don't already do this, do some good stretches before you start to run, along with the very important warm-up and cool-down time. Also, make sure you stay well hydrated! Good Luck, Virginia!
  22. I heard a song i like in the car tonight that is probably a one hit wonder. "When I See You Smile" by Bad English. I do have a soft spot for John Waite's music, especially the Babys.
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