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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. i would never eat oysters on the half shell, lol. I do however like fried oysters, but have only had them a few times. First in New Orleans, and then at a delicious Cuban restaurant downtown.
  2. From what you have said, i believe she has already decided to move on. Everyone is different, but when someone starts seeing other people after ending a relationship, they have usually made up their mind. You are also both young, and she may not have been ready to marry, even if she said she wanted to. Anyway, and this is just my opinion...but i say this because you were together for a long time... i think you need to talk to her one more time. Be clear about your desire to try again, and be clear that you need to know exactly how she feels about you and a relationship with you. If she is honest, you will have your answer. If it's over, you can start to grieve, without keeping "false hope" alive. I can tell you that once you are certain of her feelings/intentions, it is much easier to move on. It is also a little easier to accept it's over. The problem is when one person makes you think what you want IS possible, and you hold on to that hope/dream. Knowing the truth is the closure you need. I say this from a fresh experience...and i wish you well. The pain does eventually go away. When you are "ready" to meet new girls, you will surely find another one to love. But for now, i think you need to have one more very crystal clear talk with her.
  3. My ex-husband's family used to live a mile from the mansion where ZZTop reside (or did back in 1994). We drove by and looked, WHAT is the big deal? Actually, we drove on that road because it took us where we were going. If you pitch a tent in the front yard, then you have crossed the line.
  4. Sounds good. I ate there once or twice. I remember having a shrimp platter there. I think i also had a late dinner there at the bar. Your lunch sounds good, i wouldn't eat what your date had. Glad you had a nice time!
  5. Yummy! I bought a 1/2 pd. of kippered salmon and 1/4 pd. of nova lox this afternoon, 2 bagels and cream cheese...gonna toast a bagel tonight when my child goes to sleep, and load it up with fish! We have some good deli's in my neighborhood.
  6. With Your Love...Jefferson Starship
  7. I ate for the first time around 4pm at a kiddie birthday party i took my daughter to. Had a couple small slices of pizza...but earlier today when i picked her up from my sister's house, i stopped at the deli and bought 2 bagels and kippered salmon and nova lox. I can't wait to make a sandwich later tonight.
  8. Oh where did you dine? What did you order? Sounds good. Oh and how was the date? lol...
  9. Not that i feel any embarrassment, because i don't...but i'm sure many here would not care for my list. I love: the first two Counting Crows albums, August and Everything After and Recovering the Satellites...Billy Squier's Tale of the Tape, Don't Say No, Emotions In Motion, and Happy Blue...Creed (arms protecting my head), My Own Prison and Human Clay...Sinead O'Connor, I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got and Universal Mother (excellent)...anything by Skinny Puppy.
  10. Now that sounds like a great idea...suddenly in the mood for bagels and lox today.
  11. Listening to Breakfast with The Beatles on WMGK this morning driving home from work. Also got to hear my favorite Beatles song "The Long and Winding Road", thank you Andre! Happy i don't have to work again for 4 days!!! and it's a beautiful, sunny day!
  12. I predict 2009 will be the year i see Stu Sobel again...
  13. StarF*****s Inc...Nine Inch Nails
  14. Very sad. I always liked Kelly Preston (remember that crazy movie "Twins")...and of course John is a huge talent. Losing a child is devastating. RIP.
  15. As a younger girl/woman i was, I'm not as conceited as i was most of my life, but i have alot going for me so i'm grateful for much! Today i had two meals. First was at a pizza party that i organized for a coworker i've known the past 10 years who left for another position. Had one slice of Pepperoni and one slice of white pizza with tomato. That was breakfast/lunch for me. For dinner many hours later i ordered Generals Chicken and fried rice (i don't eat Chinese food much but this place near work is good). Now that i'm in this thread getting hungry! Maybe i'll go get the egg roll i brought home from dinner! Tastes okay right out of the refridgerator!
  16. ~tangerine~


    Probably the worst year of my life too. Bush finally finished the horrific job he was doing by sinking our Economy! In all fairness to Obama, he hasn't even officially taken office, yet. NOBODY could do worse than the idiot we had to painstakingly endure the last eight years... and in the start of 2008, my daughter lost her father... and i met another moron who wasted a good part of the year... maybe this year is shaping up already, both losers are out of my life!
  17. Absolutely delicious, but since many have never tried it, may be considered to be strange to some: Smoked fish on a bagel (garlic or onion are my favs) with cream cheese. Either Kippered Salmon, Nova Lox or Smoked Whitefish. Also delicious with lettuce and tomatoe.
  18. Nice story about your family. I have had a few men in my life who enjoyed cooking and did it well. My father, included. Your mom sounds wonderful. My daughter is taking ballet and i plan to keep her in dancing class for many years to come (as long as she wishes). Aside from being a lot of fun and healthy, it does so much for self-confidence and personal pride! So can you bake too?
  19. Last two days have been bitter cold...high teens to low 30's...still (happily) no snow to mention. I will take the cold as long as the snowstorms fall elsewhere...
  20. Hi and Happy New Year to you, ZeppFanForever! I'm glad you had a great time, and agree spending the night with family is special! I wish my sister didn't have to work, but i always enjoy hanging out with my very cool brother-in-law! Nice that you had a memorable New Year's Eve with your daughter! I'm sure her drinking ability is hereditary
  21. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my friends at LZ.com. I hope 2009 is a healthy one with many dreams coming true
  22. I don't cook much anymore. My daughter is too bothersome for me to enjoy it. I can cook pretty good scrambled eggs...and dinner was filling. She loves sausage so i had to give her the macaroni first, so she would eat more than just the meat I'll tell you what i make that is delicious, (but haven't done it in a few years). Homemade spaghetti sauce, a little on the thick side, with lots of fresh garlic, herbs and spices, tomatoes, ground beef and cooked sweet and italian sausage. I used to make a huge pot and freeze enough for a couple months. Use it for pasta, chicken parm, etc... takes about 7 hrs. to slow cook, so an all day affair.
  23. For some the New Year seems off to a good start ie...Dzldoc picking up chics at seafood joints, lol. That food looked good btw. Sorry for your injury Bustle in my Hedgedrow...sounds painful. I spent the evening hanging out with my parents, brother-in-law, and the kids. My dad bought Champagne and wine, so had a couple drinks. We had pizza and pasta for dinner. I arrived home shortly before midnight and my daughter fell asleep just 7 minutes before the New Year (she was waiting up to see the Jonas Brothers on New Year's Rockin Eve) and passed out a tad too soon I gave her a nice kiss anyway! Happy New Year to all!!!
  24. Ate dinner in for a change. I cooked fresh Hatfield breakfast sausage links, scrambled eggs with cheese, and macaroni with butter. For dessert fresh fruit (nectarine and cherries) and my daughter is also having a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone in addition.
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