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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Ate dinner in for a change. I cooked fresh Hatfield breakfast sausage links, scrambled eggs with cheese, and macaroni with butter. For dessert fresh fruit (nectarine and cherries) and my daughter is also having a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone in addition.
  2. I hope you feel better soon. I know how painful it can be... let's hope for a better year in 09' with lots of true love coming our way.
  3. I was too young, and my first concert wasn't until the summer of 1979 (just barely a teenager). Anyway, i know fans of Steely Dan were always hoping for "tours" over the large part of their career. They could have and should have done "some". There are plenty of musicians that would have loved to go on the road with them.
  4. My tip was over 18% of the total bill (many say you don't tip on drinks and tax, so if that's true, my tip went way over 20%)...anyway, if they had a children's menu (i didn't ask because i didn't think they do) i could have gotten out of there for about $30 plus the tip. I probably eat for somewhere around $50 a week (if i'm not going out) but my child is another $50...
  5. Since Steely Dan weren't a tourig band, i never saw them live. I know they did finally tour sometime recently, but unfortunately i haven't been to many concerts since becoming a mommy. I did however see Donald Fagan in concert sometime in the late 80's (had a bf who was into new age type jazz as well as rock music). I'm pretty sure it was a the Valley Forge Music Fair, a small venue, and we had seats very close to the stage. I grew up enjoying their music. Fave songs would be Dirty Work, The Fez, Rikki Don't Lose That Number, Reeling In The Years, My Old School, Show Biz Kids, Black Cow, Don't Take Me Alive, Kid Charlemagne, Any Major Dude Will Tell You... Julian Lennon is a Steely Dan fan (trivia)
  6. One thing i will never go crazy budgeting on is food. I haven't been going to the food market for weekly trips like i used to, but seriously, it can be as expensive to buy food to prepare a meal as it is for me to get my daughter a meal out. I am usually frugal when it comes to my meals, lately. Including a tip, i got away with a check for under $50 That drink of course cost more than half of my meal... Food is one of life's great comforts, and tonight i was in need of it! I worked through the Christmas holiday, ya know. I considered dinner out with my daughter our Christmas celebration. and she was very well behaved!
  7. I was half joking... because while faking an accent is fine for a one night stand, if you meet someone you want to get serious about, you may have to drop the game quickly, or she might not trust you. Anyway, i can tell you a nice voice can be very attractive, but that doesn't mean the person with the voice is a good guy. Be yourself, just get a little self-esteem and some guts...lose the fear of rejection, just go for it if you like someone.
  8. Japanese Green tea (very hot), but i prefer fresh made unsweetened brown iced tea the best. Since all my posts tonight have been food/drink related: Strawberry Shortcake or Strawberry Cheesecake?
  9. How about Crawfish? I love them in gumbo...yum. One place that's very popular (i believe they have two locations) in New Orleans, that makes a really tasty gumbo (i'm sure you know the place, i can't think of it). Edit: a quick internet search and a pic of the place, pretty sure it's "The Gumbo Shop"
  10. ~tangerine~


    Along with my unsweetened iced tea, i had a delicious drink with dinner out...a Raspberry Martini, with three fresh Red Raspberries as a garnish. Really good...i realized when i make them at home (Stoli Raspberry Vodka, Razzmattaz Liquour) and some Sprite and Sour Mix...tastes almost as good as it did from the bar. I just need to buy some Martini glasses and i think it would taste perfect, lol.
  11. Took my daughter (who promised to behave) to Bonefish Grille. Had a good meal...Caesar Salad, Grilled Salmon with Mango Salsa (delicious), garlic whipped potatoes, sauteed green beans, and a vegetable medley. My daughter shared the veggies and salad with me and she had an adult size (ate almost half) grilled and seasoned Sirloin Steak with Marsala sauce. We skipped dessert, but i did have a Raspberry Martini...yummy.
  12. I think you may have a clever idea here. I find Irish accents (ie. Bono or Colin Farrell) are also very sexy. Next time you're out with your buddies and they are picking up the hot girls, speak up with an accent, lol. I'm serious...it may work (but then you may have to keep it for life).
  13. Hey ZeppFanForever, that party sounds awesome! What a cool neighbor you have! Well the days of "partying" are pretty tame now with a toddler. I may have dinner out with my parents and cousin, then i will be hanging out with my brother-in-law and maybe my sister, if she can get off of work. We have the three kids to watch so won't be getting drunk, but i'd like have a couple beers at least. Sounds boring, i know
  14. Today was warm! Got up to 64 or 65 degrees. The wind was gusty so that made it cooler, but it was still a cool wind vs a cold wind that is the expected for late December. Lovely and i'm sure short lived.
  15. ^ Great pics, Rorer. Another thing you could mention is, sometimes you can remove all the cancer (hopefully you are cancer free now) and sometimes it has already spread (metastized) to other parts of the body/organs. Smoking most commonly causes Respiratoy problems such as Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and cancer...but smoking also causes heart disease, vascular disease, and strokes to name just a few others. I'm certainly not giving out information most of you don't already know, but in the event someone is too young to realize, it's worth saying. Good luck to all who are succeeding in staying off the smokes! Great site i found, A MUST SEE for smokers: http://freehosting.tomaweb.com/quitsmoking/scarystuff.htm
  16. I totally agree with what you are saying about rejection and spats not being "special". What confuses me is that you say mixed signals and rejection are part of "normal, healthy love life". They may enter into relationships, but i don't see how they are "healthy". To me mixed signals comes from two people not effectively communicating with each other (which is a problem that needs to be worked on). Rejection is usually a negative experience. Rejection may make some people stronger next time around, it may also do the opposite and cause poor self-esteem. I still don't find it to be "healthy".
  17. Sounds frightening. Currently 38 degrees F here...was overcast all day. I didn't get outside but i think the temp was quite a bit warmer than it is right now. So far this season no snow accumulation to speak of (and that's the way i like it).
  18. What a beautiful Christmas gift, dzldoc! I'm happy i am off work now the next few days, after two very busy days spent at work. Christmas just never feels the same when you can't be home with your family.
  19. How Beautiful You Are...The Cure
  20. I'm sure you're joking, but if not, let me advise against it (if you are talking about liquor).
  21. I'm still giving my New Year's resolutions some thought. One thing i really want to work on is having more patience with my daughter. She has too much energy for me and her personality is so dynamic, we often but heads I want to work with her so we can both be happier and have less stress between us (for example, it would be nice to get off to her school and my work without fighting in the morning) I also need to budget so i can get my finances in order and keep them that way. It would be nice to be able to save a few dollars this year as well. My last plan needs a lot more thought...something to do with which direction i need to go to find the happiness i crave (and deserve).
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