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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. He was sexy, and has such pretty blue eyes... off topic, lol.
  2. it's just a bit of trivia that i find interesting about Mr. Gilmour
  3. No thanks, although it's sure to be on at least one tv at my sister's house (the guys will want to watch it). TNPTP will be drinking wine with dinner tonight.
  4. Gemini Dream...The Moody Blues
  5. Let's be honest, Bret wasn't looking for girls who are smart or have good etiquette. He likes ho's...and 98% of the girls who showed up to be his Rock of Love were low life's... i watched (and enjoyed) both of his shows! I saw a few minutes of Charm School and couldn't waste another minute with such rubbish. These girls don't deserve any fame.
  6. I could never consider Pink Floyd overrated because i found them at the same time i found Led Zeppelin, and that was an amazing time in my life. I disagree that David Gilmour is not an excellent guitarist to anyone who wants to call him mediocre in any way. He is more technical than Page or Hendrix, but he is absolutely great and my favorite next to Jimmy (Page that is!) As for the opening that Pink Floyd have only three good albums, well that is just your opinion. If that was a fact, they would have probably faded away by now. I agree that Animals and Meddle are great albums, but i also love Dark Side of the Moon (in no way "average") and as previously mentioned, definitely "timeless". I also love Wish You Were Here. I don't love all the songs from their other albums, but i do love all the songs from these "four" and they are so good that it makes Pink Floyd worthy of their long standing following. The Wall was never one of my favs...but i appreciate it for it's artistry. and David Gilmour was a fantastic model before he became a famous musician
  7. I can't imagine Chris being a replacement voice for Robert. I did hear a song tonight from a singer i have always loved and it hit me, he would be great to take over for Robert! I have expressed my opinion that nobody could take Robert's place, and in no way should any tour without him be called Led Zeppelin. However, if Jimmy wants to find a singer with the same type of voice that could do justice to Zep songs, since Lou Gramm probably no longer has the stamina due to his health, i think Billy Squier would be great! If he ever returns, i know kakdaddy would agree with me! btw... i hope Chris doesn't split from Coldplay.
  8. CNN has good coverage of this story. A terrorist group called L.E.T. are claiming responsibility. They are based in Pakistan and thought they may be attempting to divert attention from AlQaeda by these attacks. Some background on them: http://www.strategypage.com/qnd/india/articles/20080410.aspx
  9. The World Turned Upside Down...Coldplay
  10. My daughter has been asking me for two weeks now if tomorrow is Thanksgiving! When i have told her no, she gets all upset! She has made so many school projects and seen tv commercials about it, and she gets so excited. I'm so thankful for my precious daughter, my wonderful family and close friends. This is my favorite family holiday because it's the one where all the family get together. Everyone who celebrate, have a safe and enjoyable day!
  11. The best places to meet someone are at work or school. Unfortunately, when you get older you aren't usually in school (or with people your age) and work depends on what you do in what kind of environment. I would think church might be a good place, too. Most men i have known don't expect sex after buying you dinner, but i usually do...lol.
  12. Funny stuff Les Paul Well to answer dzldoc, i have two close people in my life who have met very nice men on Match.com. Now unfortunately, the relationships aren't doing so well, but that seems to be the fault of the girls... my best friend met someone there, dated him for a month, decided he wasn't her love match, and then a year later (and quite a few failed others she met there) she started dating him again, married him two years later, and now is divorcing him a year later. But he's a good guy and she's a great (although too picky) person herself. My sister has met a few guys there (most turned out to be only friends). The love match she met is still in her life after 3 years, but his jealousy over my sister's flirtatious nature (and keeping in touch with an ex) has caused him to break up with her a few times. I think they are semi on again this week. The great thing is they have alot in common aside from the physical attraction. They are both divorced with shared custody of children who are close in age. They also enjoy alot of the same activities...etc... I say if you try one of these services be as honest as you can about yourself and what you want, to find the best match for you. I would prefer to meet someone this way over going to clubs any day. Word of advice, if you choose one of those "whore" sites, buy stock in Trojan... disgusting that women will sleep around that way today...not a good statement for women's lib (and i can imagine what Sarah Palin would say about these girls, maybe something similar to what i think, yikes)...
  13. At weddings or parties when i was younger i could drink a liter of 7up...i stay away from soda most of the time today...big fan of unsweet iced tea and bottled spring water. HYE eaten nova lox or kippered salmon?
  14. Many years back i liked to play Wheel of Fortune on Ninetendo and spent a couple hours at a time "once in a while" playing...but i don't play video games nowadays, and never really got into them...so my answer would be no... Above questions, i used to ski every winter was pretty good in the intermediate category, and when i was young we used to go to the YMCA and jump on the trampoline, but never bungee jumped, and never will.. HYE slept in the snow or slept with someone in the snow?
  15. Many people equate mellow with boring I used to drive almost 200 miles every month to visit my sister when she lived out of state. I would organize my CD player so i had my driving music. The Church always made it into the CD player. Alot of people would fall asleep listening to them (just like older Genesis and many Pink Floyd songs), but i love that kind of music as much as i love loud rock.
  16. Can't You Hear Me Knockin...The Rolling Stones
  17. I have been to so many shows, and most have memories that live in my heart. To narrow it down to some of my very favorites: Robert Plant at the Spectrum (first solo tour in 1984) while the entire show was pure magic to me, when he held the "my love" note for what seemed an eternity in "Big Log" was unbelievable. U2 1992 "Zoo TV" is the best show i have ever seen. The music, the atmosphere, the way Bono performs, the lucky bitch who was pulled out of the crowd to drink champagne with Bono...amazing. The show was at Veteran's Stadium (held approx. 90,000 people). Bruce Springsteen both at the Spectrum in Sept, 1999 (first show of the many dates he did) the setlist was my favorite of the Bruce concerts i have seen, and Bruce Springsteen in Giant Stadium (or whatever they were calling the stadium that year), 2002 tour "The Rising"...another amazing show, with so much dedication to our tragic 9/11. I also had the best times at The Round-up (JFK Stadium) outdoor event 1981, featured Allman Brothers Band, The Outlaws, Marshall Tucker Band, Charlie Daniels Band... The Rolling Stones with George Thorogood, 1981, JFK...and The Kinks with Foreginer, 1981 JFK Stadium... and Live Aid 1985, JFK Stadium... Peter Gabriel, "So" tour, 1988, Spectrum...Peter is "mesmirizing"... and fantastic setlist that night. My first concert, Black Sabbath 1979 at the Spectrum...very dark, great music, was so cool to be at a concert! My second concert, YES in the round, 1979...great band, great music, great performers! and while i never saw The Beatles or John Lennon live, i did see Julian Lennon Tower Theater, 1985...
  18. I love The Church. Especially "Starfish", "Priest = Aura" and "Sometime Anywhere" ...they are not popular in the states. I think they are too "mellow" for most rockers anyway
  19. That was my impression when i first saw this thread, too What i think Robert Plant is thinking every time this comes up is "been there, done that". Led Zeppelin were the best just like The Beatles. With a very unfortunate and tragic ending with the death of one of their beloved members, many years ago (close to 3 decades now) sadly Led Zeppelin would never be the same. I can't figure out why people try to blame stuff on Robert Plant????
  20. Stay (Far Away, So Close)...U2
  21. I don't smoke, how would i know? Okay, starts as a habit, and becomes an addiction? I started to smoke at age 12 to be cool (my best friend had been smoking since she was 10). I gave it up in my early 20's without any difficulty. I never felt like i had an "addiction" to cigarettes. However, i know people who try and can't quit are addicted. and you know i know all about the 1000 chemicals in those things, etc.... My point wasn't about that however, it was about addressing the accusation of somone hiding it being dishonest to her friends. That is what i didn't agree with To anyone who currently smokes and wants to quit, try your best. I see people with lung cancer almost everyday. It's not pretty to have part of your lung (or an entire lobe) removed. Neither is chronic bronchitis/asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or emphysema...or the heart disease, brain disease, vascular disease etc.....you name any organ in your body, cigarettes effect it negatively... sermon over
  22. lol, disappear under the rock she came out from would suit me just fine!
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