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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Tell All The People...The Doors
  2. Have a great time! I know the city will be filled with millions of drunks on Friday (wait, they already started!). When i left work at 11pm tonight i was only a couple blocks from Broad Street (and Walnut) and man the people were out and the horns were honking! I was told to honk my horn by a crowd of people while i sat at a light! I already got a taste of the excitement! I may have had my share, lol. Stay safe!
  3. I work in that vicinity, not sure i want to be anywhere near it, lol. Actually, i haven't given it much thought. If my sister asks me to go (i'm sure she will) i might! I would have to bring along my young child so i'm not sure i want to that with such chaotic crowds. I have been to block parties on South Street (in the early 80's) and many concerts at the JFK (miss that place) and i know that stuff was TAME!!! Are you going?
  4. Yeah, i'm not working Friday!!! One thing about Philadelphia fans (sports or music) they are THE BEST at showing their love and loyalty!!! Great job, Phillies! I still remember 28 years ago when they last won. I was a young teen. A Halloween Parade and thank god i don't have to be in Center City! I'm staying in Bucks County, lol.
  5. Have to agree with you. I was in Colorado (drove from the Denver airport to Vail and Beaver Creek). It was in August, and we had rain on the drive to Vail. The roads are so scary! But besides that, it is gorgeous. The mountains and the views are breathtaking. I have wanted to go to British Columbia for a long time. I have wondered how Colorado stacks up to the Canadian Rockies. I have not traveled nearly enough and hope to when my daughter is a little older. I am happy staying in the States. I have been to Vermont, Massachussetts, Connecticut, New York, NYC, PA, NJ (all the shores points many times), Delaware (for concerts), MD and VA (many times), D.C., North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida (many times) including the Keys, Louisianna (New Orleans), Colorado, California, and lived in Nevada. Only place outside the U.S. was Mexico twice (lovely).
  6. If George W. Bush could be, once...let alone, twice, ANYONE has a chance...
  7. You hit on a really great point. Why do so many people spend their living "looking for or needing proof"? We are born, we live and we die. Finding the answer to our creation won't change anything (because we will never find it).
  8. Oh, you have such high expectations!
  9. edit: hit the button too soon.
  10. I don't buy it. If all religions worshipped "the same" God then maybe you would have something. But religions are very different from each other. They worship different Gods. As a non-believer in God, this kind of question has no logic to me. It's really that simple. HOWEVER, if there is a God, then when you die we are all treated the same/meet with the same fate. Heaven and Hell is another bunch of nonsense. This is all pretend stuff, so why bother worrying about it. BTW...i know i have done good on this Earth, that is all i need for my peace of mind.
  11. Paint It Black...The Rolling Stones
  12. Black Magic Woman...Fleetwood Mac
  13. I have never been to Southern California (only been in the Disneyland/Anaheim area), but it has been at the top of my list of dream places to live. Find a nice house close to a nice beach and have the time of your life! I think Coronado looks lovely (or maybe Catalina Island?) Best to you wherever you go! and don't forget, vote for Obama
  14. Depends on how nice the beads are, is it worth your wallet? Well i have always been a bit paranoid in crowds. Even as a teenager when i would go to big events like rock concerts, i would usually put my money in my sock But my feeling has been (for the last 20 + years i have worked full time) that when you work for a good company and they offer a good retirement plan, you should be able to retire off of it after working there most of your life. Now, more than ever, when the "idea" of a government based retirement, aka, Social Security, is probably a thing of the past. Who's fault? The government who wasn't keeping an eye on the best interests of it's citizens. They gave the rich more and more power, and much of the middle class got poorer. At least over the past eight years. It's one thing when people are aggressively dealing in the stock market and lose money. It's another when you take as much as you can afford out of each paycheck to put in a relatively "safe" retirement fund, and you still get screwed. I guess now we are all better off just taking that money and putting it under the mattress until we turn 65.
  15. Something in the Night...Bruce Springsteen
  16. Something I Can Never Have...Nine Inch Nails/Trent Reznor
  17. But what if she wants to retire in the next ten years or so? Is it really feasible to believe she will see most of what she has lost?
  18. How many have we lost now under Bush's War (that McCain has always supported)? How many wounded? Too many...and counting. Haven't you heard McCain's desire to bomb Iran? McPeace? I don't think so http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAzBxFaio1I Eisenhower was fighting to end WWII, obtained a truce with Korea, and spent a good deal of his Presidency trying to make peace during the Cold War. He had a very accomplished military career, and i don't see McCain having one tenth of his brillance. Enough said, because i won't change my mind about McCain being an idiot.
  19. My company offers a plan with either Vanguard or TIAA Cref. If you pick Vanguard you have the option to make up your own portfolio, or go with a portfolio that is already balanced and aimed at your retirement age. The percentages of each type of fund in your portfolio changes from more aggressive for younger investors to less as you get closer to retirement age. AFAIC, while you might not always makes huge profits, you should not lose a huge chunk of your last 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 years of savings in the way that many Americans have. It's a disgrace. This is supposed to be a safe way to invest for retirement. It's the fault of the stockmarket/economy crash. When a hard working person puts the maximum amount allowed by a retirement plan (6%) of their pay each week, they don't expect to lose it years down the line. There are many crooks on Wall Street, and they have been allowed to run free (since at least the Reagan years) and it has finally caught up with our country, and mostly the "common" person.
  20. John McCain is no Eisenhower. I think comparing the two is an insult to Dwight. Although he was President quite a few years before i was born, i know i felt the impact of his accomplishments. Eisenhower seemed to have a true desire for "peace". I don't see McCain as a peaceful man in any way.
  21. True, leadership skills do. McCain is no leader. He is a flip flopping, temper tantrum throwing, Bush loving old man. And Sarah made the same mistake again today (that she has made so many times, lol)....quote " in a Palin/McCain Administration". As many are saying, yeah Sarah, the man "is" still breathing. http://nearing.newsvine.com/_news/2008/10/...-this-albatross McCain aides privately call Palin a 'total disaster' and 'this albatross' News Type: Event — Seeded on Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:33 PM EDT Article Source: Think Progress us-news Seeded by nearing On Salon Radio this morning, Glenn Greenwald asked Harper’s Scott Horton about his recent reporting on how Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol lobbied the McCain campaign to select Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) as the Republican vice presidential nominee. Horton explained that the McCain campaign is now regretting following Kristol’s advice, calling the Palin pick a “total disaster“: HORTON: We’ve got a lot of finger-pointing going on within the camp, and I’d say there’s a pretty broad agreement amongst a number of the senior-most advisors to McCain that the Palin pick is worse than disappointing. It’s a total disaster, as one describes to me. And there is a sort of blame game going on there. […] I would say the anger and irritation between a number of the senior people in the McCain camp and Bill Kristol is become really acute. … They view this man as the guy who gave them this albatross, Sarah Palin. I think there’s a lot of real anger about it. There’s also recognition that it’s too late to do anything.
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