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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Where i work, you can make your own choices, or (what many people choose) your plan is figured out according to your age/anticpated year of retirement. The funds are divided up in the safest way, more aggressive for those who are younger, and less aggressive as you get closer to retirement. Vanguard is the main financial institution my workplace uses for our 401K. Most people are not financially knowledgeable and they shouldn't have to be when so called "experts" are taking the guess work out of your retirement, which is what Vanguard did for my workplace. This should not have happened. Don't blame the citizens for a deregulated system that allowed Financial Consultants etc...to rob us and the current Administration to miss what was happening. I noticed a 30% decrease in my funds this quarter as compared to the last...it sucks and we should not have to suffer. It's bad enough Social Security is ruined, now you can't even have a safe retirement that you work so hard for....??? my guess is she lost close to $100, 000 in her 30 years (correction from my last post when i said 20 years) of "hard" work.
  2. A friend at work was talking about how much money she lost in her retirment fund when she received her last statement the other day. She is close to fifty and would probably like to be retired by age sixty-five. She said with the amount of money she lost in her 401 since the last statement, she could have taken a trip around the world with her immediate family, and then stayed at Disneyworld in the nicest accommodations for two months. Pretty horrifying to see so much you have worked for the last twenty years gone in a blink of an eye. What a disgrace.
  3. I know it's out of turn, but i had to do it... Starrider...Foreigner
  4. Well at least you voted, that you can feel good about. I can't wait to vote. I have no problem with Obama voting most of the time with the party i support. This election has shown me the same mean spirited Republican tricks are still in action. Big disappointment to me. I believe Obama would have given a very fair fight if he was given one, but he wasn't. I don't want to be misunderstood on my feelings about Intelligence and Education. I KNOW that people are intelligent, imo, inherently. I know many people who are not college educated who are very smart. My point about McCain is that he is an "underachiever" intellectually. That is my honest feeling on him. His Educational record just shows me he was either a big goof off in school, or not very bright. Either way, i feel Politians, since they have so much power, should at least be "smart". I have a right to judge McCains Educational record because he is trying to run my country. It makes a difference to me. I agree that the two party systems isn't working well for our country in this day and age. I think it would be nice to have a mix of all the parties, but that is probably impossible. I also feel that any vote that isn't Dem or Repub won't make a difference in getting that party elected, so while you should absolutely vote for who you want to....we all know the Libs/Green party etc... will never get even close. It's a lost vote imo. But voting is a good feeling and everyone of age should exercise this very important right.
  5. It's Skynyrd...just saying. I don't know of any...ususally rockers are lovers, not fighters...
  6. Being off today after working overtime, on night shift, on a unit i don't work on (all negatives), but i had a decent night! I'm happy looking forward to the extra money i so sorely need. Watching my daughter at ballet was the highlight of my day! She is going to be such a talented dancer
  7. The only conclusion i can make from your posts is that you don't want another term of the Bush Administration, but you are uncertain on who to vote for. Well if this is the case, since you diss Obama, but say you aren't for McCain either, then let this help you decide. If McCain has voted with Bush most of the time, that is because he thinks very much in the same way as Bush. That is what you can expect from a 72 year old man. He isn't going to change his way of thinking. As for his Education record, it's a good measure of his level of intelligence. If he ranked somewhere in the middle, i might cut him a little slack. But he was one of the worst. Says alot to me. If you are in college now, you should understand the feeling of "pride" you get when you get good grades. You either get good grades from being smart or studying hard. McCain didn't rate in either category. He is not a "thinker" imo. Obama is and look at the people Obama is surrounding himself with. That says alot about who will be assisting Obama/Biden in bailing our country out of the Recession Bush has put us in. I think i have a great deal at stake being a single mom with no help from a daddy. The Economy is my biggest issue. I have no faith in anything McCain or Palin will do, i give Obama much better odds of tackling our country's problems. So do a great number of others as evidenced by what i hear on CNN, George S. and Meet the Press. lol, lol, lol....i like to say that, sorry. ................................................................................ ..................................... http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/thedishrag...-taxpayers.html Who pays for Sarah Palin's kid's travel expenses? Taxpayers First, the Republican Party spends $150,000 to outfit Gov. Sarah Palin and her entire family for the campaign trail. Now we find out that over $20,000 for her children's travel expenses were billed to the state of Alaska since she's been governor. Is there no end to this self-proclaimed hockey mom's expensive celebrity lifestyle? Associated Press reports that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin charged the state for her children's travels to official business events. Even if the children were not invited, Palin would often ask to bring them. According to MSNBC, "She said any event she can take her kids to is an event she tries to attend," said Jennifer McCarthy, who helped organize a June 2007 Family Day Celebration picnic in Ketchikan that Piper Palin attended with her parents. The charges reportedly included costs for hotels and commercial flights for her three daughters to join Gov Palin to watch their father compete in a snowmobile race. Click here to see her daughters waving the flag at the race. Oh, and there was also a little matter about a 2007 trip to New York, where the governor attended a five-hour women's leadership conference. Plane tickets from Anchorage to La Guardia Airport for her and Bristol at a cost of $1,385.11 were billed to the state, records show. Sarah and Bristol shared a room for four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House hotel, which overlooks Central Park. The event's organizers said Palin asked if she could bring her daughter. AP reports that all totaled, she’s charged Alaska $21,012 for her three daughters' 64 one-way and 12 round-trip commercial flights since she took office in December 2006. In some other cases, she has charged the state for hotel rooms for the girls. Would US taxpayers like to start picking up the clothing and travel tab for VP Palin's kids in 2009? And her kids' kid? Not in this economy! Most of us have already had to cancel family trips due to the dismal financial climate.
  8. Show me one place where i have "pointed that out". Don't make your prejudices mine, they are not. I am prejudice against stupid people who want to run my country. Color/race/creed do not come into my feelings.
  9. You mentioned the rag head, and you know "why" you said it. He is not my "precious" Obama, but i know he will fight for this country while McCain will fight with people, lol, and continue the Bush years. I can take it just fine, and i can retaliate if i feel the need, just fine, too.
  10. Ever listen to Cindy McCain or Mr. Palin talk??????
  11. Sarah Palin's disdain towards wildlife is real, and shameful, and very hard for many to understand. I posted many links a couple months ago about not only her policies, but how many Alaskan "Hunters" were appalled at her policies. That's pretty sad. Anyone who is so pro-life should be ashamed of themselves for being so cold hearted towards other living animals. I happen to believe that her only reason for being so strictly pro-life is her brainwashed religious mind, anyway. I don't believe she really cares about most people, lol. Nice racial slur, btw...
  12. Whatever...agreed, lol. Read this if you want to see how blind so many are. This article discusses how great Reagan's deregulation of "big" government was and how great Bush (vomit) policies were (back in 2001). Now look what the Republicans got us into (finally) when their illusion was dissolved. http://www.heritage.org/Research/taxes/BG1414.cfm I posted some links the other day from experts on the economy. If you didn't see them, you might want to look back at them. All I know is we went from a nice surplus when Clinton left office to the demise of our Economy, and so much more (healthcare, education, employment, all down the toilet thanks to the Bush years). Name me ONE thing Bush did in his 8 years that was good for our country. I assure you and all who vote for McCain, he will do the same great work as GWB did. We will soon all be learning to speak Chinese. I know McCain is dull. Look up his educational record. Almost last in his class when he graduated the Academy, lol. He has temper tantrums, he is hot headed, and he is a spoiled brat. It's scary when elderly people revert back to being babies, and we have had the misfortune of witnessing this from him on many occasions. The fact that Obama can keep his cool is very respectable and "mature". I don't want another immature "and" stupid President. You make NO SENSE with that last statement about Palin. I vote for the most intelligent person, who has real plans (read Obama's website if you are not familiar with his plans) who will surround themselves with the best people to help our situation. The fact that Palin is on the ballet is reason enough for many Republicans to be crossing party lines. LOL. I don't have to cross party lines. I don't vote for the only give a damn about the wealthy people politians...aka Republicans. Sorry wannabe, crazy old man Ron Paul is not on the ballet, get over it.
  13. I can't recite examples, but many times i feel you miss my point when you react to something i've said. That's okay, it's the internet, lol. We have been headed in this direction since Ronald Reagan. He started the deregulation of government...but anyway, maybe i give Bush and his Administrative picks too much credit, or maybe our economy collapsed under him because he only cared about ONE thing the past eight years...an unjustified war that has cost us billions, and lost us many innocent, young lives. A war that Obama had the insight to see was wrong. Obama is very intelligent, and he is smart enough to surround himself with knowledgable people (his reason for choosing Joe Biden as a running mate). Say all the bad you want about Joe, but he "IS" well respected by his colleagues, and he is very knowledgable about all the important issues. Obama also speaks of Warren Buffet, who i would trust over most to assist in directing us towards help with this economy. I believe Obama will have the best people working on fixing our country. As for Palin, i care that some stupid, egomanical, narrow-minded, bible thumping nobody was picked to be our next potential VP. She has nothing to offer the majority of Americans......
  14. I have been calling McCain names for quite some time now, i'm not planning on stopping any time soon. I will show him respect if he backs out of this race, however. If you saw the last Obama/McCain debate you might have noticed a huge lack of respect on McCain's part. I think the topper was when he called Obama "that one". Just plain low class to me. If you don't understand my position/feelings on McCain go back and bore yourself with my posts and links about his character...and other things about him i just don't like. I call him stupid because he doesn't impress me...and since he voted 90%, (lol, have we heard that line enough yet) of the time with Stupid Bush, i think calling him Stupid is in order. I am not one of McCains so called "friends". I don't owe him anything, and his long career has helped make my life more difficult along with the many others feeling the pain of our country's problems. Again, read why i dislike Palin. We would be in trouble for every thing she stands for, imho. Her religious beliefs are what drives her, so that is what makes my comment relevant. Reminder: Palin told a church full of school children "it's God's will that we are in Iraq". Clueless.... Wake up call, Palin, it was Bush jr. wanting revenge for his daddy. I agree with you, we would be in deeper trouble if Palin runs our country because she is stupid and self-serving and egomanical and stupid.
  15. You miss my point (as usual). One...i have zero faith in McCain fixing anything, and much greater faith in Obama. This mess is compliments of the Republican Administration under Stupid GWB. I don't think McCain is too much brighter and i definitely don't think he really cares, or he would have picked a more responsible Vice Presidential running mate. I have watched the debates, followed this election on CNN and the likes (Fox news should be taken off the air for the trash they report), and i am making an "informed" decision. On to Palin, I don't give a hoot about God in schools, blah blah blah, but i believe whole heartidly that Palin cares and will make that a priority on HER AGENDA. She wants to run our country, and run it her way, and further into the grave. I don't want a religious nut in such a high position. My point, so i don't seem evasive, Palin wants power to run things her way. She knows nothing about fixing this economy. She knows nothing about war and foreign relations. She will use this position to further her personal crusade. I won't elaborate further because I already know all about Palin. Read my posts since i started contributing to these threads. Everything i have said and every article i have linked/posted about her is more than enough information for you to understand my feelings about her. Read my links about flip flop McCain if you think he has any clue. You will see why i think he is stupid. Just like Bush...stupid. Stupid people should not be politians. Yes, Obama will make changes for the better for our country, despite the horrible state of things the Republicans have done to us. It will be a challenge, and he will rise to the occasion, in large part because he will appoint intelligent/competent people to positions in his cabinet. That will be the change our country so desperately needs.
  16. Exactly why the "out of touch with the needs of America" team of McStupid and what's her face would be another four years of detriment to our country. McCain would continue with pretty much the same policies that got us into this mess... and Palin is "very" religious so if she becomes President Palin, we "are" in deeper trouble, because she believes God rules every thing.
  17. My point is there is no afterlife. If i'm wrong and there is, WE WILL ALL BE WELCOME INTO THE SAME PLACE, regardless of race/culture/sex/religious beliefs, etc. I feel my life is full without religion being a part of it. I am giving my daughter an outstanding education at a Synogogue/Pre-school. If she chooses to continue with a religious education when she is old enough to make that decision, i will support her. btw...her school not only has Jewish children, but Catholic/Christian/Indian and Blacks attending, and they are taught about Jewish holidays and traditions as part of the curriculm. I am sure, they still practice their own faith, but have an added benefit of learning of another. Does this give them twice as good a chance of getting into the afterlife Being an atheist (not believing in God) is not leaving anything blank. It's using what i consider to be logical thought. Man made up religion (and one supreme being) to alleviate their fear of the unknown. I have no problem believing all this is here out of plain old "matter". Look at the concept of time. It's mind boggling...and the lifeforms on other galaxies we can't even see likely believe in things much different than us, lol. Do they go somewhere else when they die? If you look at time, you will see we are really just a very tiny spot in it, kind of like what a knat is to us
  18. Yes i was joking, but of course there could be truth to your statement, too
  19. Maybe if you write a book about your "proof" you will become someone famous.
  20. If you like visual effects like Alice, you may enjoy one of my favorite (Industrial) bands, Skinny Puppy, been around since 1984 (British Columbians). I loved Nivek Ogre (Kevin Ogilivie). He uses performance art in all his shows. I've never seen them live, but have concert videos. You have to be able to listen to Industrial music to give this band a chance. Edit: my picks are of course Led Zeppelin, The Beatles (had to have been the craziest shows, ever). More screaming than any other show when the fab four played. Others that are without question "The Best" are Bruce Springsteen, U2, Genesis, YES and Peter Gabriel.
  21. You Got That Right...Lynyrd Skynyrd
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