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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Look, Joe the Plumber is a bore and i BET he has hit someone or something with his car, Everything is over inflated like mad now! Who is at fault? Well my money is on the people who have been in power just a couple years short of a decade. I'm not willing to let anyone in "that crowd" lead the way any more. At least not with my vote, which is all i have to say my peace with. While i haven't researched this, i don't believe small business usually make a fortune (not the majority) and most will probably fall under the $250,000 proposed. I love the idea of the wealthy people paying higher taxes to give us middle class (who have become poor the past few years) a break. Robin Hood come out wherever you are hiding! I do not believe John McCain has the smarts to move our Economy in a better direction, and Obama is the one who is friendly with Warren Buffet, lol. IMO, Warren would make a great advisor, and many others like him. I see Obama surrounding himself with good people, i can only see that McCain chose a nobody dimwit as a running mate, so i have no faith in anything else he does. So we agree now? lol... well if not on this, at least we agree about the sweet and smart observations
  2. He's really pissed at his girlfriend, and kept it bottled up inside too long, lol.
  3. It's always the cars fault...the car is what does the hitting, As for Joe Shmoe, this article is not what i heard about him at all. First of all, he works for a plumbing company and it is reported that he doesn't have a license (which is required) to work as a plumber. Next, he has never made more than $40,000 a year, and he OWES taxes to the government! Maybe that is why he is so concerned about more taxes, which under Obama's plan should never be a concern of his. This dude asked a hypothetical question, and who made him famous (way beyond the 15 minutes he didn't deserve)? Oh right, it was MCSTUPID who spent so much of the debate talking about Joe the crook, lol. Hey this guy is so famous now, he has his own Wikepedia page...god damn! Heres an article: http://www.voanews.com/specialenglish/2008-10-17-voa3.cfm With US Elections Near, 'Joe the Plumber' Enters Political Pipeline Ohio man becomes an example used by McCain to attack Obama on his tax plan and spreading wealth around. Transcript of radio broadcast: 17 October 2008 This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. Wednesday's presidential debate was the third and last between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain. But on Thursday they both attended a yearly political tradition in New York, a dinner to raise money for Catholic charities. The first to speak was Senator McCain, who is fighting from behind in most national polls. JOHN McCAIN: "A major announcement. Events are moving fast in my campaign, and yes, it's true that this morning I've dismissed my entire team of senior advisers. All of their positions will now be held by a man named Joe the Plumber." BARACK OBAMA: "Now recently one of John's advisers told the Daily News that if we keep talking about the economy, McCain's going to lose. So tonight I'd like to talk about the economy." Joe Wurzelbacher talking with reporters outside his home on Thursday The jokes were a change from the final ninety-minute debate the night before on the economy and other domestic issues. Yet the debate produced an unexpected star who was not even there. A working man named Joe Wurzelbacher met Barack Obama earlier in the week during a campaign stop in Toledo, Ohio. He told Senator Obama that he was getting ready to buy a company and was concerned that his taxes would increase under the senator's tax plan. John McCain used "Joe the Plumber" as an example to attack Senator Obama's proposals. JOHN McCAIN: "Joe, I want to tell you, I will not only help you buy that business that you worked your whole life for and I will keep your taxes low and I will provide available and affordable health care for you and your employees. And I will not stand for a tax increase on small business income." Barack Obama and John McCain with CBS moderator Bob Schieffer during the third presidential debate Barack Obama would raise taxes on earnings above two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year. But he said ninety-eight percent of small businesses make less than that. He talked about Joe the Plumber. BARACK OBAMA: "What I essentially said to him was, five years ago, when you were not in a position to buy your business, you needed a tax cut then. And what I want to do is to make sure that the plumber, the nurse, the firefighter, the teacher, the young entrepreneur who does not yet have money, I want to give them a tax break now. And that requires us to make some important choices." Both candidates looked into the camera and addressed Joe the Plumber directly. His name was used more than twenty times. But with sudden fame came news that he is not a licensed plumber and that he owed the state of Ohio more than one thousand dollars in back taxes. Also, it was not clear that his taxes would increase under the Obama plan. Since the debate, though, Senator McCain has talked about something else his opponent said to Joe Wurzelbacher. Senator Obama said, "I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." Senator McCain says spreading the wealth means class warfare. Barack Obama argues that John McCain would continue the economic policies of President Bush. The Democrat is campaigning heavily in states that voted Republican in recent presidential elections but which he has a chance to win. These include Virginia, North Carolina and Colorado. John McCain is working on larger states like Florida and Ohio that voted for President Bush. Opinion polls show that both of those states could go either way on November fourth. And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. For more political news, go to voaspecialenglish.com or VOA's election site, usavotes2008.com. I'm Steve Ember.
  4. Bruce's five best albums were already out by 1981! That must have been a great show!
  5. That is so nice. I can't stand to see stray animals and when i was young the stray cats always found me (and while my dad always wanted to take them in, my mom was afraid of them for some strange reason). We finally got her over that. I was happy to see my best friend and have lunch with her today. Happy the sun was shining brightly today Excited about taking my daughter and nephew to Disney on Ice tomorrow afternoon.
  6. Happy to know how my close friend really feels about me. The big smile on my daughter's face tonight when i picked her up from my mom's house after work (and that tight hug she gave me)
  7. Senator (and soon to be Vice President) Joesph Biden and Colin Farrell on Jay Leno tonight! A double header of hot Irish boys!
  8. For your ignorant information, Joe Biden is an Irish Catholic and John McCain is a beady eyed angry spoiled brat/old man. I don't know how Obama kept so cool watching the snickering McCain when he wasn't ranting like a senile old man on a tirade...got to give Obama lots of credit for having so much self control. If i were in the audience i would have decked McCain myself...lol. Anyway, Obama is in the lead, YAY!
  9. I Can't Tell You Why...The Eagles
  10. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me...Elton John
  11. I don't think most people make fun of him (Bush) so much as are in such a state of disgust, they outwardly show their feelings with meanness...
  12. Wow you have bobcats in your neighborhood! My very favorite cat, and maybe favorite animal of any! Absolutely beautiful indeed!
  13. Song to the Siren...Robert Plant's version
  14. Interesting. This is exactly why i think he is retarded. Someone given such power should be well-rounded and open-minded. Bush is a warped person who should have never been in a position of power. Funny the book's premise is good and evil. I think of Bush as only evil.... This is probably a good read, for those who can tolerate a book about him.
  15. Check the "flip flop" articles i posted a while back. What's really comical is that McCain picked the slogan "change" when it was already Obama/Biden's slogan.......weird
  16. That's a natural state of events as the election nears closer...but since Obama is in the lead, in some places substantially, it's expected that McCain and Palin get even more vicious. As for us, well many of us feel our country has a lot at stake, others don't really care.
  17. Listen to a speech by Sarah sailor mouth and you will understand what i say. I never hear anything coherent from her, just stuff like "if we get elected we will fix this country". Never HOW she plans to do that by the side of McCain, who has no clue either. I heard her talk in Johnstown, PA and she brought "God" into the speech as if she was a church minister. Sorry Sarah, most of us are not Pentecoastal fanatics like you are. It's not the first time i have heard her speaking about God and frankly, it just confirms her ignorance of our country's TRUE NEEDS. It's not appropriate and not what our country needs to hear. But i know, she is pandering to a certain group of people, spewing more nonsense. If God was running things, we would not be in this situation Mrs Palin. Obama has plans and good ones. McCain offers bullshit. He will finish off the country for Bush if elected. Mark my words if he gets into office. I feel sorry for you wanna be...must be hard to be afraid to vote for the party who can help our country get back on their feet (for reasons i can't figure out except that crazy Dr. Paul was outed), versus a third term of Bush which i'm pretty sure you don't want. Edit: and to answer the race question, my point was many people would NEVER vote for a black person, end of story...and many on this board are resorting to bigotry against Obama's race...so that's my point. Edit again: answer me this, do you condone the pics your hero Del put up? I ask about him because you responded to me over a post between Del and me.
  18. Nice to meet you, too, Danny...with all due respect , many of us did not vote for this mess once let alone twice. But i totally understand what you are saying, and it makes sense. I feel as citizens we didn't fulfill our responsibilities to our country (in the name of our children if for no other reason) by not getting more involved over the years. That's the way humans are unfortunately. In America we have the freedom to make change, but most of us sat back and let them (the Bush Admin) "happen" to us. The way i see it, we went from both a surplus and a President who was a great communicator with respect for others, to a retard. I will never figure out how that happened. I for one, have never been confused on who to vote for. I hope THIS TIME my vote counts.
  19. Adorable pic...if you had a brain you might be dangerous... Heres one for you:
  20. Can you post a pic of one of those Palin shirts? I bet it would get some laughs... anyway, i think many have a hard time taking you seriously when you resort to twisting someone's username so viciously...following your party's lead... i listen to plenty of CNN (sorry FOX is the devil, lol) and I NEVER hear Palin say anything that has meaning/substance/makes sense...but she has a mouth as foul as a sailor.
  21. Great post, Danny. I don't know if you're right, but you sound much wiser than the idiot/s who have been running our country the past eight years.
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