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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Who are these 23% who still approve? What Bush has done to our country is beyond words...
  2. Makes no sense that i would hate someone who didn't have an abortion. That statement is ludicrous. Talk about a hypocrite: http://www.essentialestrogen.com/2008/09/p...disabled_c.html Palin Cut Funds for Disabled Children in Alaska Just noticed a piece by Ethan Elgin, a writer who has worked in the mental health field and advocates for the rights of those with disabilities, and wanted wanted to pass it along to Essential Estrogen readers. With the recent pick of Sarah Palin as VP, the only information that can be garnered in regards to her policies in Mental Health is her record with state budget cuts concerning special needs. ... during her tenure in office she cut spending for The Department of Education and Early Development of Special Needs in Alaska. These are funds specifically targeted to help disabled children in the public school system, particularly for families that cannot afford specialized care. Without these funds the supplementary services for local schools for children with special needs were not met. The following is the budget reports provided by the Special Education Service Agency: In 2007 before Gov. Palin took office the budget was at $8,265,300. After she took office the budget for special needs in Alaska is now $3,156,000 for the years 2008 and 2009. This is a cut of $5,109,300. As each day passes, and additional information comes to light about her dealings in Alaska, I become more convinced that my original assessment of Palin as a government reformer was incorrect. ................................................................................ ............................ Well to be fair to Sarah, she made those cuts BEFORE she knew her baby was going to be a special needs person. I have been explicit in my reasons for not liking her. You are certainly welcome to go back and read my previous posts if you want to know my reasons, but i doubt you care that much. Bottom line, she is NOT FIT to run this country, not as second in command, certainly not as first. If you think she is the right person for the job, that's your problem. I am a Democrat supporter and i know that once Bush and his incompetent Administration are out of power, our country can start to find the road again. McCain is clueless and his VP choice is even more so. As for the Flyers fans (or any other sports team fans, because it's certainly not limited to Philadelphia), their rudeness is not my problem. I don't hang around with Apes like that. But as i said, i can relate to how they feel about Sarah Palin. This is not about who is being picked as high school class President. This is a critical matter and she is a monumental insult to a great number of Americans. Just like you think Obama is a liar, i have already seen many examples of McCain and Palin being liars. Pictures of Bush showing how stupid he is, i totally agree because he is. Obama is not. I am not an Obama lover, but i know he is a much better choice than a third term of Bush. I know Obama has logical plans to help this country climb out of the hole we are in. I don't have one bit of confidence in McCain. btw...nice pics, showing your true colors again. Talk about respect. McCain and Palin spend more time bashing Obama and the Democratic Party than tallking about anything they will do for this country. At least they are honest about not having any ideas to present. They use diversion to get through their speeches. McCain, more of the same failed Bush policies...WHO REALLY WANTS THIS? This is Sarah Palin, quote "now there are the world's standards of perfection, and then there are God's standards, and these are the final measure".... Let us all pray God will get us out of this war, and fix our Economy, and Healthcare, and improve Foreign Relations, and fix the high unemployment rate, etc..etc...etc... Maybe if Sarah believes hard enough it will all happen. Edit: and for the last time, McCain is not our FRIEND, so stop calling us that.
  3. Classless or not, i would have booed her, too There is good reason why people are upset about her, as you already know. I will say that many sports fans are rude, no matter what team they root for. Arrogance, testosterone and beer combined can lead to rude behavior. I still think your comments are racist, even if you are not. As for the "city of brotherly love", it depends on where you go and who you meet.
  4. Little by Little...Robert Plant
  5. I try hard to ignore this stupid person, but sometimes i can't, lol. You are much stronger than me, Medhb!
  6. Are you Canadians frightened of her? Well you should be!!!! Many of us Americans are, too!!! You are right, ally. This woman is not playing in her league and she should have never been given the chance to be there. The man who picked her for the spot didn't even know her when he chose her to succeed him if need be, to run our country. She certainly shouldn't be residing over the Senate, either. So much for McCain's judgement or love of America. I'm a bit surprised that the Dems (and even many of the Repubs who oppose her) didn't make a stronger issue of this.
  7. Del clearly dissed Philadelphians, and with a population of over one million people, there are sure to be lots of idiots (which you can find everywhere around the country). As for the not being allowed to touch Obama/Biden remark you make, i don't understand. McCain and Palin have been bashing them throughtout their campaign...and CNN showed coverage of what some of the people say about Obama, due to his "color" or should i say "race".
  8. Little Wing...version by Derek and the Dominos
  9. Good Day Sunshine...The Beatles
  10. I think the people, low class (often a subjective analysis) or not, were just expressing their feelings of revulsion, and exercising their Freedom of Speech rights. Philadelphians speak their minds and don't lie. I prefer honesty over phoniness any day. Kudos to you for being so open-minded. Ashame you have to use bigoted comments against Obama to make a senseless point.
  11. Agree with everything you said except, Palin is not a beauty. She is okay looking. Her character makes her ugly.
  12. I'll Cry Instead...The Beatles
  13. As Joe Biden would say, let me repeat that: ^^^ Please Electrophile, do not read this!
  14. Philly is diverse in it's population, and while they have as many idiots as any place in this country, they have "passion" and are not afraid to speak up and be heard. I would have a very difficult time not booing her if i was at an event she showed up for (it's not like the majority of the Flyers fans were there to see her). However, you are obviously a racist. Now you have admitted to it (though i probably missed previous posts where it was noticeable). Yeah, i think we "know what you mean".
  15. I didn't know that people think this about atheists. If they do then they are just stupid.
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