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Posts posted by led_zep_girl_92

  1. I just tried some mandolines in the music store next to where I live. Maybe this week I´ll buy one, I felt in love with a tiny black, and its sound is that full! That would be my first instrument. And today is the almost last day of scholl before summer holydays! Just tomorrow and Wendsday, and I´ll be done with school for the next six weeks :D

  2. On my school there are just around a dozen of fans, while about 1.400 people visit my school. Almost everybody in my class doesn´t know just any of their songs; most of them never knew, that this band existed, until I told them so. I got into Led Zeppelin because I saw a report about them in german tv show. It was on a channel almost nobody watches, cause they mainly do stuff about culture, theatre, opera and stuff like that. But just in the moment they started to play a song in that program, I knew: That was definitely my music!

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