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Everything posted by Gegenschein

  1. Funny? Oh, Steve, you just inspired me (beware!) to start a new thread. Wait, no, actually two threads. One on LZ and one on "other bands/artists" - though the one on LZ might already exist somewhere... need to check... gawd, I need to stop drinking and go to bed. Though in my defense, I still can type...right?
  2. May be, but I don't care. I always enjoy reading your posts, as they're so informative and unbiased for the most part. It's a fun thing to do, and you can call it a hobby - collecting all those little bits of information scattered in million places... done it myself, with regards to a handful of artists I was obsessed with over the years... in one case ended up with a private email, given to me by - guess who? - the artist himself, and the craziest thing is that I didn't even ask for it! (To this day I haven't shared this precious and privileged piece of information with a single living soul - I respect his privacy too much... so much that I'd rather not even mention his name ) I enjoy consuming unholy amounts of information on the artists I'm in love with. To me there's never such thing as TMI. I treasure those little silly details because they make our heroes warmer and closer, flesh them out - they're human after all! And even more lovable that way. Umm, I guess I meant to say no, not TMI, and thank you for this thread. Well, I just did, but in so many more words...
  3. Just nicked this at Last.fm:
  4. Right, though he does have a distinct voice - also often likened to Steve Marriott and of course Percy. This song is worth checking out - it's not on YouTube (except for live 1968 version) though I'm not sure Last.fm always cooperates and plays a full track instead of a sample; they claim to have a full track.
  5. Top 5. #1 is Pink Floyd, most likely for life. My top 5 is actually too bizarre to post, but LZ holds a steady place there. As opposed to, say, Queen, who soared to the very top just a couple of years ago, stayed briefly and then crashed down lower than even its old position, so now it's below 5. But let me say something, folks. Even those who'd list them lower, like in top 10 or even 20 have every right to be here and post. Haters are annoying and I'd rather not welcome them... But those who care enough about LZ so as to have them somewhere on the periphery of interest still do care. The Forum is more likely to benefit from some variety than from complete conformity.
  6. To each their own... I thought Shout Out Live was the best.
  7. Oh, this is getting old. The singers Jimmy had in mind were Steve Winwood, Steve Marriott, Terry Reid and possibly Chris Farlowe (I've seen no confirmation for the latter so it might be just a rumor) No, there were no auditions - Jimmy didn't have time for that before the looming Scandinavian tour (well, I guess you can count JP and PG going out to hear Robert for the 1st time an audition). Steve Marriott was approached but his office responded with refusal and some threats If you believe Jimmy's own words (you don't have to, of course) Terry would've gotten the job if he accepted it and didn't point Jimmy in Roberts direction "I remembered him as a really good singer, so I told Peter [Grant], that I wanted to start a group with Terry Reid, so could he get the office to find him" Seems quite obvious that Jimmy already found him qualifying. I take it you never heard TR, so you skepticism is understandable. Once Jimmy heard Robert, it was a done deal, the perfect choice - he didn't want anyone else. I only posted because I found the Pete Best comparison glaringly inaccurate on so many counts. I didn't mean to bring up this old tired story which has been told and retold so many times already. Sorry.
  8. Indeed Caiaphas' lines, from Hosanna. Oh god, I love that voice! Victor Brox! I first heard him in that role and was just spellbound, later also in Ainsley Dunbar Retaliation. Forever on my top 10 voices!
  9. So true. I wonder how many get annoyed by being dogged like that and refuse to comment. And sometimes the more hits the site gets, the higher the revenue, right?
  10. I might sound like a one-track-mind person, sorry, but I can hardly think of any other music, in anticipation of seeing these guys live again, after 10 years of fading hopes! The page is fan-created and maintained. Check out the songs (embedded player on the right side) in this order: 1. The House Is Loss 2. Kill The Race Horse 3. Slow Hand (the earliest recording, without guitar... bass is seriously awesome) This is San Diego's obscure gem, glorious legend, an inspiration to many local indie musicians. Link is HERE also some downloadable stuff HERE
  11. A few days ago one of our patients' relatives (probably her son) looked so much like Jimmy I swear I stared a hole in poor guy. I had to use some self-restraint to avoid making him feel uncomfortable. Then again, I couldn't have been the 1st one to notice that Yesterday we grilled some hot dogs, mine got burned so I announced absentmindedly: I've got a black dog... and of course my husband started singing that. silly, I know... Usually it's the license plates that get me - anything with JP(J), LZ etc... oh, and about 3 miles west of my house my street changes name to Wahalla (yes, I know, the spelling is off by 2 letters, but it doesn't stop me from mumbling a certain line when we drive in that direction... )
  12. I know it's ridiculous to respond to a year old post, but this is probably the worst comparison I've ever heard of. Completely invalid. Pete was in the band and dismissed. Terry was asked to join and declined (which wasn't entirely up to him anyway as he was bound by exclusive recording contract). Pete's relationships with ex-bandmates were either strained or non-existent (from what I know, and I admit freely I might not know enough). Terry was friends with the future LZ members before some of them even met each other, which hasn't changed to this day - they remain friends despite (almost complete) lack of collaboration. Anyone who can prove otherwise is welcome to do so. Pete had one main thing going for him - stunning good looks. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't heard any accounts of him being an exceptional drummer. Terry's good looks were more of an added bonus, a mere footnote to his massive vocal talent. Most true LZ fans actually know that. My favorite quote from Terry regarding the "missed LZ opportunity:" It doesn't bother me. It bothers everybody else.
  13. # 4 (which should have been #2): Giant Sand @ Rhythm Room 1994 Yes I know this is top 3 but it happened so that I can't quite write a proper review for the moment which I'd rank #2 (after the R.L. Burnside gig) because I don't remember enough factual information - the exact date, setlist, support acts etc. yet the intensity of the moment justifies the inclusion hands down. It was 1994, probably fall cause it was still plenty warm (non-desert dwellers: read "effin' hot") - we went to see Giant Sand but unfortunately had to sit (or stand, I don't remember) through about 3 openers, all equally forgettable. I also don't remember if I've heard the band before and knew what to expect. They got onstage, tuned, and... I'm really struggling with the proper description here. In very basic words, the very first guitar cord they played wiped clean the slightest memory of who was onstage before. It was a slide guitar cord, lingering and possibly even lazy, but it had the impact of a cannonball. In the audience, we might have looked nervously at each other - there was an unspoken acknowledgement that the real music was finally unfolding. I have not a slightest idea what was the 1st song they played, or any songs thereafter. I never became a big GS fan and never went to any more of their gigs (I would have if I knew of any more in my area) but this moment is one of the most unforgettable. Sure I've seen some world-class acts and they usually blew away the support bands. But never before and never since have I seen and heard anyone erase a whole evening worth of performers so casually yet so completely with the very first stinking cord. It was WOW squared and then cubed.
  14. OMG! Check this out! This is going to be everybody's favorite! A shelfful of Oscars, please!
  15. I always vote before viewing results. From comments I was pretty sure Immigrant Song was gonna win... but looky - it's SIBLY... it was hard for me to choose between those two.
  16. I'm Only Sleeping. (hard to pick... I love many, though I don't consider myself a Beatles fan )
  17. I was looking at pictures of Rory Gallagher just now and musing how he reminds me of Jimmy for some reason... them bumped into a pic of the two of them together Such a delight! Gotta check out if it's been posted in "who's that bloke..." thread - if not I'll post it up
  18. Very true. Robert's chard is not so esoteric, it's pretty much immediately obvious. LOL the other day we were testing the network printer and I had to pick a random thing to print out... I picked one of Percy's pics. It printed fine, and then... I couldn't bring myself to throwing it away. It's printed on crappy test paper with some text on the back (we reuse print paper by using reverse side before discarding it... my tree-hugger habit ) But I'd like to add a few brownie points for Jimmy (some previously mentioned): - his smile is simply incomparable. There's a whole thread here dedicated to it, and for a good reason - mysterious... so very true. A very strong draw... even it's somewhat darker colored than some prefer. - "a touch of class" - this is very subjective, of course, but I think many will agree: the air of nobility is most prominent in Jimmy; it's in every turn and every wink, no matter what he does. Please understand, I'm not trying to put down other members. They have their own unique draws as well.
  19. Mon ami le traître (France, 1988) - I'm placing it above Fellini and Tarkovsky's films; a very subjective call, I know. But the intensity is hard to match.
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