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Everything posted by Gegenschein

  1. I always vote before viewing results. From comments I was pretty sure Immigrant Song was gonna win... but looky - it's SIBLY... it was hard for me to choose between those two.
  2. I'm Only Sleeping. (hard to pick... I love many, though I don't consider myself a Beatles fan )
  3. I was looking at pictures of Rory Gallagher just now and musing how he reminds me of Jimmy for some reason... them bumped into a pic of the two of them together Such a delight! Gotta check out if it's been posted in "who's that bloke..." thread - if not I'll post it up
  4. Very true. Robert's chard is not so esoteric, it's pretty much immediately obvious. LOL the other day we were testing the network printer and I had to pick a random thing to print out... I picked one of Percy's pics. It printed fine, and then... I couldn't bring myself to throwing it away. It's printed on crappy test paper with some text on the back (we reuse print paper by using reverse side before discarding it... my tree-hugger habit ) But I'd like to add a few brownie points for Jimmy (some previously mentioned): - his smile is simply incomparable. There's a whole thread here dedicated to it, and for a good reason - mysterious... so very true. A very strong draw... even it's somewhat darker colored than some prefer. - "a touch of class" - this is very subjective, of course, but I think many will agree: the air of nobility is most prominent in Jimmy; it's in every turn and every wink, no matter what he does. Please understand, I'm not trying to put down other members. They have their own unique draws as well.
  5. Mon ami le traître (France, 1988) - I'm placing it above Fellini and Tarkovsky's films; a very subjective call, I know. But the intensity is hard to match.
  6. Last two "famous" people I've seen are not really outrageously famous... just famous enough to gather up several thousand listeners on Last.fm. In the "seeing with interaction" category (i.e. I saw him, he saw me, we interacted): Pall Jenkins @ the Casbah in San Diego. His band Three Mile Pilot has splintered into Pinback and Black Heart Procession some 10 years ago. In "seeing without interaction" (I saw him, then took off as fast as I could): Terry Reid.
  7. I'm going to add (with a blush) that I'm rather partial to one song off of Mean Business - but overall I have to agree with you. Also the finest singing by Paul Rodgers IMO - including The Free, Bad Company and current WTF+PR ... er I meant Queen+PR.
  8. lol...NOT! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  9. He's not there at all. It's fun to watch (though no ex-LZ members at all), interesting rehearsal snippets and interviews - my favorite moment is the statement at about 11:55 (I think by off-screen Gillan) "I've seen this song go wrong before..." which makes everyone laugh and repeat it. One of the most bizarre moments was the appearance of Brian May with a hanging empty sleeve, broken arm in a sling. Oh no, it's not worth bothering him for such petty business, just to satisfy my curiosity. I'll get over it, no worries.
  10. LOL our car is so old it only plays tapes! Remember those? We have stacks of driving tapes, and though our most comprehensive Church collection is on CDs we have 2-3 tapes just for the drives... I don't know who can even handle only listening to loud rock, all the time. I need both for balance.
  11. Thanks - I guess I should have asked more precisely: I was hoping to decipher the mysterious "helping" as in arrangement, actual playing/rehearsals etc... seems like the available information is limited. "Making Of" is great fun, have you seen it?
  12. Thank you - I guess indeed the author took some liberties with words which gave a wrong impression. Here's one I'm quite interested in. What kind of involvement did LZ members have in Rock Aid Armenia? I know Jimmy was involved indirectly (as the member of Firm at the time) JPJ is credited as helping (I have both the official release and The Making Of) - do you happen to know in which capacity? Thankees in advance
  13. I love Remote Luxury and After Everything Now This - agree with your "too mellow" comment but that's precisely the draw for me. The atmosphere.
  14. Um, I don't consider anything... those weren't my words. It is stated right there in the text (IDK who wrote that but it's on Roberts's site and therefore I assume carries some validity?) "created two working partnerships, first with Terry Reid; the two became friends playing on the progressive music circuit of the mid-60's; and secondly as harmonica player and co-vocalist on various Alexis Korner ventures..."
  15. The following is found on robertplant.com - click on Strange Sensations on the left and then on Robert Plant under the header More Articles: "In 1966 Plant left home, left college, left work and turned professional. In 1967 he cut 6 sides for CBS, formed the Band of Joy with John Bonham and created two working partnerships, first with Terry Reid; the two became friends playing on the progressive music circuit of the mid-60’s; and secondly as harmonica player and co-vocalist on various Alexis Korner ventures..." I've seen examples of the 2nd partnership... anything known of the 1st? I.e. anything tangible besides recollections? Did it even exist?
  16. sorry if this has been already posted... just couldn't resist... best smile
  17. #3 Terry Reid - Santa Monica, November 9 2008 This was the first time ever I attended Terry's gig, and for some reason worried that I might not recognize him... how silly of me. He's very much recognizable - same huge heavy lidded eyes, impish smile (see the Seed Of Memory cover) and of course the unmistakable voice. I tend to analyze my experiences to death... in this case three aspects converged to make it quite unforgettable: visual, aural, and "there's something in the air of which we're all aware." Easy on the eyes. When Terry turned up onstage the very first, immediate, faster-than-conscious-thoughts-can-form reaction was - this man is just ridiculously handsome. At 59, with receding silver hair and not quite 100% sober, still.... This is nothing new, of course, but I have to say that like with most people photos don't do him justice for the most part. SuperLungs. The voice did age a bit, but there's no doubt Mr. Reid will remain tagged with this nickname for life, because it's still justified. Super mighty pipes, only the register lower than in his teens (isn't that kind of normal?) It seemed like at times Terry was tilting very far away from the microphone right as he was about to unleash an almighty wail, so as to avoid sound distortion from the sudden powerful volume surge. After 50+ years of singing things like that must be second nature... The band sound was good but it seemed like occasionally the guitar was "disappearing" in the mix. The set was nice - a healthy helping of songs from Seed Of Memory and the 2nd (1969) album and I think only the title track from the River. Don't Worry, Baby seems to be the only cover played. Too bad, I was really hoping to hear Superlungs (the famous Donovan's song remake which is better than the original) I put a spell on you. I've seen a few artists like that who have Noble and Class written all over them, with absolutely no effort on their part. They're not straining to be cool - they ARE cool (Three Mile Pilot, Ian Gillan and The Church are certainly in this category) It's in their blood, in the air they exhale, and they might not be famous at all, but this unpretentious dignity is always there. Even as the time went on and Terry's showmanship started to turn occasionally into clownmanship (whatever was in his cup? he even sang the first line of Stairway to heaven!) the understateted magnificence remained intact. Yet there's more to the story, - the one thing that made the most memorable gigs list. This is the most elusive aspect of Mr. Reid, and I anticipate some "watchatalkin'about?" type of reaction. But most of those who even once shared the room air with him know what I'm talking about. This is beyond voice and appearance, and I wouldn't even call it "charm." I heard accounts of his gigs where he was in the worst shape, ill, drunk and out of tune and still hit the nerve... why? There's something maddeningly mysterious about this eccentric aging rock star that seems to draw people, powerfully, the way a siren would... though not quite so sinister. You can't get that from youtube videos, and despite being a fan for a while I've been secretly wondering WTF was all that buzz about the live shows... now it kind of makes sense. I doubt he's aware of it. I wonder if all those musicians were, who wanted him in their bands or in collaborations of some sort. I don't pretend to understand this odd biomagnetic quality, I can only testify that it's certainly there.
  18. Woke up this morning... (LOL I know, an over-used blues song opener!) - no, my baby wasn't gone... and I remembered that I have tickets for the most precious item on my wanted gigs list! you know you can't just buy gig tickets the way you buy a sweater... the event must be actually taking place in the future, and that's been somewhat of a problem for the last 10 years. The band in question is the obscure legendary Three Mile Pilot, which splintered into Black Heart Procession and Pinback some 10 years ago. I've been stubbornly waiting ever since...
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