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Everything posted by Gegenschein

  1. Wow, that was just brilliant. Exactly how I feel about Pink Floyd.
  2. care to back that up? I don't think you even bothered reading my post. Where did you see anything about Nick Mason? So you can't see why you ever liked them. I can, very clearly, because I keep coming back to their music after having had "affairs" with other artists, because to me their music is truly timeless. Imagine that.
  3. I'm spazzing...... In 21 minutes the tickets will go on sale for the 1st Three Mile Pilot live performance in 10 years...(except a one-off 20 min. gig in Chicago at Touch And Go label Anniversary in 2006) the venue is the legendary Casbah of San Diego. I expect they'll sell out. We are so driving out there.
  4. Please be advised that below is entirely subjective post; IMO through and through. Not meant to offend anyone. Pink Floyd is my #1 favorite band, period. That said, I have to admit the question posed by the original poster HAS crossed my mind once or twice. Just because they're so huge. Really, are they overrated? I'm not head over heels about Syd, though I respect the guy a lot and love their early stuff. I might get shot for saying this but if anything it's Syd's "legend" that is overhyped ever so slightly, though it's not his fault. But he did learn a thing or two from Dave. Roger Waters? Great musician, but also - pardon my French - a prick. Still, there's only one large framed portrait hanging on a wall in my room... the one of Roger Waters. Because he's the best bassist I know of, and one of the best composers. (Also, that photo is beautiful, which in Roger's case is almost impossible) I'm in love with Dave's singing (an odd combination of ambient and deeply intimate) though I don't need to be reminded he's not the greatest vocalist around. So, are they? They're so popular that it's becoming increasingly "cool" and "hip" to dislike them. Then I start listening to their music (and most of the time it doesn't even matter which album is playing, though I have my favorites as well...) and all these silly questions just fall off like hair after a heavily myelosuppressive chemotherapy cycle. The sound completely dissolves me, and I think God, I almost forgot how f'ng great their music was. They all have contributed, yes... but IMO one of the biggest components is their unique instantly recognizable guitar sound. All you need is about 5-second snippet and you know it's Pink Floyd. That alone is probably enough to answer NO to this thread's original question.
  5. The Mamas & The Papas - California Dreaming. (at least this time not right after We Gotta Get Out Of This Place.)
  6. Stalker, Mon ami le traitre, 8 1/2, Solaris (original! by Tarkovsky), Persona, Rear Window, Vertigo, North By Northwest, Lost Highway, Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Clockwork Orange, Mister Designer, The 7th Samurai; Sex, lies and videotape, Minority Report, Paycheck, Life Is Beautiful, Schindler's List, Head, Jacob's Ladder, Rainman, Donnie Darko, Slingblade, Night of the Living Dead, Fried Green Tomatoes, Phone Booth, Dog Day Afternoon, Psycho, Secrets and Lies, Office Space, Vanilla Sky, The Wall, Angel's Heart, Midnight Express, Silence of the Lambs, U-turn, Pulp Fiction, Trainspotting, Mod Fuck Explosion, Deep Blues, I am Not Afraid
  7. I'm about to find out... on November 9 in LA. I'm in the mood to be brutally honest about the situation... and don't get me wrong, I LOVE Terry's voice - the way he sounded in 1966-69. Liquid fire, spellbinding, so good it's scary. I understand perfectly what Jimmy was after in 1968 - plus he saw Terry's legendary live performances.... yes, that teenager was a handful back in the day, and sinfully gorgeous. Jimmy was no fool let me assure you... Now might be a different story altogether. Fans who attended his latest gigs insist that "the voice is still there in all its glory" but from the recordings that I heard... I beg to differ. Sadly. May be it's because he smokes like a chimney, always did. And I can hear the 45+ years of smoking in that voice. Never a good thing for a vocalist.
  8. Yes!!! And they're awesome live as well!! My 2 cents: THREE MILE PILOT. Great band from San Diego. Has been around since about 1988; no detectable activity (besides persistent rumors of resurrection and new album) since 1998. At around that time the band has splintered into The Black Heart Procession and Pinback. The link above is MySpace fan page. Start from the last song in the embedded player (The House Is Loss) - if interested move on to the rest. Slow Hand was recorded with no guitar, if you can believe that... just the vocals, bass and drum.
  9. A couple of pix from Waddy Watchell's pages, not too glamorous... I thought "who's that old chick?" then realized it was Waddy
  10. You must have been looking for... Forgotten treasures...
  11. I can't, it's too far. US is damn big you know. Even November 21st in Chicago - too far. I'll wait for the one in LA... God knows when.
  12. Oh dear. The gig will be really short then... seeing as SuperLungs cannot go longer than 20 min without a cig from what I heard. So is the smoking ban nationwide now?
  13. May Fly - Terry Reid.... mighty great pipes all right...
  14. Gimme Some Lovin' - love this version by Traffic!
  15. Actually it is. Real (=dark) chocolate is good for your cardiovascular health... it reduces binding of LDL (the "bad" cholesterol) with oxygen, which is a good thing, because only when bound with oxygen LDL is dangerous (becomes solid and clogs up the arteries). So, dear fellow chocaholics, rejoice! :D
  16. The happiest moment of the whole week: Last.fm finally added full version of Penny, my favorite song... still gives me the goose bumps. Superlungs indeed.
  17. I loved that one! They also make a "simple" chili 70% dark.
  18. Zachariah - Jesus Lizard their best song! I wish it was on youtube...
  19. Incidentally I have just favorited John The Revelator (Son House) and Moanin' At Midnight (Howling Wolf) videos @ Youtube about 2 days ago - kind of a nostalgic step as my first peak of interest in blues actually predated my interest in Led Zeppelin. Yes these bluesmen certainly deserve more recognition... Thanks for mentioning them.
  20. I can't believe no one mentioned Scorching Beauty... my personal fav IB song. It's not on youtube though... I've seen them live too, it was fantastic.
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