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Everything posted by Gegenschein

  1. Ну-ну, считайте... пальчиков не хватит...
  2. How I wish I could say this is the next gig I'm attending... but it's so damn far. Do they allow smoking at the NYC venues?
  3. Good thing Brian finally completed his PhD in astrophysics. He's also a great stereo photographer... talented indeed. God, this is so sad. I hope LZ, or whatever the new incarnation is, will do better...
  4. I was afraid of listening to this album, but somewhere deep down I guess some insane hope was still alive. Alas! So sad, but you're right on the money. Not inspiring - because it's not inspired. It hurts to spell it out, but it's true.
  5. I can say the same about Brian May. It's amazing how many people said he can't sing. Jesus, anyone pales when compared to Freddie Mercury! But just listen to - recorded when he was 52...
  6. I've been listening to this over and over - can't help feeling it's about him now as well as Syd. I saw them once in 1994, it was unforgettable. Pink Floyd is actually my favorite band, has been since the 80s. Can't find words to express the sorrow. I only hope he didn't suffer long.
  7. Also - here's the photo I promised to scan in the "ugliest" thread - sorry the scan quality sucks, I might have to rescan it later but it gives the general idea of the image. Roger Waters, photo by Claude Gassian. I consider this one of the most beautiful photo portraits ever taken. Seriously, to take a pic of Roger Waters that is actually almost flattering? It's art. Fine art at that.
  8. ... the "ugliest men" thread. Have to have something to restore the balance and harmony... Bring'em on! Picture posts encouraged. OK, well, besides the obvious... let's remember this is OTHER bands/musicians board, so leave the LZ pretty boys out... Sometimes the entire band could be listed here, such as The Beatles or Queen. I'll leave it to you and instead offer up two somewhat more obscure guys... (oh, and of course this is just MY opinion) The "fifth Beatle" - i.e. one of them, right along with Pete Best and others... Klaus Voormann. The fine-boned, frail, blue-eyed German. You will not find a picture of a "heavier-set" Klaus - he turned 70 this year and is still as thin as he was in his youth. Most famous probably for having designed the cover of the Revolver (Beatles album) The first boy ever to wear the "Beatle" haircut - his girlfriend Astrid committed the act of haircutting... as well as taking some pictures. Yes, OK, some of you will argue that he's not that much of a musician. Right, he's an artist. But he did learn to play bass on a rather short notice, let's give the guy credit. Also played flute and recorder. Lost his girlfriend to Stu Sutcliffe. Later married Christine Hargreaves, of Coronation Street fame who also played Pink's mother in Alan Parker's film The Wall (yes, the Pink Floyd one) I adore this picture of Klaus with the Revolver cover - too bad it was shot at a bad angle. Here's some video evidence. Let's just agree he's a good looking fellow. AND... Mr. Superlungs. (disregard a few razor nicks... he must have been nervous before that Isle of Wight gig). Terry was just obscenely gorgeous. Yes, Jimmy knew exactly what he was shopping for when he was putting together his new band. He wanted BOTH great voice and great looks in the band's singer. He already knew that in Terry he'd have both. But when Terry recommended instead his friend, a fabulous unknown singer, Jimmy wanted to make sure... "What does he look like?" and the famous "Greek God" exchange followed. Some creep on Amazon admitted that in this age of CDs and MP3s he still likes to keep the LP of Terry's 1st album just so he can stare at the "dissolute angel" picture in large format. Some video evidence. (keyboardist Pete Solley in that video is also rather cute )
  9. Here's one - while I'm still sober enough to post...
  10. Thanks for reminding me of this song, one of my old favorites!
  11. Death Note III... seriously. With subtitles, of course. Unfortunately a disappointment - not nearly as good as the 1st two.
  12. (not a bad song... but I seriously don't get why so many people consider this his best... just because it was Rob Zombie's pick?)
  13. Love them! We've seen them once, I think after Thickfreakness came out. Dan obsessively taped all cords to the floor with duct tape... we later saw why - he moves so much, didn't want to trip over them. Patrick gave my daughter a drumstick... some other folks tried to grab it but he brushed them off and very specifically gave it to her. She still has it. She's interested in drumming, too.
  14. I'd add Roger Waters, he looks pretty hideous on most pics, but, at the same time... and that's the most bizarre thing... one of my all-time favorite images, most breathtakingly gorgeous, and actually hanging framed on my wall... is a pic of Roger Waters. I kid you not. Taken by some French professional rock photographer, looks very unposed... dark blue light, half Roger's face is in the deep shadow... but the lit half is just stunningly beautiful. I don't know how that's even possible, with that particular face. I'd have to scan that image, cause I couldn't find it online, and post it up... but maybe not here. It belongs in "Prettiest" thread, not "Ugliest" - does one exist? If not I'll get one going...
  15. Awww... he looks damn gorgeous - thanks for sharing these pics!
  16. I'm not a big fan of that song or Manfred Mann, but it was kind of fun to watch Klaus Voorman switch from bass to recorder and back. I couldn't figure out where he kept the recorder while playing the bass... then realized he was holding it the entire time in his left hand, behind the bass guitar neck. Not bad for a dude who's never really been a real musician.
  17. Played in supermarkets disgustingly often. Dunno the title, all I can provide to identify the song is the line "this kiss, this kiss" screamed over and over. Don't remember anything else, the repulsion is too strong. Don't know who wrote or who sings it (sounds like some "dumb blond" type chick), but I'd like very much to strangle both. The urge to simultaneously vomit and to reach and slap that singer across the face, hard, is overwhelming.
  18. I just listened to it yesterday. As much as I think Waters is a bit of a prick, this is pure genius.
  19. Bauhaus - She's In Parties IMHO one of the best songs ever recorded...
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