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Everything posted by Gegenschein

  1. Right, the "Big Mondays..." Waddy Watchell and company. Except Terry is no longer there - he moved to Palm Desert sometime around 2006, give or take a few years
  2. Great research, thanks a million... is it sad, funny, ironic or all of the above that I've actually already seen all these quotes/interviews and recognize them instantly? Though I must admit that Terry interview Steve posted was new to me... That figuring out of the date in July was neat. Wow. I used to think I'm just an oddball and most LZ fans don't give a rat's behind about anyone but the four LZ members....
  3. Oooh this is good, thanks! I also just got an entire Glastonbury Fayre 1971 on DVD... haven't seen it yet, but I do believe Traffic is on it as well.
  4. What I don't get is why Walter Reid was even involved in this... wasn't Terry of legal age by this time?
  5. Wow. Funny you should mention that... last night I had another "one-artist night on YouTube" till past 3 AM and it was dedicated to Winwood (yeah I know not all the best is available there... still there was a lot new to me) IMHO between him, Marriott, Reid and Plant his voice is the most powerful and the least aging with time. Though not quite as raspy as the other three... anyway, I love all 4, though it's a bit more personal with Marriott and Reid, and I could go on forever about them but I don't think this is the right place, so I'll take this elsewhere. Thanks for all the info!
  6. A YT link (I wish there was one for Kathleen - a better song which does his voice justice) A YT link (I wish there was one for Penny - a better song which does his voice justice) (Yeah I know he has been mentioned on this thread already... cheers!) and another one, with the last two working together...
  7. John Paul Jones payed on Terry's 1st album as well, on 2 songs - that's according to Bill Bonham... you probably know that. Very interesting... do you know if the offer was made to Winwood? I've seen the name mentioned before but don't know how seriously he was considered.
  8. David Gilmour Jimi Hendrix Jimmy Page Brian May Ritchie Blackmore Jeff Beck John Cipollina there must be more but I'm falling asleep...
  9. Thanks, so I guess a threat was highly unlikely... I was just wondering if Jimmy actually tried to talk with Keith or just gave up, just like he gave up on Steve Marriott, but I guess we'll never know... (Ironically in Steve's case there were also rumors of threats... Most likely though Jimmy's offer just wouldn't stand a chance - a yet-to-be-formed band vs Small Faces who had a #1 album in 1968? A no-brainer at the time.)
  10. Well said. IMO what makes a truly great guitarist is the ability to create their own sound and style. Two examples are David Gilmour and Brian May. We saw Roger Waters on a tour a few years ago, I don't remember who the guitarist was (not that it mattered) - anyway the guy honestly did his homework and got Gilmour's sound down but not the style... he was playing too many notes! Gilmour can play just one note and hang on it forever but make it meaningful.
  11. Steve, I really hope you can help with this one which indeed is a mystery to me. This concerns the Jimmy Page - Terry Reid - Keith Richards "triangle." Apparently Terry was actually interested in Jimmy's offer but there was at least one little problem: he had two US tours booked, one of them with the Stones.... so he told Jimmy You better call Keith because he's not going to be happy... The question is - did Jimmy call? I saw the following comment on YouTube by supermanoliver: "...supposedly jimmy page asked keith richards if they could work something out and keith then threatened page or some crazy shit like that." Is that just a rumor?
  12. Oh. I guess it's a "Duh" kind of info for me... shows how much I know LA... Thanks bunches! You rock, seriously.
  13. Wow, respect, man, I only knew of 2004 one, though I suspected there were more... hold on a minute, wasn't that at the Joint? I remember reading he was driven to the Joint to see Terry... lemme try to locate the source. Might take a while LOL
  14. I remember reading somewhere that Jimmy personally phoned Terry Reid before the gig - just before TR was to go on stage, to give encouragement... coincidentally or not, that was the gig where Terry played one of Jimmy's guitars. I apologize for the lack of exact quote, I don't remember the source or even the date (some time in 200?) but it adds to the impression that Jimmy is a caring dude no doubt.
  15. I do like Robert Smith and even pre-Elevator Steve Bays, but come on now... My first thought upon reading that suggestion was "WTF?!" After much deliberation, weighing pros and cons and pondering, my conclusion was "WTF?!!!" Everyone is more than welcome to disagree.
  16. Easy there mate. What does he have to live up to? Or do you mean commercial success? If so I have to agree, but only in that aspect. Yes, RP in the best fit for LZ singer, that much is obvious and pointless to argue. However... Terry and Percy had nothing but tremendous respect for each other and let it be known on multiple occasions. They meet on and off stage (BTW Jimmy visited the Joint as well) and are good friends. Terry's career was certainly not the most successful one, but don't be thinking for a moment that he was nicknamed Superlungs for no reason. If you have any doubts (I don't know if you even heard him) just give this a listen. And for the love of God, have some respect... because Percy and Pagey do. If that matters anything to you.
  17. Wow. I don't see how you can get more delusional than that. His knowledge of LZ formation history is inferior to any part-time LZ fan's to say nothing of hard core ones...
  18. Though it's true that the contract with Most prevented him from recording with anyone else, I believe Terry could have at least played live with JP and his new band. However another contract prevented that as well: "Page, an old friend, told Reid that he was looking for a vocalist. "I said, 'Yeah, I'd love to give it a shot. But I've just got to pop off for a minute to do this Stones tour and I don't want to be the one to tell Keith I'm not going: you'll have to call him."" (from Independent, Jul 3, 2007) I'd love to know if the suggested call took place... but that is the question for Trivia or Mysteries, so I'll take it there.
  19. Well technically we're both incorrect. The correct song titles are: Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) and Superlungs My Supergirl; correct album titles Bang Bang You're Terry Reid and - the one that you probably meant, because it was reissued as Superlungs in 2004 - was actually self-titled album, i.e. Terry Reid. I agree 100% on the rough and powerful - in fact I love all the 1966-69 stuff more than what followed though most people consider Seed Of Memory (1973) his best... for me it's too mellow. BTW though Terry is 58 now, the folks who attended May/June 2008 gigs say that "the Voice is still there in all its glory" Don't shoot me, but... Mr. Superlungs is higher on my gig wish list than even LZ...
  20. Wow. I was pretty sure I'd see votes for some of my favorites - The Kinks, Pink Floyd, but - Terry Reid? Right, OK I know we're at LZ forum, but still, what a pleasant surprise. Ironically the two songs mentioned (both covers BTW, and both superior to the originals) used to be my favorite until I heard Terry's own song Penny. It's absolutely stunning, and I love the album version, though unfortunately I cannot share here (copyright and all that jazz) so here it is live, much rougher (track #2) - see for yourself how much Terry had to do with LZ besides recommending Robert to Jimmy... talk about influences.
  21. (NYC 2005...pic courtesy J. Podell from www.jralph.com)
  22. Yes, the VOICE... as someone described it, "to make grown men swoon" and Jimmy was a grown man compared to the teenager Terry (I don't think he was even 18 when they met) and knew exactly what he wanted... but it wasn't meant to be...
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