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Literally Speaking

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He's still in ICU but coherent and talking, soon as he gets into a private room, I'll make sure he gets his laptop so he can rejoin his family here. :D

I didn't even know he was sick. Sorry to hear this. I am crossing my fingers he gets better. (I enjoy arguing with him. ;);) ) I have had cancer in my family and i know how scary it is.

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He's still in ICU but coherent and talking, soon as he gets into a private room, I'll make sure he gets his laptop so he can rejoin his family here. :D

That's great news; thanks so much for keeping us updated! Please give him my best.

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Aw, my thoughts and prayers are for a speedy recovery.

*and for sweet sister morphine to come round when you need her*

My ex got liquid THC from LDS Hospital during his chemo. :D

Actually it really didn't help, but he smoked pot instead, and it helped, at least his appetite.

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I had no idea either ... I'm really sorry to hear that our friend dzldoc is having such a tough time at the moment. Please pass on my very best wishes for a speedy recovery, and tell him that he'd better get back here quick, 'cos we are worried about him!

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Thank you for the update, Charlie's brother! I hope you and your family are doing well while giving Charlie all the support he needs :) I know he will continue to do great and be up and around very soon! My continued thoughts are with you, Dzldoc.


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Literallly Speaking,

Comfort in time of sadness isn't just limited to friendship, it is a human duty regardless....I am sure everybody on this forum are wishing you and your brother the best life has to offer even in time like this....

I feel the same way as PlanetPage, Literally Speaking.

I'm sorry to hear he's been taken sick, but glad he is getting effective treatment. Hardly more than a few days ago your brother's funny posts in Have You Ever thread gave me a good laugh and cheered me up. Like all of us, I too hope he will make a complete and speedy recovery, and that perhaps our support could give you both an extra dose of positive energy during the difficult times!

Edited by Zanadu
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Ill feel easier when I see another update from his brother? None yet today? Hope he is doing ok? Its got to be a tough recovery period. The first three days probably the toughest. Prayers are with you Charles.

I agree, would really like to hear how Charlie is doing today. I'm hoping he is awake and making all his family laugh right now (and so Literally will be back here later to give us some good news)!

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I agree, would really like to hear how Charlie is doing today. I'm hoping he is awake and making all his family laugh right now (and so Literally will be back here later to give us some good news)!

Maybe we'll hear from Dzldoc ourselves :)

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He's out of ICU and resting in a private room now, still a bit out of it but it's to be expected, he isn't up to doing anything but watch a little t.v. nothing to do now but wait.

Oh that's great to hear! Out of Intensive care is always a good step! Please tell Charlie we are all thinking about him and sending our best!

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He's out of ICU and resting in a private room now, still a bit out of it but it's to be expected, he isn't up to doing anything but watch a little t.v. nothing to do now but wait.

How long will Dzldoc be in the hospital? Wishing Dzldoc all the best! Hopefully he will be getting up in a couple of days and walking around. Thank you for keeping us informed.

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He's out of ICU and resting in a private room now, still a bit out of it but it's to be expected, he isn't up to doing anything but watch a little t.v. nothing to do now but wait.

Thanks for checking in here and keeping us posted. Your brother has an great attitude and energy and I think that will go a long way towards recovery.

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