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How often do you listen to Zep


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nowadays, I really only listen to music when I'm in the car; mostly to and from work. I'm terminally lazy, so I'll leave the same CD in for a week or two at a time. ( Right now it's Bikini Kill's CD VERSION OF THE FIRST TWO RECORDS). Of course there's always a few Zeppelin discs in the car in case I get a jones-on for it . The truth is, I listened to Zeppelin so much in my younger days that it's now permanently burned in my psyche. My brain is like an ipod. Whenever I want DAZED,GALLOWS, or whatever, it's already right there between my ears.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Approximately a good 6 hours a day... give or take a couple depending on where I am.

Now that's a fan!!!

It's every day for me. If I don't get 'em on the radio, I get 'em on my ipod. If I have to travel for work I play them through the stereo, really helps the miles (kilometers) fly by.

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I typically play 4 or 5 live shows a week while I'm doing my computer input at work; Yardbirds, Zeppelin, Page/Plant, the reunion shows. I don't listen to the studio albums very much any more, I'd rather hear them live. 69-73 is my favorite period. There are *so* many good shows out there to track down and appreciate!

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When ever I get another bootleg. The first listen is the best so I hoard them until I get a 2-3 hour block of time. Then I go to the garage where the "good" stereo is, I might have a beer or three and I rock out to the mighty Zeppelin!

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I listen like pretty much everyday. On my ipod on my laptop. My favorite album if i really had to choose would probably LZ2, mainly cuz collectively there are more songs i really like in there.

And I actually really really like How The West Was Won. I think a lot of the songs they play there are even better than in the studio albums. The way they sometimes improvize some parts are fcking sick.

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Used to listen to them for over two hours to and from school until my mom decided to take my mp3 player... and then 15 more minutes with Get the Led Out, and more... now I'm "In My Time of Dying" as a result of the massive Led deprivation...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since my wife extended her stay in Korea to be with her family and sent me home all alone, these days I've been able to listen to Led Zeppelin everyday, fairly loudly! I do have to keep in mind that my 88 year old mother lives with us, but she spends most of her time on the second floor because the stairs are a lot for her to handle. But the music is in the basement family room so the sound doesn't travel up unless it's on 10 (or 11!).

When my wife returns, so do the cordless headphones, because she dislikes Led Zeppelin's music, always has. In her words she doesn't like the way that the singer "screams all the time." I thought that I would be able to convert her into a Led Zeppelin fan but it just never happened. It really doesn't matter though since it doesn't affect our marriage, there are a lot more important things and plus, it's really all about give and take or it would end up about nothing, imho.

The coolest thing though is that my mother got mildly turned on to Led Zeppelin's softer side due to my listening to them when I was a child. It's not like she plays Led Zeppelin all of the time on her own but when I bring her to her church, out grocery shopping or wherever, she enjoys listening to Led Zeppelin because "the singer has such a lovely voice." What makes my wife dislike Led Zeppelin is basically the same thing that makes my mom enjoy a bit of Led Zeppelin now and then. I've always thought how kind of backwards that is but how cool it is too at the same time.

Sorry if that was all too much information, considering the question! How does that saying go? It may be a strange life but it's my life and I will be happy to keep it, thank you!

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