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Condoleezza Rice Loves Led Zeppelin?


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Just saw Jay Leno tonight and was really surprised when Ms. Rice revealed that her favorite band is Led Zeppelin. She went on to explain that when she listens to her ipod while exercising she can really "be with Led Zeppelin". Personally, I think that's very random and very cool. Regardless of what you think of her... that's quite awesomely unexpected. What do you think?

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Just saw Jay Leno tonight and was really surprised when Ms. Rice revealed that her favorite band is Led Zeppelin. She went on to explain that when she listens to her ipod while exercising she can really "be with Led Zeppelin". Personally, I think that's very random and very cool. Regardless of what you think of her... that's quite awesomely unexpected. What do you think?

I think it's awesome. Plant replacement???????


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Just saw Jay Leno tonight and was really surprised when Ms. Rice revealed that her favorite band is Led Zeppelin. She went on to explain that when she listens to her ipod while exercising she can really "be with Led Zeppelin". Personally, I think that's very random and very cool. Regardless of what you think of her... that's quite awesomely unexpected. What do you think?

CBS tv Sunday night show 60 minutes did a segment on her more than a year ago. It might still be on their website. She indeed loves Led Zeppelin!!

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That's flippin' awesome!

Yeah. I remember reading some where a few years back that she likes to workout to Zep. As much as I disliked her boss and their political views, I always dug her after hearing this.

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Not surprised by this at all...if you've spent any time in the political threads

at the Ramble On section you'll see that there are plenty of conservative/

Republican fans of Led Zeppelin.

As Michael Jordan once said, "Republicans buy shoes too."

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And Hillary likes Fleetwood Mac. I knew I wouldn't like that trade off.

Hi Kak,

If we had kids we could call one "BIG DADDY" and one "DAN KAK".

This is the best news this century, what say you get up a pertition, send it to Condi asking her to bar the said members from entering the US on the grounds that they, er, whatever you want, and i'll do the same here and using my contacts get the said members passports revoked so as to make it imposible for the said members to travel outside the UK. Then see what developes. :drool:

Wadda u say, Regards, Danny

PS. I hope Tony still uses the same mobile number or i'm fu(you know)


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I remember reading about this during the Bush administration.

Yeah, she mentioned it during a 60 Minutes interview. Can't remember the exact year but she is a big fan B)

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Hi Kak,

If we had kids we could call one "BIG DADDY" and one "DAN KAK".

This is the best news this century, what say you get up a pertition, send it to Condi asking her to bar the said members from entering the US on the grounds that they, er, whatever you want, and i'll do the same here and using my contacts get the said members passports revoked so as to make it imposible for the said members to travel outside the UK. Then see what developes. :drool:

Wadda u say, Regards, Danny

PS. I hope Tony still uses the same mobile number or i'm fu(you know)



You have truly lost grip.


Kakdanny (I took your last name, our kids will not be bastards you see. C*nts maybe, but...)

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This is old news. I have known for years that Condi Rice liked Led Zeppelin.

I remember reading about this during the Bush administration.

Yeah, she mentioned it during a 60 Minutes interview. Can't remember the exact year but she is a big fan B)

I remember reading it in an article in {I think) People Magazine when Duh-bya was choosing his Cabinet back in 2001. It said she liked to listen to Zep while she exercised on the treadmill or something like that.

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Same here, but I can't remember where I read it first. Have heard this on several occassions.

She play's piano and was relating her musical background and her workout program. I seem to remember her saying Kashmir worked for both

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Lol. Can y'all imagine if Zep was to go on tour and you look over next to you and see Condi rockin it out to Black Dog or something... that would be the greatest moment of my life.

It was way less of a surprise to learn Jessie Ventura (wrestler/politician) was a big fan.

A big part of the magic of music for me is the bringing of disparate peoples together.

I think Jimmy Carter was a fan as well.

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