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I don't know what everyone else called them but Blakey's ( little metal pieces that fit on the bottom of the heal and toe your boots ) bring back a laugh or two. All you could hear on the street was click, click, click. We used to see if we could create a spark by sliding across the sidewalk. Skateboards were not needed :D

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Ha ha ha. We had Schwinn bikes and a banana seat bike. Sooooo comfortable, the banana seat was! We also used to do the playing card thing to make it sound like a motorcycle. Also, we put streamers on the handle bars for extra showing off. And for added fun (for us, at least) we used to ring the bells on our handlebars every chance we got!

Speaking of the clackers, we used to call them "go-go balls". One kid on the block had a pogo stick but none of us were able to manage more than two hops, unfortunately.

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Ha ha ha. We had Schwinn bikes and a banana seat bike. Sooooo comfortable, the banana seat was! We also used to do the playing card thing to make it sound like a motorcycle. Also, we put streamers on the handle bars for extra showing off. And for added fun (for us, at least) we used to ring the bells on our handlebars every chance we got!

Speaking of the clackers, we used to call them "go-go balls". One kid on the block had a pogo stick but none of us were able to manage more than two hops, unfortunately.

Karuna, Fan S...lol. Had my mustang chopped ! Went ass over tea kettle going over a ramp that we built and crashed into a neighbours hedge. Ran away as fast as I could but the man of the house just followed that click, click sound all the way to my house :lol: Jeez was I ever in shit :o

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It's SLINKY SLINKY the fun and wonderful toy!!

Its a coiled wire that could go up and down stairs. What I remember most is the song for the advertisement.

The big spring that could :D

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Cool stuff guy's (and gal's) I can remember some of them.

The thing that really takes me back to my youth is hearing some old Three Dog Night and Beatles song's on an old AM radio. Now when I got older say, mid/late teen's I started getting into Led Zeppelin so that would bring back those day's.

I did have a few different bike's (peddle) that I rode many, many miles a day on. Most of them where hand me down's as I was the youngest child. My Hot Wheels and Matchbox car's and I was also a big time Model builder to! I had more plastic cars and airplanes than I can even remember counting. Mom and dad would ask me to do some light chores around the house for money to buy them.

But I think that certain song's do more for me then any thing else.

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I'm a nostalgia addict. I am constantly looking at periods of life, including very recent ones, and cherishing the memories, even if the time sucked. And now I know myself well enough, that even when I am going through a current situation, I'll be looking back at it in a similiar way. And as usual, I will be blinded and remember only the good details.

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frickin' clackers...the zing when it eventually hit you in the forearm... :angry:

having to be home by the time the streetlights came on...playing "ghosts in the graveyard" on the front stoop after dark...catching fireflys...sometimes smearing them on the sidewalk...feeling bad afterwords :(

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Ha ha ha. We had Schwinn bikes and a banana seat bike. Sooooo comfortable, the banana seat was! We also used to do the playing card thing to make it sound like a motorcycle. Also, we put streamers on the handle bars for extra showing off. And for added fun (for us, at least) we used to ring the bells on our handlebars every chance we got!

:) Definitely on the Schwinn bikes!

Also, flashlight tag; we had about a 12 house territory :)

And how about those pink hair rollers? Either the sponge kind, or the plastic kind. :lol:

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Ha ha ha. We had Schwinn bikes and a banana seat bike. Sooooo comfortable, the banana seat was! We also used to do the playing card thing to make it sound like a motorcycle. Also, we put streamers on the handle bars for extra showing off. And for added fun (for us, at least) we used to ring the bells on our handlebars every chance we got!

Speaking of the clackers, we used to call them "go-go balls". One kid on the block had a pogo stick but none of us were able to manage more than two hops, unfortunately.

I remember we would chop out our sting-rays with 1,2 or even 3 front fork sections. We'd just jam them on and I guess it's remarkable none of us ever got hurt LoL. That was fun.

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You whippersnapper :D

remember lawn darts_ what sadist dreamt those up- we had them for a day or two then mom freaked out when she saw me pitch one that came inches from my little brothers foot

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Me and my buddy hitchiking from Vancouver to the west coast of Vancouver Island when we were 14.

Camping on the beach with all the freaks and having a complete blast. Huge bonfires that I'm sure were spotted from Japan :D

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I've had a few hangovers that not only could be spotted from Japan but space as well.




I remember getting this stuff all over the fireplace one Christmas and getting a well deserved ass kickin' for it. It remained there until we sold the family home in 2006.


This game is still manufactured and quite frankly I still enjoy playing it.

Edited by Jahfin
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remember lawn darts_ what sadist dreamt those up- we had them for a day or two then mom freaked out when she saw me pitch one that came inches from my little brothers foot

My family had a set of lawn darts. In fact I think we had a penchant for hazardous toys in general. The year a friend of ours introduced us to the water balloon slingshot it made the Most Dangerous Toy list at Christmas.


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Our little group of friends went fishing at the boat ramp, walked through the creek at low tide, rode our bikes all over the place, neighboring town pool, or animal store-parrots of the world, the owner, -mark marrone is on martha stewart show all the time. let me tell you, he was just like that to us as kids, would educate us about all the birds and pets, very cool.

Also, we would build bike ramps as kids. we'd take all the stuff down there from our backyard and build ramps out of plywood, shimmed up with pieces of plywood and 2x4s, and car tires, leading up to milk crates or the actual wagon we took the stuff down there with. We totally would test it and jump off it on the sides first. We set the ramp up at the end of a hill, behind our grammar school, so there is that speed factor as well. Anyway it was great once we pefected the ramp, but we'd be there all day and kids would show up and ofcourse someone always got hurt, stripping the handlebars and going over or just wiping out.

Then we headed out on the water on a thirteen foot whaler-that was it. . just endless exploration and fun as a kid. waterskiing and kneeboarding, walking around the marshes in winter with bb guns and jumping mosquitoe pits, just fun.

Oh yeah we used to dive for golf balls, off this golf coourse, where the golf balls would settle in a channel and at low tide...we could hold our breath and go get them. Well, once we tried to sell them to the rich clientele at the golf course, we couldnt actually sell them. they wouldnt pay our price...which was very cheap. I've had many and much more rough lessons since, but that was the first and most mild and most telling of the world.

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Our little group of friends went fishing at the boat ramp, walked through the creek at low tide, rode our bikes all over the place, neighboring town pool, or animal store-parrots of the world, the owner, -mark marrone is on martha stewart show all the time. let me tell you, he was just like that to us as kids, would educate us about all the birds and pets, very cool.

Also, we would build bike ramps as kids. we'd take all the stuff down there from our backyard and build ramps out of plywood, shimmed up with pieces of plywood and 2x4s, and car tires, leading up to milk crates or the actual wagon we took the stuff down there with. We totally would test it and jump off it on the sides first. We set the ramp up at the end of a hill, behind our grammar school, so there is that speed factor as well. Anyway it was great once we pefected the ramp, but we'd be there all day and kids would show up and ofcourse someone always got hurt, stripping the handlebars and going over or just wiping out.

Then we headed out on the water on a thirteen foot whaler-that was it. . just endless exploration and fun as a kid. waterskiing and kneeboarding, walking around the marshes in winter with bb guns and jumping mosquitoe pits, just fun.

Oh yeah we used to dive for golf balls, off this golf coourse, where the golf balls would settle in a channel and at low tide...we could hold our breath and go get them. Well, once we tried to sell them to the rich clientele at the golf course, we couldnt actually sell them. they wouldnt pay our price...which was very cheap. I've had many and much more rough lessons since, but that was the first and most mild and most telling of the world.

Hi middlezep,

I live across the road from a country club golf course. We find lots of balls in our yard. There was one by my mailbox today. I went to pick it up, but saw a couple of guys on the tee and figured that it was their ball, LOL. When I came back home from my errands, the ball was gone. They would have been really mad if I would have picked it up. We have baskets-full of balls in our garage, more than we could ever use. We should try to sell them back to the golfers. :lol:

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Hi middlezep,

I live across the road from a country club golf course. We find lots of balls in our yard. There was one by my mailbox today. I went to pick it up, but saw a couple of guys on the tee and figured that it was their ball, LOL. When I came back home from my errands, the ball was gone. They would have been really mad if I would have picked it up. We have baskets-full of balls in our garage, more than we could ever use. We should try to sell them back to the golfers. :lol:

Ha haa, yeah, really? the mailbox. well, we actually cleaned them up and put them into egg cartons, to sell them by the dozen. We actually had the cops come down and threaten us and then tne -pro shop owner/who called the cops, bought all the balls-way cheap, cause he was theratening us with the cops. my uncle golfed there and then called him on it and got all the balls back, which we gave them all away over the years. actually i couldnt believe it, brand new golf balls are expensive...what did they think we were selling fake golf balls or something. you had to be there, just too cheap and unbelievable.

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