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Also, remember playing stickball with, not a bat but a stick which resembled a hockey stick with duct tape wound at the handle end. The ball was either a spalding or a pensy pinky.

Every time I see a "Super Pinky" ball, I think back to playing handball at the schoolyard. There was some additional activity we called "asses up" that went along with each handball game. I believe the loser had to bend over with their pants down in front of the wall, and everyone got a free shot throwing the ball at them - the goal being to create a few welts on their cheeks or smashing their nuts, if your aim was really good. Stupid shit, and done in clear view of the classrooms and passers-by - but never questioned or prohibited (until we got older).

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Every time I see a "Super Pinky" ball, I think back to playing handball at the schoolyard. There was some additional activity we called "asses up" that went along with each handball game. I believe the loser had to bend over with their pants down in front of the wall, and everyone got a free shot throwing the ball at them - the goal being to create a few welts on their cheeks or smashing their nuts, if your aim was really good. Stupid shit, and done in clear view of the classrooms and passers-by - but never questioned or prohibited (until we got older).

Haha. Wow! I thought I grew up with some tough, stupid games! Anywho, I also played handball in the schoolyard with the Pensy Pinkies and Spaldings (that's what we called them, the latter, pronounced 'spaldeens'). Our brutality came out by playing a stupid game called Dodgeball where you're encouraged to conk the kids in the middle with the dodgeball (sometimes we used a volleyball!).

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Our brutality came out by playing a stupid game called Dodgeball where you're encouraged to conk the kids in the middle with the dodgeball (sometimes we used a volleyball!).

Although we always played dodgeball in ur neighborhood, I think it was actually more brutal in the school gym. I don't remember anyone being excused from having to play, so the girls, undersized, and even retarded kids had to bear the wrath of the couple much bigger bullies who always won. One ball they had was about 2 feet in diameter, but wrapped in cloth strips for getting a good grip on it. Most of the kids would get trapped in a corner, with the weaker ones pushed up front to be the first hit. Boy, those were good times!!!

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Although we always played dodgeball in ur neighborhood, I think it was actually more brutal in the school gym. I don't remember anyone being excused from having to play, so the girls, undersized, and even retarded kids had to bear the wrath of the couple much bigger bullies who always won. One ball they had was about 2 feet in diameter, but wrapped in cloth strips for getting a good grip on it. Most of the kids would get trapped in a corner, with the weaker ones pushed up front to be the first hit. Boy, those were good times!!!

We had to play dodge ball in gym class. I hated it!

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We sure spent alot of time and energy trying to adapt lawnmower engines to our chopper bicycles. Without access to the right parts like a clutch or welding equipment, it didn't result in much more than a good device for creating permanent leg scars...

Sounds like the old coasters we used to make in San Francisco, the perfect town for coasters. :D

We would also slide down Ord Street on hardboard that we'd wax or soap up and with no way to control your direction you'd usually end up under the back of a car. :lol:

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I remember the hula hoop craze. :lol:

They were fun, all right! Especially the hula hoops with beans inside to make that shoop sound as you hula. I used to be better @ it @ age 7. Not any more, though. :rolleyes:

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hula hoops, yo - yo's, ding bats, marbles, knuckles...... toys were simpler then ( and no batteries ! )

most of the summer days were spent at the local public pool or river, bike riding, watching cricket. and listening to music.

winter was for playing hockey ( not ice ) watching footy, hanging out with mates, reading, going to the movies every friday night ( no matter what the film was ) and listening to music .

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hula hoops, yo - yo's, ding bats, marbles, knuckles...... toys were simpler then ( and no batteries ! )

most of the summer days were spent at the local public pool or river, bike riding, watching cricket. and listening to music.

winter was for playing hockey ( not ice ) watching footy, hanging out with mates, reading, going to the movies every friday night ( no matter what the film was ) and listening to music .

I loved yo-yos!!! I was the same way - bike riding, outdoor games, swimming etc. and of course lots of time listening to music :D

I loved dodgeball! You stand still, get hit asap and put out of the circle, and then you don't have to do jack for the rest of gym class! My kind of exercise. :beer:

:lol: I never thought of that :slapface:

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I loved yo-yos!!! I was the same way

The other day I was in the supermarket with my daughter and I bought a Duncan clear blue "butterfly" yo-yo. It was fun to watch my daughter play with it. And for me to play with it as well, after. :rolleyes:

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hula hoops, yo - yo's, ding bats, marbles, knuckles...... toys were simpler then ( and no batteries ! )

most of the summer days were spent at the local public pool or river, bike riding, watching cricket. and listening to music.

winter was for playing hockey ( not ice ) watching footy, hanging out with mates, reading, going to the movies every friday night ( no matter what the film was ) and listening to music .

I still have a hula hoop in the garage somewhere (we're not on about the snack, yeah?).

Nostalgia, for me, mainly centers on school. Wearing plimsolls during P.E. Having three different bells ring for lunch at primary school - dinners, infant sandwiches, and junior sandwiches. Those awful checkered school uniform summer dresses. Having it get dark whilst we still had lessons. Scrunchies.

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Say, anybody here remember baseball coins? They came out @ the same time as the baseball cards which you flip. What was the baseball coin game though?

Heh heh, my husband collects sports cards, and coins. So far he hasn't found baseball coins yet! :)

Do you all remember Romper Stompers? And Wheel-o's? :D

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Heh heh, my husband collects sports cards, and coins. So far he hasn't found baseball coins yet! :)

Do you all remember Romper Stompers? And Wheel-o's? :D

Hahaha! No, but I remember the show "Romper Room"! How about the show "Wonderama?"

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Hahaha! No, but I remember the show "Romper Room"! How about the show "Wonderama?"

Was that the show when they opened the cans and either snakes or flowers came out? And they had gogo dancers in cages? (if so, yes! :) )

Romper Stompers were from Romper Room; they were like little inverted buckets that you stood on, and they had vinyl ropes that you held on to so you could walk with them on your feet:

Romper Stompers

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