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Mrs America Scandal

Mary Hartman

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Is Miss America a smutty version of Miss U.S.A.?

No, not quite.

Miss America is the older pageant of the two, and arguably the more well-known. It's winners include Phyllis George, Vanessa Williams, Maryann Mobley and Lee Meriwether.....all very famous women.

Miss Prejean is Miss California USA, not Miss California. Miss California competes in the Miss America pageant, Miss California USA in the Miss USA pageant.

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Well, here's some advice for any aspiring Miss America:

"Having an opinion is fine, just don't let it get in the way of your tits..."

Having an opinion is fine. However if your a stereotypical dafty model you must keep it to yourself. Especially if you aren't queer or non religious. For the most part it's these girls mothers that "raise" them through these pageants and trot them all over the media from childhood. So "GOD" forbid this being the way they are encouraged to behave.

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Not to worry. There'll soon be a 'Miz Lesbian America' with contestants looking like Lindsay Lohan's girlfriend. :D

Now there's a thought. It can compete with full contact martial arts for entertainment.

Just joking. I never watch these things, never have. But I did catch the bit where she went into tears and cried...


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She merely expressed an OPINION to which she is entitled. Coincidentally, it is an opinion shared by the majority of Americans. Barack Hussein Obama expressed the same opinion

on the campaign trail and nary a word of protest was heard.

Yeah? Well he wasn't running for Miss America now was he.....


Edited by Babs
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She merely expressed an OPINION to which she is entitled. Coincidentally, it is an opinion shared by the majority of Americans. Barack Hussein Obama expressed the same opinion

on the campaign trail and nary a word of protest was heard.

And expressed her opinion in direct answer to the specific question she was asked. It's not like she got up there thinking "okay, not that I've got the spotlight let me tell the world how I feel about gay marriages." She got stuck with a more difficult question and handled it tactfully IMO.

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And expressed her opinion in direct answer to the specific question she was asked. It's not like she got up there thinking "okay, not that I've got the spotlight let me tell the world how I feel about gay marriages." She got stuck with a more difficult question and handled it tactfully IMO.

I feel sorry for the contestants in the "advanced" future, who will have to answer difficult questions about marrying horses or gumball machines...

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I feel sorry for the contestants in the "advanced" future, who will have to answer difficult questions about marrying horses or gumball machines...

Because you're ridiculous enough to think that gay marriage would lead to marriage between people and inanimate objects and animals? Get real.

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Because you're ridiculous enough to think that gay marriage would lead to marriage between people and inanimate objects and animals? Get real.

To be fair, marriage between two men or two women 150 years ago was probably thought of exactly like you say now.

The line is consistently pushed further, its what drives liberalism.

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To be fair, marriage between two men or two women 150 years ago was probably thought of exactly like you say now.

No, this is my problem with the slippery slope that anti-gay marriage advocates want to take. They say "well, if we let the gays get married, pretty soon they're going to want marriage between a man a child or a man and a goat or a man and a tree legalized too. What next?"

Well, for starters.....marriage between a man/woman and a child, goat or tree is not valid because of consent issues. A child cannot consent to marriage, a goat can't and neither can a tree. So there's no way in hell this ridiculous scenario they cook up to validate their position will ever happen.

Then they say, "well if we allow homosexuality to be okay, we'll have to allow pedophilia and bestiality to be okay too. What next?"

Well for starters, pedophilia and bestiality are legally rape. Children and animals can't consent to sexual activity any more than they can consent to marriage. Homosexuality, either between two men or two women is not legally rape. Can homosexuals commit the act of rape? Yes, so can heterosexuals. That doesn't mean the act of two people having sex that are the same sex is rape or even anywhere near the same level as pedophilia and bestiality.

That is my problem with this argument they come up with. It's not valid on any front. I don't care what people thought 150 years ago. 150 years ago, black people were slaves, we had no electricity or telephones and people still shit outside. Should we go back to all that too? Good God no. Society, like living things, EVOLVES. We grow, we learn, we adapt and change to new ideas and surroundings. Let those who want to live in the past stay there while the rest of us march on with time.

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First off, Perez Hilton is a useless piece of crap. If you want equality than you have to accept that not everybody is going to support you. He's a freaking weasel imo. Someone needs to give a good smack across his fat gums.

I also find it ironic that Shanna Moakler is making stink out of this....

"I cannot with a clear conscious move forward supporting and promoting the Miss Universe Organization when I no longer believe in it, or the contracts I signed committing myself as a youth," she said. "I want to be a role model for young [women] with high hopes of pageantry, but now feel it more important to be a role model for my children. I am sorry and hope I have not let any young supporters down but wish them the best of luck in fulfilling their dreams."

Hey Shanna, where you trying to be a role-model when you posed nude for Playboy? What a hypocrite.

Everyone loves freedom of speech until they don't like what you have to say. All of sudden you are a racist,etc. I might not support Carrie Prejean's views but she had every right to say what she did. I respect her honesty over the other crap most of these woman say at these pageant because they don't want to offend anyone. BTW, I think Carrie should have won. She's smoking hot and looked way better than most of the competition!! :D

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That is my problem with this argument they come up with. It's not valid on any front. I don't care what people thought 150 years ago. 150 years ago, black people were slaves, we had no electricity or telephones and people still shit outside. Should we go back to all that too? Good God no. Society, like living things, EVOLVES. We grow, we learn, we adapt and change to new ideas and surroundings. Let those who want to live in the past stay there while the rest of us march on with time.

I'm just explaining the position Liz, not picking sides in this one :P

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First off, I have a question for those of you saying "marriage is a scared institution." How many wives do you have? More then one?

That is exactly why the "tradition" and "sacred" arguments are bullshit. Because a "traditional, sacred marriage" apparently consists of 300 wives and 500 concubines. We stopped the "marriage tradition" back when we said that polygamous marriages were immoral and many guys started sticking to one wife. The "tradition" was over at that point.

Second, I don't care if you disagree with Carrie Prejean. I certainly do. But she has every right to express her opinion. She answered a tough question. So she personally disagrees with gay marriage. She also expressed her happiness that we live in a country where we're allowed to choose. I'd say her answer was just fine (if somewhat unintelligent, which shouldn't be too surprising to anyone here as I'm pretty sure intelligence isn't one of the standards of these pageants).

There is no such thing as a wrong opinion. Misinformed? Yes. Wrong? No.

I disagree with Ms. Prejean, as I personally think that if you're against gay marriage, then don't get one and shut the fuck up. It's not like gay people want to make straight marriage illegal. They just want the same rights and privileges that straight-married couples have. Why not? I see no harm in it.

I admit that, personally, I'm against it. Why? Because as a straight man, the idea of two men having sex makes me very sick. I don't want to think about it in any way, shape, or form (on the other hand, I'll support lesbians all the way, especially if they're actually bi and I get to join in... ;):P ). But in the grand scheme of things, I still don't see why two men or two women shouldn't be allowed to get married. It's consensual, right? And it doesn't affect me at all.

Even Obama expressed an opinion of generally not liking gay marriage. And unlike Ms. Prejean, Obama's in the position to do something about it. Obama has rightfully chosen to let the states decide. And to be completely honest with you, if you take Ms. Prejean's answer in context, I'd say if she had Obama's power, she'd probably do the same thing (considering the part about her being proud of living in a country where we can choose).

In the end, the only asshole douchebag in this scenario is Perez Hilton. He's the one we should be blasting. Not Carrie.

Edited by Nathan
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First off, I have a question for those of you saying "marriage is a scared institution." How many wives do you have? More then one?

That is exactly why the "tradition" and "sacred" arguments are bullshit. Because a "traditional, sacred marriage" apparently consists of 300 wives and 500 concubines. We stopped the "marriage tradition" back when we said that polygamous marriages were immoral and many guys started sticking to one wife. The "tradition" was over at that point.

Second, I don't care if you disagree with Carrie Prejean. I certainly do. But she has every right to express her opinion. She answered a tough question. So she personally disagrees with gay marriage. She also expressed her happiness that we live in a country where we're allowed to choose. I'd say her answer was just fine (if somewhat unintelligent, which shouldn't be too surprising to anyone here as I'm pretty sure intelligence isn't one of the standards of these pageants).

There is no such thing as a wrong opinion. Misinformed? Yes. Wrong? No.

I disagree with Ms. Prejean, as I personally think that if you're against gay marriage, then don't get one and shut the fuck up. It's not like gay people want to make straight marriage illegal. They just want the same rights and privileges that straight-married couples have. Why not? I see no harm in it.

I admit that, personally, I'm against it. Why? Because as a straight man, the idea of two men having sex makes me very sick. I don't want to think about it in any way, shape, or form (on the other hand, I'll support lesbians all the way, especially if they're actually bi and I get to join in... ;):P ). But in the grand scheme of things, I still don't see why two men or two women shouldn't be allowed to get married. It's consensual, right? And it doesn't affect me at all.

Even Obama expressed an opinion of generally not liking gay marriage. And unlike Ms. Prejean, Obama's in the position to do something about it. Obama has rightfully chosen to let the states decide. And to be completely honest with you, if you take Ms. Prejean's answer in context, I'd say if she had Obama's power, she'd probably do the same thing (considering the part about her being proud of living in a country where we can choose).

In the end, the only asshole douchebag in this scenario is Perez Hilton. He's the one we should be blasting. Not Carrie.

I think marriage as a 'sacred institution' is a load of bullocks. It was created by wingnuts who had to have control over people. Accordingly naturally 'God Instituted Marriage.' Yes that's right, 'God instituted marriage.'

Doesnt take long to think about that one. Wrangle as many people as you can into behaving like someone else or the church has utter control over their behavior?

Bullocks. People lived together and loved for many centuries without ONE SINGLE DIVORCE. One single attorney, one single cave sold off so the attorney could have part of it and people probably grunted 'ummph lets scrog and make up.'

Prejeans opine I don't agree with, but just like you said she has every right to express her 'religious opine.' She has every right to cry if she wishes and not a single soul can whine his ass off to change it. I never heard of Perez Hilton before. Wooo, hooo here's my ticket to fame, ride a choice looking girls skirt tail chomping at the bit about me being gay as a peacock.....guess what? I don't care if your gay. But I do care if you ruin someones life and or their prosperity and fun. That's just an asswipe in action.

If your gay all well and fine. I think the time has come where people are tired of the gay people having to have revenge along with their lifestyle.

I am one. Take your rainbows and shove them up your poop shoots if you cannot be nice.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Last I heard there was somthing called Free Speach . I believe She is entitled to Her on beliefs and should not be punished for them .

yes, i think we all agree she has the right to her own beliefs...the problem only came up when she voiced them in a beauty pageant...when you sign up for a pageant you forgo some of your rights as a participant...maybe she also believes crack should be made available to all school-aged children...in which case, we'd all agree, more power to her!

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