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Mrs America Scandal

Mary Hartman

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A girl of eight can have breasts and menstruate and twelve is the average age this begins. Does this mean she is now fair game for a "man" to want her? source to provide proof of my first statement: http://www.womenshealth.gov/faq/menstruation.cfm

Maturity and being psychologically ready to engage in adult behavior is more important than a person's anatomy/physiology. Maybe a few centuries ago procreation was more important than it is in today's over populated world. A few centuries ago woman had no rights, either. btw... yes, i saw your follow-up post noting not to mess with children.

Don't misquote me tangelo. All you want to do is take everything in the world so seriously. For what reason I don't know. But I will suggest it's stressful to live this way.

I agreed that if the feds wanted to they could follow my PC footprint in 1999. And I would bet with a name like ours they made it so. This is why when you called the CIA it probably did not take long to give you an answer now did it?

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Don't misquote me tangelo. All you want to do is take everything in the world so seriously. For what reason I don't know. But I will suggest it's stressful to live this way.

Maybe she is on the level for reason's of intellect, clarity and truth to name a few. Witch ever she see's it as. But this can go both way's, it's easy to be miss led as the two of you seem to be like a pair on a tennis court.

It is big of you both to make up and be friend's afterwords, yes?

Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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Maybe she is on the level for reason's of intellect, clarity and truth to name a few. Witch ever she see's it as. But this can go both way's, it's easy to be miss led as the two of you seem to be like a pair on a tennis court.

It is big of you both to make up and be friend's afterwords, yes?

It used to be until comparing me to child stalkers and rapists began. I really don't have time for it.

It's true I've been with women younger than I....however ALL of them said they loved being with me, I was warm and they had a really great time. So they never felt used. I never dumped them or turned them over to get a new one. I can deal with one at a time and that's about it. When I'm lucky that is.

I do believe she was 18. Very smart and very mature. Way above many. But she could have been 50 and I would have felt the same way.

You do not have to be 50 to be an intellectual or sexy.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Don't misquote me tangelo. All you want to do is take everything in the world so seriously. For what reason I don't know. But I will suggest it's stressful to live this way.

I agreed that if the feds wanted to they could follow my PC footprint in 1999. And I would bet with a name like ours they made it so. This is why when you called the CIA it probably did not take long to give you an answer now did it?

It was a Secret Service Agent, and yes you turned up clean. I knew you would take me saying what i did personally. Even if someone else said it i would have given my opinion. Since you said i should have known better than to express my freedom of speech. Sorry was a mistake.

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I don't understand this post at all. Could you clarify which people and what privileges you are talking about?

No problem:

People - all people, both heterosexuals and deviants.

Privileges - the recognitions, benefits, and allowances that are given to heterosexuals that join in some union, and their offspring. I guess the ability to be claimed as a dependent, social security, and medical coverage are the major issues. I'm sure there are others, but this isn't something I've researched - just sick of hearing about.

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No problem:

People - all people, both heterosexuals and deviants.

Privileges - the recognitions, benefits, and allowances that are given to heterosexuals that join in some union, and their offspring. I guess the ability to be claimed as a dependent, social security, and medical coverage are the major issues. I'm sure there are others, but this isn't something I've researched - just sick of hearing about.

Thanks for the clarification, but I'm quite worried with your view that deviations like pedophilia and possibly even murder (which you specifically mentioned in your previous post) would be ok if they are just done quietly in private. :o

Edited by Zanadu
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Thanks for the clarification, but I'm quite worried with your view that deviations like pedophilia and even murder (which you specifically mentioned in your previous post) would be ok if they are just done quietly in private. :o

Yeah....I'm with you we need some things which we have laws about. I mean some things are just sick. Pot I don't think would hurt anyone one way or the other if it was legal. Kids get it all they want anyhow and really at this point in time heroin is cheaper so their eyes are sort of on it.

Gambling I don't enjoy or prostitution so I really have no view on it one way or the other.

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Thanks for the clarification, but I'm quite worried with your view that deviations like pedophilia and possibly even murder (which you specifically mentioned in your previous post) would be ok if they are just done quietly in private. :o

Well, you might have caught me - lumping alot of subjects into one paragraph, that is. Someone mentioned hidden genes being an excuse for what people do out of the norm, which is even being linked to actions of pedophilia and murder. Of course I don't condone these, or accept excuses to why they happen. And I don't have a huge problem with lesser abnormal activities that are sexual in nature, consenting, and kept private. I'll even stop lumping everything into the term "deviant", as to not antagonize some here, even though it's not wrong by definition...

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Well, you might have caught me - lumping alot of subjects into one paragraph, that is. Someone mentioned hidden genes being an excuse for what people do out of the norm, which is even being linked to actions of pedophilia and murder. Of course I don't condone these, or accept excuses to why they happen. And I don't have a huge problem with lesser abnormal activities that are sexual in nature, consenting, and kept private. I'll even stop lumping everything into the term "deviant", as to not antagonize some here, even though it's not wrong by definition...

Ooooo.. I don't know about that I've been told by people that have studied it all there life and do it for a living (watch after mentally sick) that people develop certain characteristics when they are in certain stages of child hood. Maybe you can inherit some trait's of assimilation but when some one says "he act's just like his father" or "just like her sister" or "ever since he was".. or what ever, it kind of tells it all to clearly as to how easy it is to make an impression on young children.

The other types of mentally challenged people are those that are born with birth defects, heavy drug (of any kind) use or are born retarded.

IMHO, I wouldn't rule out some other type of mind altering event(s) that can happen in one's life at an important time of development.

Learning, training or manipulation (good or bad). Gives a whole new meaning to ..."Are You Experienced"?

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That's a fucked up movie.

Sybil was based on a true story. Such a disturbing movie, but also very good. Sally Field was terrific in the movie, and the late Brad Davis (was in Midnight Express, another disturbing movie) played her boyfriend.

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