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How did you find this board, and how do you like it?


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Hi there everybody.

Just wanted to know how you have found this board on the internet, did somebody tell you, was it just karma? How long have you been here and how frequent do you visit?

And how do you like your stay here....are the topics interesting enough, do you like/dislike certain people here?

Could certain things improve to make it even more interesting?

Just was beeing curious, what your motives are,

feel free to tell,

rock on!

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Hi there everybody.

Just wanted to know how you have found this board on the internet, did somebody tell you, was it just karma? How long have you been here and how frequent do you visit?

And how do you like your stay here....are the topics interesting enough, do you like/dislike certain people here?

Could certain things improve to make it even more interesting?

Just was beeing curious, what your motives are,

feel free to tell,

rock on!

Hi, I had attended a zep concert in 1980 but couldnt remember details like where it was, etc.. and my daughters and girlfriend were rolling their eyes at me. I came to this site, joined and within hours "SteveAJones" bless his heart, answered my inquire perfectly. I had never been interested in this type of thing before but now Im a big fan. There are many very interesting threads and hope I can contribute something. Im kind of a dork when it comes to computers and am still feeling my way around this site LoL. Oh yeah, Ive lost all my moral high ground with my daughters.

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I used to visit the old site but never participated in the forum section. TBH, never even looked at the forum. I joined when the site became official to get some info on the reunion concert and forgot to leave :lol: .

Have to admit that I quite enjoy it here , have met some wonderful people and in the process have made a number of good friends. It took some time to figure out the joint but overall, it's been a great experience for this old fan.

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I initially found this site by doing my first Internet search using the keyword "Led Zeppelin". I joined in April 2002, and there are still plenty of people here that joined before that.....Tangerine, Jahfin, L7,....to name a few. Some of you might want to know that as you race to increase your post count. I have received one pm from the mods in 7 years....that was for posting a pic of a phallic-shaped ice cream cone. I felt the need to find the boundaries of the new site. I have never spoken or commmunicated to Sam, Homer Jankowski, or whichever man, women, or beast is now lurking behind the curtain (although I do appreciate all of their efforts here).

I basically quit pm'ing folks years ago. I'm not interested in communicating with 14 year olds on the Internet, or having the cops called to my house from another country, or in sending you a pic of my genitals (you wouldn't be impressed anyway). This is fantasy land for me, a break from work, and I have no personal interest in making it real. Oh, and in case you need someone to laugh at, I also believe there is back-masking on Stairway To Heaven, and that Jimmy put it there. :P

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Lol Mary, what happened to your boobs?

Ah, they are back, haha.

My boobs? What's wrong with my boobies? I have some of the most famous boobs online. You don't like those eh? I have some lengthy ones where I dance like the pide piper on ecstasy, but I don't think they will get past the 8-14 year old tween scene here. Can you guys see em, I can't see em I will make em bigger and bouncier ok? After all we are raising moolah, well and tents :D

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Thanks already for the many replies on my writewrite, dear Ledies and GentLedmen.

Still wondered, what is your regarded opinion on this board (I for instance think it would be cool if there were some contests where one could win a Zep-related gizmo.

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My boobs? What's wrong with my boobies? I have some of the most famous boobs online. You don't like those eh? I have some lengthy ones where I dance like the pide piper on ecstasy, but I don't think they will get past the 8-14 year old tween scene here. Can you guys see em, I can't see em I will make em bigger and bouncier ok? After all we are raising moolah, well and tents :D

Have you heard of the breast cancer fundraiser group called "Save Second Base" I think it was started by high school students whos principal tried to shut them down but failed

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Found the site during the hooplah over the O2, and decided to stay, possibly to the dismay of some, but hopefully not most.

I probably put more thought and effort and sometimes research into my posts here than any other forum I frequent, which at this point is really just one other where I mod, and it's mostly just a big goof, a place to cut up and laugh.

Here I feel compelled to give thorough descriptions and responses to various threads (ya think?), particularly in the political discussions.

I have a number of members here who I appreciate intellectually even if I don't agree with them philosophically, and some of them probably can't stand me, but that's OK. It makes for meaningful debate.

I have to admit I tend to ignore the "What are your Top 10 Zep whatever" threads at this point because they become a little repetitive, although my love of Zeppelin hasn't diminished in any way.

so yeah.

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I joined the old board in January of 2004, why I don't quite remember. I think I found the link somewhere and I just decided to join. When the board moved, I went with it.

As for if I like it......I wouldn't still be an active poster if I didn't.

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No, we have similar jobs and come home at the same time.

You'll notice we don't have exactly the same views on everything, however. ;)

(I think "almost always" might be a slight exaggeration, since I have about half the number of posts she does!)

Edited by Aquamarine
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From the old board. Everyone just transferred over.

I can't remember as both of my old computers are dead.


Edit: I was member # 380 on the old board.

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I went on a Zep listening binge somewhere around 2002 or so then went in search of a Zeppelin site and stumbled upon the original board. It just so happened to be not long before the Led Zeppelin DVD was released so it was a very active period for the board. I've been a big fan since the early 70s and have read most anything I could get my hands on about Zeppelin but have learned a lot more about them here than I ever did from most of those books or magazines.

One improvement I would love to see is the ability to embed videos rather than linking to them.

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My boobs? What's wrong with my boobies? I have some of the most famous boobs online. You don't like those eh? I have some lengthy ones where I dance like the pide piper on ecstasy, but I don't think they will get past the 8-14 year old tween scene here. Can you guys see em, I can't see em I will make em bigger and bouncier ok? After all we are raising moolah, well and tents :D

I'm IN LOVE with your Boob's! But not to worry I'm harmless.

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I found these boards this year I think because of FINALLY getting the Led Zep DVD for Christmas...and can't BELIEVE it took me this long to figure out this place existed.

I really have liked these boards a lot, and enjoy most of the posters. I guess my only complaint would be that some people (only a few) seem to get into name calling/slamming people and being very negative, which i don't like. kinda weird, as I am on a couple other fansites, and have never seen that to the extent I have on these boards. but all in all, I love this site!! Just sorry it took me so long to come to the party....... :)


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I'm IN LOVE with your Boob's! But not to worry I'm harmless.

No worries. I have enough to spread around :hysterical:

As far as the board goes. One of the most interesting. This is a fact. Always has new posts on it.

You have to admit it is today as it was before the internet. Zeppelin fans are very dedicated and loyal. I see many very intelligent Zep fans too.

Not your average zeppie bears boo boo.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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