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Senoir Project


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I remember teaching classes on a campus where students belonging to a certain religious organization had been told to focus their essays on their religious beliefs, no matter what the topic was. At first it was quite entertaining to see how ingenious they could be about getting their beliefs in, while still saying enough about the topic not to make an automatic F, but after a while it became beyond boring, not to mention massively frustrating. I felt they owed it to themselves to explore different ways of seeing a topic, let alone the world.

Thanks :D

The frog thing I could handle, but, and I don't want to get on to a sticky subject, IMO, religion and education should not mix. And by that I don't mean people shouldn't be educated on religion, I just mean you shouldn't mix the principles of education with religion. Certainly not in a state school, anyway.

This'll sound like I'm on crack, but I loved writing essays in school. I loved English anyway, but what I really enjoyed was the idea that it got me using my imagination and creativity. Without it I wouldn't be completing the degree that I am doing.

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Thanks :D

The frog thing I could handle, but, and I don't want to get on to a sticky subject, IMO, religion and education should not mix. And by that I don't mean people shouldn't be educated on religion, I just mean you shouldn't mix the principles of education with religion. Certainly not in a state school, anyway.

This'll sound like I'm on crack, but I loved writing essays in school. I loved English anyway, but what I really enjoyed was the idea that it got me using my imagination and creativity. Without it I wouldn't be completing the degree that I am doing.

I agree with you about separation of church and school.

It's not strange at all - I LOVE creative writing. I tend to express myself better writing and I always loved tapping into my imagination and such!

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i'm sorry guys i didnt meen for my story to be taken like it has been...i dont live my life around led zeppelin (there are plenty of more things i really like) and, i'm sorry to any english teacher (or any teacher for that matter) out there if this offends you but i just super did not like this teacher and i did stuff that i know i shouldnt do and i hope doesnt happen to me considering i hope to be a teacher...so lets just forget i told the story

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i'm sorry guys i didnt meen for my story to be taken like it has been...i dont live my life around led zeppelin (there are plenty of more things i really like) and, i'm sorry to any english teacher (or any teacher for that matter) out there if this offends you but i just super did not like this teacher and i did stuff that i know i shouldnt do and i hope doesnt happen to me considering i hope to be a teacher...so lets just forget i told the story

No need to apologize--I don't think anybody's offended, we were just pointing out some different points of view. Great to hear you plan to be a teacher! :)

Oh, and regarding the church/state thing--that whole issue was what made my situation difficult at the time, because obviously I didn't want to sound as if I was preventing students from expressing their beliefs. Which, of course they knew, along with the fact that I was just a TA at the time, and thus basically powerless. Personally I think they were doing their religion a disservice.

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Brainstorming :Thinking: I know nothing about biology but ecology shouldn't be too diffucult to come up with a product. With all the global warming hoopla,reducing land fills , recycling there must be some nich to tap into. Hmmmm...Maybe personalized canvas shopping bags. Provide catagories (pets, flowers, religious, automobils and of course music with your personal favorite example of LZ) As far as hobbies learning piano would be good since you seem to be already musically inclined. You could write about great players and their styles. Use several players like Liberace and of course JPJ. Hope this helps or sparks an avenue for you to explore for your project.

Thanks!! It helped a lot :D

I like that shopping bag idea...

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Doesn't anyone else think it's odd that a high school freshman is doing a project meant to be completed when they're a senior? I had loads of projects my senior year of high school (and my senior year of college) and I didn't have to start any of them until I was actually a senior.

That said, I have no idea. I would pick a subject that you can really get behind and can get a lot of information (primary & secondary sources) to back up what you're talking about. That's the #1 thing my profs always told us.

Edited by Electrophile
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Doesn't anyone else think it's odd that a high school freshman is doing a project meant to be completed when they're a senior? I had loads of projects my senior year of high school (and my senior year of college) and I didn't have to start any of them until I was actually a senior.

That said, I have no idea. I would pick a subject that you can really get behind and can get a lot of information (primary & secondary sources) to back up what you're talking about. That's the #1 thing my profs always told us.

I think it's very odd.

We're like the last state that still requires this. That's how dumb it is. In years past, you only worked on it when you were a senior (hence the name) but starting this year (yeah, we're the lab rats) you have to start on it as a freshmen & have certain parts completed every year

I still really don't get the point :huh:

Thanks again ledzepfvr. :D I'll keep ya posted!

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