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Have you ever met Zep hater?


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They really are one of my favorite bands (everyone's after Zeppelin of course) and I think you should try to get into their music.

Why? Like I said, I already tried and they simply don't interest me. That doesn't mean that it's somehow a failure on my part. I'm sure I could name a number of bands that I love, yet you dislike, but I don't kid myself into thinking that telling you "You should try to get into their music" will accomplish anything.

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Why? Like I said, I already tried and they simply don't interest me. That doesn't mean that it's somehow a failure on my part. I'm sure I could name a number of bands that I love, yet you dislike, but I don't kid myself into thinking that telling you "You should try to get into their music" will accomplish anything.

Oh, a bit harsh. I didn't mean for what I said to sound rather hateful or demanding. Out of curiosity, name some bands that you like that quite possibly I may not. I actually have rather diverse musical tastes.

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Sorry that I've been away so long, and I don't know any Zep-hater's but my idiotic friends believe KISS is better, for one, KISS has no talent when compared to Zeppelin, they thought the exact opposite, they sold out for everything, and there is so much more that Zeppelin has that KISS does not, but I'll never be able to make a point to them. If you asked me KISS is a bunch of smoke and mirrors, Zep is the real deal.

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I've met MANY. Something happens when bands achieve massive fame. For whatever reason some people dislike big bands purely based on their massive success, usually to take the stance they are proud to not be amongst the masses. More often than not haters know little of the bands or have preconceived opinions of the bands handed down by moronic critics and inaccurate recollections marred by revisionist history. Zep has many haters like that. But so do other big bands, nobody gets it worse than the Beatles.

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My Dad was a huge Led Zepp fan and would tell me stories about when he was younger and his face would always light up when remembering all of the great times he had when listening to them and laughing at the times he couldnt remember!! All this meant nothing to me because i a bit young to take it all in.


I later got in to Led Zeppelin in a real die hard way and my dad was thrilled. Well at first he was. Now he HATES them because ive ruined it for him. Ive over played his favourite WLL and Black Dog to the piont were he screams at me to turn it off.!!!

Ha ha Sorry Dad!!

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My last roommate was not a Led Zeppelin fan by any stretch of the imagination. She wasn't that rude about it, but very open with her opinions. Whenever I'd walk in with a LZ song playing on my iPod she'd ask me "Oh, is that 'Stairway to Heaven'?" (No.) "Oh.. I guess that's the only LZ song I've ever heard of.. and even then I don't know how it goes" Or when we watched the Grammys and Robert won.. she told me how bad he looked for his age. Or she'd look at my posters and rate the guys in order of "creepiness" (poor Bonzo lost 9 times out of 10). I guess I just find it annoying that some people aren't respectful of the musical tastes of others and resort to using broad generalizations or stereotypes to justify their dislike of the music. Personally I don't like rap or hip-hop music, but I tolerate it and don't belittle people for listening to it.. Music is a deeply personal choice, IMO.

Wow, that's really not very classy of her.

I have friends who don't care about Zeppelin but they surely won't say things to me like that. And I got loads of congratulation messages when Robert and Alison won.

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None of my friends like Led Zeppelin. That's why I visit this forum!

I feel more comfortable talking on this forum, because I am too shy to talk about them, except with only a select few friends. Mostly I don't try to push it. They mean too much to me. My mother doesn't understand there music and there is some things that my father likes about them, so I can talk a bit more with him. Other than that, my two aunts love them and my uncal, who also has a les paul, used some of the songs for his band when I was very little.

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I'm actually surprised by the number of people I talk to that "really don't know much about their music".

Huh?!?!? Did you just get to this planet? We're talking people in their 40's and 50's.

LOL--If you are older than 40 and have not heard of them...you must not like music(specifically rock n roll or blues.). I wear my Zeppelin T shirts a lot and I usually get a comment from someone saying "Love your shirt" and we smile and sometimes I can get strangers to talk about them and we relive moments of that time....very enjoyable.

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I feel more comfortable talking on this forum, because I am too shy to talk about them, except with only a select few friends. Mostly I don't try to push it. They mean too much to me. My mother doesn't understand there music and there is some things that my father likes about them, so I can talk a bit more with him. Other than that, my two aunts love them and my uncal, who also has a les paul, used some of the songs for his band when I was very little.

Me too. I can only talk with my closest friends about Led Zeppelin. If someone who I don't know well asks me about music I listen, or who is my favorite band I say:

Oh, mostly rock music. Older. You know, The Beatles and else.

I don't even mention Zep. <_<

People don't believe I can listen rock music. I'm 'too sweet' and 'for classical music' and 'ballet'.

Go to hell. I love metal. :D

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Me too. I can only talk with my closest friends about Led Zeppelin. If someone who I don't know well asks me about music I listen, or who is my favorite band I say:

Oh, mostly rock music. Older. You know, The Beatles and else.

I don't even mention Zep. <_<

People don't believe I can listen rock music. I'm 'too sweet' and 'for classical music' and 'ballet'.

Go to hell. I love metal. :D

Me too! People are surprised when I say I liked Guns N'Roses and Motley Crue.

And I love the Coverdale/Page album

Edited by aen27
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Me too! People are surprised when I say I liked Guns N'Roses and Motley Crue.

And I love the Coverdale/Page album

What to say? We're full of surprises. :D

When I say: I like Metallica. I like AC/DC. I like... blah blah... It's not important, people will say:

Milena, you... Metallica? No way.


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What to say? We're full of surprises. :D

When I say: I like Metallica. I like AC/DC. I like... blah blah... It's not important, people will say:

Milena, you... Metallica? No way.


:lol: We sure are!

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Sorry that I've been away so long, and I don't know any Zep-hater's but my idiotic friends believe KISS is better, for one, KISS has no talent when compared to Zeppelin, they thought the exact opposite, they sold out for everything, and there is so much more that Zeppelin has that KISS does not, but I'll never be able to make a point to them. If you asked me KISS is a bunch of smoke and mirrors, Zep is the real deal.

And I like both Led Zep and KISS! One of the nicest people I have ever seen are on the KISS forum and they are my friends :)

And it is not quite true that KISS have no ltalent... for example Ace Frehley of KISS really had talent - ( Jimmy was his influence ;) and his great idol, he told it several times)

And I didn´t meet any Zep hater- all my KISS friends and also my family like them! I have met only a few people that don´t understand their music style, this is all!

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Sure, I've met and I know several people who don't like them at all, and it makes no difference at all. They just don't enjoy listening to Led Zeppelin, and can't relate to what the band was trying to do. Their loss, but hardly important. I mean, who cares?

As a rule these people see the band very differently from me, and some of their impressions may be quite superficial, but there is no need to prove that to them. If the band comes across to them in a certain way, it's hardly accidental - or so I think. God bless them. :lol:

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Yeah, I have. Which is fine with me, because I'd hate to only be surrounded by people who like what I like. My friends have very disperate tastes. Hell, my dad hates Pink Floyd and they're probably the only band, if I was alive at the time, I would camp outside a venue for tickets to.

So to each their own. :)

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Anyone who actually gets hurt emotionally when someone criticizes their favourite music is a huge fucking crybaby.

Well, at least you said it.

In my opinion, if you're prepared to ditch a friend because they don't like your taste in music, then you're just as much a shitty friend as they are (not that they are, because taste is subjective). If you get all angry 'cause they slammed your band - well, you need to get out more. No one person in this world likes the same shiz as the next person, why lose friends over it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Personally, I know nobody who listen to Led Zeppelin, except my dad. My friends don't really listen to them. I tried to initiate them, they said it's not bad, but they're not in love with them and don't listen to them as I do... I don't understand how you can't be amazed while listening to them, it's just too epic to don't fall in love with them.

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Yeah, I have. Which is fine with me, because I'd hate to only be surrounded by people who like what I like. My friends have very disperate tastes. Hell, my dad hates Pink Floyd and they're probably the only band, if I was alive at the time, I would camp outside a venue for tickets to.

So to each their own. :)

I know a guy who hates the color pink, but his favorite band is Pink Floyd.

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