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Have you ever met Zep hater?


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Back in the late seventies there were many Zep haters! All the "punk rockers" felt obligated to hate the Zeppelin since they were considered a "hippie band". Music critics and their "new wave" loving hipsters followers were always predicting/waiting for the demise of these "heavy metal dinosaurs". The metal/hair band fans hated LZ because they were "too mellow". I think there was a lot of jealousy of their sucess.

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I'm surrounded by Rhianna/JLS/One Direction etc....yadda yadda fans and the mere mention of Led Zeppelin tends to go right over their heads, in fact I usually get a :huh::blink: kind of a look from them.

My sister hates them though but then again she has no taste

Edited by SozoZoso
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My brother-in-law dislikes Led Zeppelin. He dislikes most rock music anyway but his biggest gripe about Zep is (in his words): "Those white boys stole those blue songs from Muddy Waters and got rich off of them." He teases my sister (his wife) and I about our fondness for classic rock. "That's because you went to school with white kids."

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Yes,I would dump him just for that reason..how could anyone actually hate them if they really listened,they had and were and always will be the best of everyhting

That sounds totally reasonable...and should be written into all future wedding vows.

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Yes,I would dump him just for that reason..how could anyone actually hate them if they really listened,they had and were and always will be the best of everyhting

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I can't get into rap and hiphop no matter how often my nieces and nephews try to convince me of its merits. I don't like most thrash metal either. Most contemporary country music leaves me cold but I dig a lot of the older stuff. I like Mozart's operas but the rest of his oeuvre is rather bland, imho. I feel the same way about Brahms' symphonies but his German Requiem is sublime. I never tire of it. There really isn't any accounting for people's musical tastes including my own.

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Ditto to you !!

Sorry if I was rude, but to end a relationship because someone doesn't like Led Zeppelin seems a little drastic.

My wife listens to stuff that drives me up the wall.. and likes some shows I can't stand and vice versa...

But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like alot of others on here who were at school in the early 80s, I got a lot of stick for my taste in music. My friends were all into Duran Duran, Human League etc. i hated that kind of music then and I still don't rate it now. I was called a hippy (in a friendly, jokey way) all through school for my taste in music, not just Zep but also Hendrix, early Queen, Pink Floyd, early Bowie etc. I did also like some of the more contemporary stuff like Blondie and Siouxsie and the Banshees but nowhere near to the same extent and often only odd tracks. I was jealous that their favourite bands were still active, touring units however and I spent much of my teens lamenting that fact that I was born too late . I did get to see Queen, but by then they were a pale shadow of what they had been although still good live. Things improved when I went to university but even there most of the rock soc were into the hair metal bands.

These days, many of my old friends who called me hippy appreciate my music now, although the teenagers I work with still can't understand why I don't like rap and dubstep. My husband isn't a huge fan, although no longer an out and out hater. I even managed to drag him along with me to see Robert Plant the other week. Despite his moaning and complaining it was too loud, he did admit that he had enjoyed some of it. :hurrah:

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I have a couple of dead head fans who hate them. I just laugh at their dumb comments.

I had a boss who was a dead head who told me the problem with Led Zeppelin is that they were a blues band who went astray. If they just would have stuck to playing traditional blues, they would have been great. [eye roll] Right, because the whole point of rock music is that you mustn't express your individual creativity and it's better to not grow or progress in any way.

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I've only met a couple. One was a boss of mine from many years ago. He wasn't so much a hater as he was agnostic as regards Zeppelin. "I was never a fan of theirs," he once said, but he wasn't a jerk about it. Everybody's entitled to their opinion. I didn't share it, but there you have it.

Then I meet this supreme jerk about a year and a half ago when I was overseas. "Led Zeppelin is the most overrated band in the history of music," were his blasphemous words. I said nothing and walked away. To be fair about it, though, his opinion of LZ was the least of his problems.

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  • 3 months later...

I've known a lot of people who felt indifferent to Zep--neither hated nor loved them--just had different tastes in music. I've run across 4 true Zeppelin haters in my life: 3 of them were total losers--guys who were angry, bitter, miserable, unhappy, and pathetic. To quote someone in another post on this thread, "their hatred of Led Zeppelin was the least of their problems." One of these guys had a strong contrarian streak : He seemed to hate Zeppelin simply because everyone else liked them so much.

The 4th true Zeppelin hater I knew was--believe it or not--one of my best friends in HS and college. He (Jim) was a great guy in every respect and the two of us agreed about virtually everything--except Zeppelin. Jim's problem was that he was a fanatical fan of The Who, and he DEEPLY resented Zeppelin for being more popular and successful. We agreed to never discuss the issue--why ruin a good friendship--but sometimes I would hear him moaning aloud to other people, "Why does everyone love Zeppelin so much? Why are they so popular? The Who is a lot better." LOL.

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Yeah, I met one guy back in 1980 who hated Zeppelin and Loved the Stones. So, I beat the shit out of him and told him Jagger took it in the ass from Bowie.

Actually, I just stopped talking to him, he was annoying on several non-Zeppelin levels. I believe he is in prison now wearing lipstick and a pink jumper.

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That's interesting. When I was in HS (mid 80's) almost everybody liked Zeppelin--even the kids who preferred the Stones liked Zeppelin. At every HS party you'd hear the same music: Zeppelin, Stones, AC/DC, Van Halen, Def Leppard, U2, etc, etc.

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That's interesting. When I was in HS (mid 80's) almost everybody liked Zeppelin--even the kids who preferred the Stones liked Zeppelin. At every HS party you'd hear the same music: Zeppelin, Stones, AC/DC, Van Halen, Def Leppard, U2, etc, etc.

Oh I know, my school was the same. This guy was just one lone asshole, no one liked him, and the mutual dislike for this dope had nothing to do with his opinion of Zeppelin. They guy was just a creep, the girls were afraid of him because he was a bit of a perv plus he was dirty. Just a nasty bloke.

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I'm surrounded by people who believe Zeppelin is the devil's music and that no decent young lady should listen to such rubbish.

They are just wrong and are trying to get me to conform to their wrong opinion. I just call them ignorant swines.

if they believe in the devil, there's your answer

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