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Have you ever met Zep hater?


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How can anyone not like Zeppelin, that's into Rock? This is beyond my comprehension.

This whole Zeppelin stealing music is bullshit, I hear Dazed And Confused in Sabbath's Paranoid, does that mean Sabbath stole Dazed And Confused and incorporated it into Paranoid?

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My parents don't particularly like them, but amazingly, my 2 year old daughter does.

Whenever I have her in the car with me, she always says "put Red Zeppelin on"...for some reason she can't seem to get her words around the "Led" part...but I think Red Zeppelin is a cute name anyway, it would be a cool name for a tribute band.

Anyway, I don't know how this has happened exactly, but for some reason she's really taken to them already, but she's always asking me to turn the volume up. She keeps saying "make it noisy, make it noisy", so I have to put the really heavy ones on...she won't listen to the ballads, and whenever there's a quiet part in one of the songs, she always says "it's stopped, make it noisy..." It's really hilarious. She head bangs to it as well.

And then this one time my mum was bathing her and she kept saying "baby baby baby baby baby" over and over again, and my Mum was like, "What are you saying that for" and she said "it's Red Zeppelin" and I realised she was trying to sing Baby I'm Gonna Leave You.

I don't know how I went massively off topic here, sorry. ><

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My parents don't particularly like them, but amazingly, my 2 year old daughter does.

Whenever I have her in the car with me, she always says "put Red Zeppelin on"...for some reason she can't seem to get her words around the "Led" part...but I think Red Zeppelin is a cute name anyway, it would be a cool name for a tribute band.

Anyway, I don't know how this has happened exactly, but for some reason she's really taken to them already, but she's always asking me to turn the volume up. She keeps saying "make it noisy, make it noisy", so I have to put the really heavy ones on...she won't listen to the ballads, and whenever there's a quiet part in one of the songs, she always says "it's stopped, make it noisy..." It's really hilarious. She head bangs to it as well.

And then this one time my mum was bathing her and she kept saying "baby baby baby baby baby" over and over again, and my Mum was like, "What are you saying that for" and she said "it's Red Zeppelin" and I realised she was trying to sing Baby I'm Gonna Leave You.

I don't know how I went massively off topic here, sorry. ><

What an adorable story! :)

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Over the years, I've come to put the "Zep Haters" into two separate groups.

1. The ones that simply didn't like the kind of music, and being that Zeppelin were the biggest of this other kind of music, Zeppelin would usually come up as something they hated. This group were mostly prevalent in the 70s during the band's existence and the musical tastes of these people was confined to bubblegum, pop, boy-bands, reggae, soul, disco, punk, new wave, and generally mainstream radio-friendly stuff.

2. Those that closely followed a similar mega-band, such as Black Sabbath, The Who, Deep Purple, etc. These were mostly younger guys who felt very competitive about "their" band's standing in the world. Zeppelin was the obvious target as they knew, deep down, that Zeppelin sold more records, broke attendance records, and made more money. This actually isn't isolated to fans. Pete Townshend has voiced his dislike of Zeppelin and so have other British musicians of the same era. I always sense their "dislike" was grounded in jealousy and resentment in terms of money. Zeppelin simply had fantastic management as well as a great act. Many of these others had shysters and/or incompetents as managers.

Edited by NealR2000
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Over the years, I've come to put the "Zep Haters" into two separate groups.

1. The ones that simply didn't like the kind of music, and being that Zeppelin were the biggest of this other kind of music, Zeppelin would usually come up as something they hated. This group were mostly prevalent in the 70s during the band's existence and the musical tastes of these people was confined to bubblegum, pop, boy-bands, reggae, soul, disco, punk, new wave, and generally mainstream radio-friendly stuff.

2. Those that closely followed a similar mega-band, such as Black Sabbath, The Who, Deep Purple, etc. These were mostly younger guys who felt very competitive about "their" band's standing in the world. Zeppelin was the obvious target as they knew, deep down, that Zeppelin sold more records, broke attendance records, and made more money. This actually isn't isolated to fans. Pete Townshend has voiced his dislike of Zeppelin and so have other British musicians of the same era. I always sense their "dislike" was grounded in jealousy and resentment in terms of money. Zeppelin simply had fantastic management as well as a great act. Many of these others had shysters and/or incompetents as managers.

Excellent analysis, NealR2000. Jealousy and resentment are huge factors.

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I'd also say that those people do not know good music!

That's an iffy thing to say, I love Zeppelin, Classical, and many other types of music but I cant stand Clapton! does that mean I don't know good music? Or does it mean he just doesn't do anything for me musically? You really don't need to know anything about music to know you liked or disliked what you heard.

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That's an iffy thing to say, I love Zeppelin, Classical, and many other types of music but I cant stand Clapton! does that mean I don't know good music? Or does it mean he just doesn't do anything for me musically? You really don't need to know anything about music to know you liked or disliked what you heard.

This is true, and a very good point...it's a matter of personal taste.

But people should be able to verbalise the difference between not liking and not appreciating. Going with your Eric Clapton example:

Version 1:

"I don't like Eric Clapton, he's shit"

Version 2:

"I don't like Eric Claption. I mean, he's a great guitarist and songwriter, just not really my type of thing"

Even though both versions might ultimately mean the same thing, there's a right way and a wrong way to put it. And you should be able to appreciate the talents and musicianship of bands and artists even if you don't like them. It's like those people who go around saying The Beatles are shit...just annoys me. Just because YOU don't like them, doesn't mean they're shit. ><

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I don't like Elvis but I never said he sucks.

I like Elvis, but not as much as one of my brothers does. My issue with Elvis is that he didn't create much of his music. He's got a very good voice, and he did entertain, but the latter doesn't make him great, IMO.

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That's an iffy thing to say, I love Zeppelin, Classical, and many other types of music but I cant stand Clapton! does that mean I don't know good music? Or does it mean he just doesn't do anything for me musically? You really don't need to know anything about music to know you liked or disliked what you heard.

I love Clapton to listen to, but live, he sends me to sleep. I've seen him twice, the first at London's Hammersmith Odeon in 1983, and the other at MSG in 2004. I've seen him countless times live on TV at almost every major musical event, and I get the same feeling. Maybe he's just so damned good that he looks like he's just having another day at the office.

Edited by NealR2000
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Over the years, I've come to put the "Zep Haters" into two separate groups.

1. The ones that simply didn't like the kind of music, and being that Zeppelin were the biggest of this other kind of music, Zeppelin would usually come up as something they hated. This group were mostly prevalent in the 70s during the band's existence and the musical tastes of these people was confined to bubblegum, pop, boy-bands, reggae, soul, disco, punk, new wave, and generally mainstream radio-friendly stuff.

2. Those that closely followed a similar mega-band, such as Black Sabbath, The Who, Deep Purple, etc. These were mostly younger guys who felt very competitive about "their" band's standing in the world. Zeppelin was the obvious target as they knew, deep down, that Zeppelin sold more records, broke attendance records, and made more money. This actually isn't isolated to fans. Pete Townshend has voiced his dislike of Zeppelin and so have other British musicians of the same era. I always sense their "dislike" was grounded in jealousy and resentment in terms of money. Zeppelin simply had fantastic management as well as a great act. Many of these others had shysters and/or incompetents as managers.


And yes, the jealousy and resentment was and continues to be disturbing by many of the big international acts who never forgave Zeppelin for eclipsing them. They should have been cheering them on as I'm sure Zeppelin would have wanted those other bands to do well. It seems like Paul McCartney and George Harrison embraced Zeppelin, even if it wasn't there cup of tea, but they were not about to shit on other bands because I'm sure both George and Paul undersood how difficult it was to get to "Topper most of the popper most" as John Lennon and the boys would say back in the cavern days.

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Wife just does not like hard rock so is not in those categories She respects them as incredibly great musicians though and did see Celebration Day at the theater with me. She acts a bit and actually worked with someone well acquainted with McCartney and believe me all 3 Zep members left are much better people to their fans at least nowadays.....I think she appreciates that too and no I am not exaggerating about this guys connection to Paul and can't be more specific. Harrison was the coolest Beatle for me by far.

Edited by ksgemini
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