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Is Obama Ignorant, Naive or Both?


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I'm very thankful that Mr. Obama has taken the stance he has in Iran. The media likes to paint this picture that if Obama took some type of Reaganesque stance against the current Iran regime, democracy would take over and rule the day. How Naive. What the media doesn't want to share with you, and what Obama already knows, is that over 90% of the people in Iran are in favor of their country having nuclear capability. Those educated young folks under 30 that you keep hearing about may be for Democracy, but they are also the strongest supporters of an Iran with nuclear power. With Pakistan and India having nukes to the East, and Isreal having nukes to their West, most young Irnians feel it is their right to go nuclear.

Behind the scenes, the U.S. is exporting more goods to Iran than ever before in the form of medicine, food, and our beloved cigarettes. Iranians love a good American smoke. Ultimately, it is the Iranian people that must decide their fate and place in the world.

You've done a great job of explaining some of my concerns about the west involving itself at this moment in time. As I said earlier, democracy in itself is no guarantee of a friendly Iran but, with all the west's retoric about establishing democracy in the middle east I can't help but think that the Iranian clerics are calling bullshit to our intentions. It's my opinion their crack down is designed to

force Obama and the west to show their cards. That would seem to me to be a stupid move given that we may indeed need to take drastic action against Iran should it continue to move towards a nuclear solution.

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