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Zep and the Beatles

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Being a huge fan of the Beatles, this is just fantastic! :D

http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/11033-zep-and-the-beatles/?p=771029 :)

Apparently George wasn't very impressed. :(

Producer Glyn Johns says Mick Jagger and George Harrison weren’t interested in band’s groundbreaking record

Producer Glyn Johns says when he played Led Zeppelin’s debut album to Mick Jagger and George Harrison in the late 60s, neither of them were interested.


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  • 2 months later...

George Harrison is told about Led Zeppelin's first album during the "Let It Be Sessions":

that was so cool ... do u know of any more of it or when it ends ... it ends... plus... i wonder when he heard it what he thought

Ya'll need to start reading threads before you post. This has been posted twice (first by me) and I posted a follow up article at the top of this very page.


Edited by Sathington Willoughby
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Ya'll need to start reading threads before you post. This has been posted twice (first by me) and I posted a follow up article at the top of this very page.


Yeah, I admit I was lazy in not finding your original post... sorry..

I really really like the way that George says "Jimmy Page"...

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  • 3 weeks later...

...except didn't McCartney have the Glam Rock look and big mullet (think the cover of Red Rose Speedway) in '73? In that pic he looks like he did in the Magical Mystery Tour Beatles era (1967)...I dunno, my Spidey Senses are telling me that photo could be 'Shopped, guys...

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...except didn't McCartney have the Glam Rock look and big mullet (think the cover of Red Rose Speedway) in '73? In that pic he looks like he did in the Magical Mystery Tour Beatles era (1967)...I dunno, my Spidey Senses are telling me that photo could be 'Shopped, guys...

Yea I think you may be right, I vaguely recall hearing that once upon a time now that I think about it.

Edited by Sathington Willoughby
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Paul was and is heavily into him according to Denny Laine. For example the McCartney years DVDs has 666 on the front. Paul repeatedly flashes a large pic of Crowley during Helter Skelter and Lennon and McCartney are heard discussing the book of the law in let it be outtake. George and Ringo did not share the interest.

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Jimmy has actually said many times that the Beatles were great, or brilliant. Also early on touring Zep would often do Beatles songs

for encores, etc.,. I would agree that the Beatles did lay the groundwork for much of the Brit invasion. But the Beatles, great

songwriters that they were, we're not a rock band the way Zep, Hendrix, or Cream was. And I don't think you could make a

good argument for the Beatles competing with Zep live. It's a bit of apples vs. oranges, but IMO only Lennon matched the intensity

of anybody in Zep.

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Paul was and is heavily into him according to Denny Laine. For example the McCartney years DVDs has 666 on the front. Paul repeatedly flashes a large pic of Crowley during Helter Skelter and Lennon and McCartney are heard discussing the book of the law in let it be outtake. George and Ringo did not share the interest.

I'd take anything Denny Laine says regarding Paul with a big pinch of salt...Laine had a serious chip on his shoulder and an axe to grind after the breakup of Wings so he gave all kinds of bullshit stories to the British tabloids back in the 80's. If any of the Beatles had a taste for the occult it was definitely Lennon (and Yoko Ono was seriously interested- witness her love for Tarot, "directional trips", etc)

Jimmy has actually said many times that the Beatles were great, or brilliant. Also early on touring Zep would often do Beatles songs

for encores, etc.,. I would agree that the Beatles did lay the groundwork for much of the Brit invasion. But the Beatles, great

songwriters that they were, we're not a rock band the way Zep, Hendrix, or Cream was. And I don't think you could make a

good argument for the Beatles competing with Zep live. It's a bit of apples vs. oranges, but IMO only Lennon matched the intensity

of anybody in Zep.

The Beatles were as much a product of their time as Zeppelin was of theirs. And not even Lennon could sustain the level of intensity Zeppelin offered up. Lennon's misadventures with the U.S. Government and his subsequent "Lost Weekend" in L.A. took a lot of the piss and vinegar out of the lad...by the time he was killed Lennon was a totally domesticated family man, prone to keeping his mouth shut (unless he was slagging off his former bandmates or contemporaries like Dylan) and artistically content to rest on his laurels and try to recapture past glories. Really, the Plastic Ono Band LP was Lennon's "jump the shark" moment. Led Zeppelin's whole oeuvre is as bone crushing as that one LP, and then there's Zep's live performances which kicked that intensity up about fifteen or sixteen more notches...

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There is an anagram on one of paul's albums that reads Son of the Magickian I have no stake in this as i sold my Beatles stuff years ago and it is not meant as a statement of any kind but Paul is indeed a follower of many of Crowley's writings. Denny laine actually says he still considers Paul a friend..it was mostly his ex wife that slagged the McCartneys. I am not criticizing anyone but McCartney has several hints at his interest in Crowley and i don't mean backwards crap. Strangely young pix of Crowley resemble Paul by complete coincidence. U are right lennon had zero interest the last 7 years of his life and was more of a fad for him.... As for an axe to grind looking at royalties he didn't get and taking into account Jimmy mcCullough was outside the McCartneys trailer one time with a loaded gun I think McCartney alienated a lot of people. It was Laine that stopped McCullough's attack if I remember ...within a year he was found dead of "unknown causes". i suppose u could see Ram as just a statement on farm life but there are a few things like Paul saying the beatles cast a spell of "magick with a k" that indicated Crowley at least influenced him. Have u ever met Denny...he comes across pretty genuine in person.

I'd add that the triple 6's are quite clear on some of Paul's stuff and it doesn't take a mirror or much imagination to see them The MMT booklet has a few going back to 67

Edited by ksgemini
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Well that's fascinating info. I have read several books about Lennon and the Beatles, but they were from at least 10 years ago.

I remember a slight mention of Lennon's interest in Crowley, but nothing at all about Mac. Even so these possible studies or

preoccupations tend to lead nowhere; One Zep book I have mentions how after Bonham's death all of Page's Crowley studies

And supposed alleged occult powers turned to dust. Page became a full blown recluse junkie and lost much of his guitar skills

till the mid 80's. So much for the powerful wizard.

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I have read several books about Lennon and the Beatles, but they were from at least 10 years ago.

I've read probably all the Beatles/Solo Beatles books out there over the years, and though it's fairly common knowledge that John and Yoko (mainly Yoko) dabbled in the occult from time to time, in thirty plus years of being a rabid Beatles fan I have never heard/read/seen anything regarding Paul McCartney being into Crowley, etc. With all respect to ksgemini, I have no idea where they got their information about Paul and the occult but it sounds like bullshit to me, like some goddamn David Icke/Alex Jones style conspiracy nonsense :lol: And, yeah, I have read that shit about The Beatles supposedly being part of the Illuminati/Global conspiracy and whatnot...it's all bullshit. What's next? McCartney hanging out at Bohemian Grove with Bob Weir and Harry Shearer? :lol:

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