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Zep and the Beatles

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I must have missed that! It couldn't be more wrong.

Huge indeed--the whole point was that after all the American singers like Elvis and lesser lights like Frankie Avalon (no offence Frankie), a band came along that was OURS, and not only that, they weren't a London Tin Pan Alley band, they were from the provinces and they were working class, in other words they were like most ordinary listeners, plus they wrote great songs. They were BEYOND huge. I remember a time when every night's news broadcast told us what the Beatles were doing that day, and every year there'd be a special segment on Christmas Day so we'd know where they were celebrating (and they'd always apparently gone on some trip together!).

Still don't see much point in comparing 'em to Zep, though. :D

I'm almost too embarrassed to ask, because I would get hints from time to time, but never confirmation...are you British, Miss Aqua? I know you "use to" live there, but were you born there as well?

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I'm almost too embarrassed to ask, because I would get hints from time to time, but never confirmation...are you British, Miss Aqua? I know you "use to" live there, but were you born there as well?

How's it going "Moonmaid?" Where abouts in California are you from? I lived in Sacramento and Los Angeles for a combined 29 years. ROCK ON!

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How's it going "Moonmaid?" Where abouts in California are you from? I lived in Sacramento and Los Angeles for a combined 29 years. ROCK ON!

All over Cali...Born in Sonoma County, raised in San Fernando Valley, college in San Jose, Live in Burbank now, work in Beverly Hills.

But back on topic for a minute, I love hearing live Zep covers of Beatles' song. And both are my favorite bands. I think their differences compliment each other. Just my 2 cents. :wave:

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I'm almost too embarrassed to ask, because I would get hints from time to time, but never confirmation...are you British, Miss Aqua? I know you "use to" live there, but were you born there as well?

Yes, Miss Moonmaid, I was born in Wales and grew up in Kent. :D (And went to uni in Liverpool.) I came to the US in 1983, so I'm one of those dual-citizen types.

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All over Cali...Born in Sonoma County, raised in San Fernando Valley, college in San Jose, Live in Burbank now, work in Beverly Hills.

But back on topic for a minute, I love hearing live Zep covers of Beatles' song. And both are my favorite bands. I think their differences compliment each other. Just my 2 cents. :wave:

How's it going "Moonmaid?" When you do think about it, THE BEATLES and LED ZEPPELIN are two different bands with two different music styles. They both did great during their time. Perhaps I give THE BEATLES a slight edge over LED ZEPPELIN because THE BEATLES are my all-time favorite band with LED ZEPPELIN coming in a very close second. ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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Yes, Miss Moonmaid, I was born in Wales and grew up in Kent. :D (And went to uni in Liverpool.) I came to the US in 1983, so I'm one of those dual-citizen types.

And I thought I loved you before... :wub: I'm such an incurable anglophile. :lol:

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And I thought I loved you before... :wub: I'm such an incurable anglophile. :lol:

Hi Moon,

Thats means you hate "Angles" right?

Well that all right because i'm a "Saxon", the "Angles" came from the Middlands, East Anglia and "Up North", the "Saxons" are from Essex, Wessex, Middlesex, and Sussex, (We're all Sex us Saxons) the Jutes had Kent and the Isle of Wight and i would put them in with the "Angles" because they both came from Denmark while us "Saxons" are from Northern Germany.

Guten Tag, mein Liebchen, wie geht's, Von Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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Hi Moon,

Thats means you hate "Angles" right?

Well that all right because i'm a "Saxon", the "Angles" came from the Middlands, East Anglia and "Up North", the "Saxons" are from Essex, Wessex, Middlesex, and Sussex, (We're all Sex us Saxons) the Jutes had Kent and the Isle of Wight and i would put the in with the "Angles" because they both came from Denmark while us "Saxons" are from Northern Germany.

Guten Tag, mein Schatz, wie geht's, Von Danny

How's it going "BIGDAN?" I wonder how the Germans felt about watching the 1960's TV show HOGANS HEROES? ROCK ON!

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Ha! That gave me the best laugh of the day. Yeah, Danny....he caused me to "come out" as the forum slag, I guess. :lol:

Moon, Sense of humor or what?


Not in a millyon years me ole darlin wood i calls ya dat, you are a "Whiter than White Magical Princess Sorceress" as far as i'm concerned, and dats from me ole heart. :air_kiss:

Moon, what can i say to redeem me self? Please.

Very Very Kind Regards ,Danny

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How's it going "Moonmaid?" When you do think about it, THE BEATLES and LED ZEPPELIN are two different bands with two different music styles. They both did great during their time. Perhaps I give THE BEATLES a slight edge over LED ZEPPELIN because THE BEATLES are my all-time favorite band with LED ZEPPELIN coming in a very close second. ROCK ON!

I understand what you're saying, but one must learn the difference between, "They ARE the BEST." and "They are MY favorite." One statement makes people cringe and the other is usually accepted. The Beatles were the only thing I lived and breathed during my teen years. Now, I don't listen to them as often and Zep has definitely edged them out, but I can't say one is better than the other.

(But the for the record..what I would have given to be the meat in Page/McCartney sandwich)

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How's it going "BIGDAN?" I wonder how the Germans felt about watching the 1960's TV show HOGANS HEROES? ROCK ON!


Wishing they had won the war i'm sure, the they wouldnt be subjected to our combined sense of humor. Did you know that the four leading actors who played the "Germans" in Hogand Hero's were in fact "Jews" some were even held in concentration camps during the war.

Jewish Humor is very much like Cockney Humor, we are very inter-twined as much as two peoples can be and very alike in many of our ways, esp in the Arts, did you know Peter Green's mannerisms and his accent are very much like the Jewish People i know in the East End of London around the Bethnal Green and Whitechapel area, something else to investigate i think?

Regards, Danny

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Moon, Sense of humor or what?


Not in a millyon years me ole darlin wood i calls ya dat, you are a "Whiter than White Magical Princess Sorceress" as far as i'm concerned, and dats from me ole heart. :air_kiss:

Moon, what can i say to redeem me self? Please.

Very Very Kind Regards ,Danny

Ooh, the things you do for my ego, Danny Boy! No no, it wasn't you. I keep getting PMs or posts like "you and Big Dan really hit it off, eh?" Kind of a "nudge, nudge, wink, wink" thing. I take it in stride. ;)

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Hi All,

Just my twopennath, The Beatles did it first, Led Zeppelin did it better.

The Beatles were a four piece "POP" band in 1964, they relied on Millions of Screaming Girls to make them the sucess they were, they followed the Normal Rout to Stardom of the time, be Smart, Likeable, Popular and Attractive, the Music was a lowly 5th on the agenda. They played live for "Minutes" rather than "Hours".

Led Zeppelin were a four piece "Rock" band in 1969, they relied much on word of mouth for their fan base, not advertizing, everything was second to their Music, their was no compromise in their quest for excelence. They played for as long as the Venue or Police would allow. They broke Attendance and Box Office Records that the Beatles had set only a few years before.

Every member of Led Zeppelin had the Musical Abilities of 10 Beatles, Robert Plant was a far better singer/vocalist than any of the Beatles, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones would not be used in the same sentence as any Beatle when it comes to Musical Ability. Jonh Bonham v Ringo Star, now come on lets be serious here.

The only thing that the Beatles did better than Led Zeppelin was to sell "Single's" to Young Girls, and they win that award hands down, as for being "Better" "Greater" or "Musicaly more Creative", no chance.

There can never be any Rock Band that will eclipse what Led Zeppelin have achieved, you can never say that about a "Pop" band.

Regards, Danny

Excuse me :blink:, but

here's my opine:

1) When the Beatles broke out in '64, POP music was POPular; ROCK didn't really exist yet. Not all Beatles fans were screaming or girls: look at concert footage on Youtube and you'll see that some girls are simply smiling and clapping along; you'll also see that there are some guys in the audience that are enjoying the show. Brian Epstein and George Martin weren't stupid: they knew the group needed not just a handsome product, but a polished product to sell the music; Martin frequently offered ideas to the Fabs that changed the end product: "Please Please Me" was originally a Orbisonesque-ballad, but look what happened when Martin suggested they speed it up! Concerts in the Beatles days were played in "Minutes" not "Hours" because that was the way concerts were back then. Stones and Yardbirds concerts were the same way; they all were.

2) By the time Zep showed up, ROCK was an actual genre of music. While most fans were reserved, look at the concert review of the first of the 2 1969 Cleveland concerts: it mentions "2 screaming girls". Most bands have screaming fans; any good concert is loud. They played for "Hours" because concert format by then had changed: they could jam for as long as they wanted to, for there was only the time limit the venue had for it. Many records set by the Beatles have since been broken; all records get broken eventually.

3) Zep's members had different musical abilities than the Fabs: Plant does have a better vocal range than they do, except I think McCartney has a very good voice, but they do different styles of music. Page is a better guitarist than Harrison, but both are very talented in their own rights. McCartney and Jones are equally talented bassists; both play a wide variety of instruments. As for Starr and Bonham, their styles are different: Starr is more reflective of Jim McCarty of the Yardbirds, while Bonham is more based on Keith Moon's style.

4) Brian Epstein managed the Fabs differently than Peter Grant did with Zep: in the Beatles' time, singles were promotion for albums; Zeppelin developed album-oriented rock, that is, albums promoted by popular tracks, rather singles, which for them were few and far between. And what, Zep never had teenage fans? I beg to differ!

5) POP and ROCK are two different genres: you are putting the Beatles in with boy bands, a group they most certainly don't belong in. They started out POP, then, with the rest of the music world, evolved into ROCK. If Zep had been together at the same time as the Beatles, the same thing would've happened.

Again, my opinion. Jo :)

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Ooh, the things you do for my ego, Danny Boy! No no, it wasn't you. I keep getting PMs or posts like "you and Big Dan really hit it off, eh?" Kind of a "nudge, nudge, wink, wink" thing. I take it in stride. ;)

So wats ya trying to tell me then me ole sweat?

If i makes ya famous then thats good right, lets face it, these so called Posters on here are just jealious of what we ave and they want some, but sorry peps but i only have eyes for "Moon" at the mo, OK?

Anyone on here can be friends, but it takes real skill to make an enemy, right?

So why arent i getting any "Wink wink, nudge, nudge" PMs? Am i not liked or something? Say no more, Say no more. :lol:

As long as i've not impinged on your dear selfs character then i am truely thankful.

Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS. Pssst, if you ever wanna PM me it would make me feel very happy indeed, if not and you wanna just case a spell on me then please give me ample notice via my PM, Thank you.

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Just to get back to the Beatles--it was the music that made all the difference. They could have been as cute as kittens, but if they'd been cranking out the same old schmaltzy ballads (I'm pretending Till There Was You on the first album didn't happen ;)), novelty songs, cliched pop tunes, etc., they'd never have taken off beyond Liverpool. It was the music that was new and different--that's what attracted a national audience in the first place.

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Excuse me :blink: , but

here's my opine:

1) When the Beatles broke out in '64, POP music was POPular; ROCK didn't really exist yet. Not all Beatles fans were screaming or girls: look at concert footage on Youtube and you'll see that some girls are simply smiling and clapping along; you'll also see that there are some guys in the audience that are enjoying the show. Brian Epstein and George Martin weren't stupid: they knew the group needed not just a handsome product, but a polished product to sell the music; Martin frequently offered ideas to the Fabs that changed the end product: "Please Please Me" was originally a Orbisonesque-ballad, but look what happened when Martin suggested they speed it up! Concerts in the Beatles days were played in "Minutes" not "Hours" because that was the way concerts were back then. Stones and Yardbirds concerts were the same way; they all were.

2) By the time Zep showed up, ROCK was an actual genre of music. While most fans were reserved, look at the concert review of the first of the 2 1969 Cleveland concerts: it mentions "2 screaming girls". Most bands have screaming fans; any good concert is loud. They played for "Hours" because concert format by then had changed: they could jam for as long as they wanted to, for there was only the time limit the venue had for it. Many records set by the Beatles have since been broken; all records get broken eventually.

3) Zep's members had different musical abilities than the Fabs: Plant does have a better vocal range than they do, except I think McCartney has a very good voice, but they do different styles of music. Page is a better guitarist than Harrison, but both are very talented in their own rights. McCartney and Jones are equally talented bassists; both play a wide variety of instruments. As for Starr and Bonham, their styles are different: Starr is more reflective of Jim McCarty of the Yardbirds, while Bonham is more based on Keith Moon's style.

4) Brian Epstein managed the Fabs differently than Peter Grant did with Zep: in the Beatles' time, singles were promotion for albums; Zeppelin developed album-oriented rock, that is, albums promoted by popular tracks, rather singles, which for them were few and far between. And what, Zep never had teenage fans? I beg to differ!

5) POP and ROCK are two different genres: you are putting the Beatles in with boy bands, a group they most certainly don't belong in. They started out POP, then, with the rest of the music world, evolved into ROCK. If Zep had been together at the same time as the Beatles, the same thing would've happened.

Again, my opinion. Jo :)

Hi Jo,

From what you just wrote i would surmise that you are more of a Beatle fan than a Zepp one, thats alright, i'm OK with being biased, i am too.

I stand by what i wrote, i believe i gave a good level opinion of what i believe is factual and true, not if's and but's .

I believe the Beatles should be classed as a Boy band of their time, because they attracted young Girls in there Millions who only wanted to see or touch there Hero's, and cared little for actually going to a concert to listen to the music, and the Beatles played up to this in writing mushy songs for years after, i have never experianced this at a Zeppelin Gig.

The Beatles were geniuses of the Pop song culture where Zeppelin were geniuses of the Rock culture, i dont regard Beatles as a Rock Band, but i do regard them as geniuses of their times. The only real difference between us is that i'm more concerned with the love of Music, whereas other have a love of Poetry and Lyrics.

I could listen to all Zepps stuff without the Lyrics and still be extreamly satisfied that i had heard something special, i could not say that about the Beatles songs, listening to just their music would bore me to tears.

But everyone to his own, we all need to express our opinions and i wouldnt have it any other way. :beer:

Regards, Danny

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wow! some awesome conversation. i have this much to add:

the beatles began as a rock and roll band: there is no doubt. and they were one of the greatest rock and roll bands that ever plugged in a guitar. if not the greatest. it can't be denied.

i see alot of terms and phrases being slug around: "pop", "rock", "greatest", "my favorite", "the rest of the world", "i was there", ad nauseum.

the beatles may have been the greatest pop band, i agree. but they made pop music by playing rock and roll, not just imitating it (which they did as good as anyone) but by writing their own rock and roll. america and the rest of the world conquered, the beatles added motown, folk, and any dozen influences into the mix, and became what they were, whatever that is. (by the way, i seem to remember the beatles playing france before america and bombing....)

zeppelin may be another kettle of fish but you can't claim anything as the greatest for any band without taking the tape next to the beatals (hello, stu).

could zep play straight up rock and roll? you bet-and when page plays his cliff gallup licks on some of our soundcheck boots, he sounds alot like george harrison...

i hear ya, danny, i feel ya, ZFF and most of the others posting. the best way to leave it may be like this:

the beatles CHANGED THE WORLD.

led zeppelin made it a better place to live.....

i was there!!!


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seems to follow, though, doesn't it?

How's it going "beatbo" my buddy? I hope all is well with you and your girlfriend. As someone said earlier here on this thread, THE BEATLES and LED ZEPPELIN are two different bands that were great during their time playing two different music styles. I'm willing to leave it at that and move on. THE BEATLES, in my heart, will always be my all-time favorite band with LED ZEPPELIN coming in a very close second. ROCK ON my friend!

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wow! some awesome conversation. i have this much to add:

the beatles began as a rock and roll band: there is no doubt. and they were one of the greatest rock and roll bands that ever plugged in a guitar. if not the greatest. it can't be denied.

i see alot of terms and phrases being slug around: "pop", "rock", "greatest", "my favorite", "the rest of the world", "i was there", ad nauseum.

the beatles may have been the greatest pop band, i agree. but they made pop music by playing rock and roll, not just imitating it (which they did as good as anyone) but by writing their own rock and roll. america and the rest of the world conquered, the beatles added motown, folk, and any dozen influences into the mix, and became what they were, whatever that is. (by the way, i seem to remember the beatles playing france before america and bombing....)

zeppelin may be another kettle of fish but you can't claim anything as the greatest for any band without taking the tape next to the beatals (hello, stu).

could zep play straight up rock and roll? you bet-and when page plays his cliff gallup licks on some of our soundcheck boots, he sounds alot like george harrison...

i hear ya, danny, i feel ya, ZFF and most of the others posting. the best way to leave it may be like this:

the beatles CHANGED THE WORLD.

led zeppelin made it a better place to live.....

i was there!!!


Hi Beatbo,

I can live with what you just said, and thanks for putting me fairly and squarely in my place. :D

Kind Regards, Danny

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