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You're welcome. Yes, I realise you have to subscribe to the site for a fee, but I figured since you and your dad had a website dedicated to the make, the nominal fee might be worth it to you. :)

Well i thank you for your kind thought ;)

Edited by ledzep45
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The Rondo is a Chinese made guitar, they can make an acceptable instrument for a lower cost because of the money they save by only paying there worker's a few dollar's a week in that country.

I have a Chinese made Yamaha acoustic that I got new a few month's ago for about $350.00 US, it's a proper playing guitar (but not professional)! I did have to look thru servile of them to find one with a strait neck, but I like it and I should get 5 or so good years out of it.

Nothing wrong with Chinese made guitars. Where made is rarely a factor whether or not an instrument is playable. A far bigger factor is price, it's no secret that as the price goes up so does quality. Though at some point it becomes less about playability and more about costly contruction materials and decorative design.

I have a Chinese made Tokai ES-60, which their least expensive ES-335 copy, and it is a very nice guitar. However I had to do some tweaks to get it up to snuff that most players probably wouldn't be able to do unless they sent it out. It needed a fair amount of fret work, sharp ends and dull finish that required a polish. The the honest reality is I've had to do that to more expensive Gibson and Fender guitars I've owned.

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Nothing wrong with Chinese made guitars. Where made is rarely a factor whether or not an instrument is playable. A far bigger factor is price, it's no secret that as the price goes up so does quality. Though at some point it becomes less about playability and more about costly contruction materials and decorative design.

I have a Chinese made Tokai ES-60, which their least expensive ES-335 copy, and it is a very nice guitar. However I had to do some tweaks to get it up to snuff that most players probably wouldn't be able to do unless they sent it out. It needed a fair amount of fret work, sharp ends and dull finish that required a polish. The the honest reality is I've had to do that to more expensive Gibson and Fender guitars I've owned.

It's actually all in how it's been assembled. When I was going thru the acoustic guitars at the shop I got my Yamaha the one I got was the only one (price range I could afford) of all the make's and model's that had a strait neck. Even some of the $1000.00+ Alvarez's had a dip where the neck meet's the body! That is a sure sign that the neck was not properly set in when it was glued on!

I like a nice looking and sounding guitar but I want it to be put together right to, the cheaper Chinese with low(er) grade wood unit's can be good if they are put together correctly. My Yamaha is a nice example of that fact, it's a bit bright sounding but it will do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would spend that $300 on hiring a really really good thief, then just point him in the direction of the guitar store. Hahaha. Only kidding.

By the way, I agree with Ev with all of this. However, in my own opinion Shecter make some great guitars at budget prices. I wouldn't pay under $300 for one (mainly because I live in England and we don't use dollars :P ) because you will end up getting frustrated with it. But have a look at and a play of some Schecter guitars.

I think that's a great piece of advice really...go to a guitar store and play on a bunch of guitars within the budget, choose the one that feels right and comfortable. Only you can make the decision.

Rik. :thumbsup:

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Holy crap! Red Eyed Richard! Where the hell have you been man? :wave:

Ev...long time no speak dude. And really really good question, where the hell have I been? I honestly can't remember...must have been a bag loada fun. haha. :drunk: :drunk:

Seriously though, I just haven't been here. This forum got up in my grill a tad (some strict moderation put me off the place) but I guess I want to frequent this place a bit more often. Do they still have that bar over in Meet and Greet...we will have to hang out and grab a virtual beer my good man. :thumbsup:

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Ev...long time no speak dude. And really really good question, where the hell have I been? I honestly can't remember...must have been a bag loada fun. haha. :drunk: :drunk:

Seriously though, I just haven't been here. This forum got up in my grill a tad (some strict moderation put me off the place) but I guess I want to frequent this place a bit more often. Do they still have that bar over in Meet and Greet...we will have to hang out and grab a virtual beer my good man. :thumbsup:

First round's on me as always mate! :beer:

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