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Michael Jackson in hospital


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Michael Jackson will go down in history as the greatest entertainer of all time.

This is one of those clichés where you wish you said what you thought at the time. President Obama evidently has only respect and admiration for the man. Had it not been for the accusations on Jackson he would have been invited to the Inauguration in January. No black celebrity before him commanded and transcended such global hysteria.

The hobo that likes to pick on Michael Jackson and Pres. Obama - the obvious incapacity for educated judgment and reason is hardly worth a reply.

Michael Jackson was not a child molester. Nor was he gay. Not all soft-spoken quiet men are gay. His accusers and their cohorts know the lies they have perpetuated to get a piece of Jackson's wealth. Perpetuated by the quasi and tabloid reporters who make it a living inventing dirt. This is what they feed their children with. Not very different from the accusers. Afterall, what parent goes to the police only after a Hollywood deal fell through? Better yet what parent accepts monetary settlement if their child was violated? What parent leaves their children with a suspect molester day in day out then cry foul later? Were they pimps? These people will only go down in footnotes of Jackson's history as people who lie for money, and made a living lying. Michael Jackson did not fit the MO of a pedophile. While they were so busy raiding Neverland and marvelling at the rides and toys there, kids were still being abused around them. Wait there were no cameras where those poor kids where.

History will vindicate Michael Jackson. The music lives on, long after those vultures have finished off the money they got from him and the 15 minutes they enjoyed at his expense. My thoughts to Pinky - who was in love with MJ. JA - a PYT - whose MJ-inspired moves were so much fun. Speaking of PYT, I always suspected it was written with Brooke Shields in mind. She is still the most beautiful face of Hollywood who did not have a cosmetic overhaul. And as for MJ's cosmetic overhaul, it's nothing new in Hollywood and now elsewhere. You have seen a vitiligo patient. If you are a black vitiligo patient, you might as well be white. Anyway none of those matters now. Only the music lives on. And the millions who benefitted from this man's heart of a child. Genuine kindness you only see in the likes of him and the late Princess Diana. No wonder their loss was mourned with such magnitude around the world.

MICHAEL JACKSON The King of Pop Thank You for the Music. Thank You for MTV.

Sleep well, the gLOVED ONE, JOB WELL DONE.

This is a very good post, thank you. While it's true that we may never really know what went down in Neverland Ranch, here are some irrefutable facts (I've spent some time poring through them, because I consider ever murder - you know, as in a crime of passion that gets out of hand - to be not as bad as child molestation, and, I'm not one of those MJ fanatics that would jump in fire just because he said so...jsut some context):

- 1993 - Jordan Chandler accuses MJ of molestation. He detalis what he think will be proof beyond doubt, including the fact (not that I need to know this, but important) that he claimed MJ was circumcised. They did a body search on MJ, and guess what? He was NOT.

- the case was eventually dropped by the DA because of lack of evidence

- MJ settling was a mistake - one he acknowledges, but know that he had been sued numerous times (think when McDonald's was sued by someone over the fact that the coffee was too hot and you get the idea) so like all the other suits, he dealt with them in the same manner...does it imply guilt? I don't know, but like Robert's Plant said, if it were my child, there's no way in hell I'd settle for $$$ and let a pedophile go free. No. Way.

- fast forward to the trial in '05. The evidence from the DA provided no DNA proof whatsoever.

- the testimony of the accused (and that of his brother) varied from the graphic statements they gave to the grand jury.

- the testimony of witnesses for the prosecution was shot down conclusively by the defense ie/ to a witness, the workers who claimed to see something illicit went to tabloids to sell their stories rather than going to the police first. AND their stories became more salacious the more money they were offered.

- these were the same workers that sued MJ in '96 for lack or pay. MJ counter sued and won.

- a psychologist who evaluated MJ stated that he did not fit the profile of a pedophile

- he was found not guilty on all accounts

Keep in mind that out of the THOUSANDS of children who had visited Neverland Ranch, five accused him. Three were thrown out of court outright as blatant attempts of extortion, the last two I briefly outlined.

He dealt with a great deal of unfair treatment for a great deal of misunderstandings (whether willful or ignorant - ie/ he didn't want to be Black, he wanted to look like Diana Ross, etc., etc., etc.)

Breaking News FYI: Potential criminal investigation pending as per CNN.

ANYWAY, thanks for listening and indulging me here. RIP MJ

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This is a very good post, thank you. While it's true that we may never really know what went down in Neverland Ranch, here are some irrefutable facts (I've spent some time poring through them, because I consider ever murder - you know, as in a crime of passion that gets out of hand - to be not as bad as child molestation, and, I'm not one of those MJ fanatics that would jump in fire just because he said so...jsut some context):

- the case was eventually dropped by the DA because of lack of evidence

- MJ settling was a mistake - one he acknowledges, but know that he had been sued numerous times (think when McDonald's was sued by someone over the fact that the coffee was too hot and you get the idea) so like all the other suits, he dealt with them in the same manner...does it imply guilt? I don't know, but like Robert's Plant said, if it were my child, there's no way in hell I'd settle for $$$ and let a pedophile go free. No. Way.

Which is why, even if MJ wasn't guilty (and I'd like to think that he wasn't), at least one party was. If your child had been molested, the perpertrator's irrelevant (to a degree) - whoever it is, you'd want them going down for it. Handing over that big fat check wasn't the wisest move on MJ's part, but accepting it was even more suspect. Would that really make you feel better, even if you knew your child had been violated? 20 million enough to turn a blind eye to your child's suffering? Their emotional and physical damage - is it enough to make you sleep better at night? If MJ was guilty, Chandler's parents were no better than him, IMO. But, like I said, I don't believe he was.

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Which is why, even if MJ wasn't guilty (and I'd like to think that he wasn't), at least one party was. If your child had been molested, the perpertrator's irrelevant (to a degree) - whoever it is, you'd want them going down for it. Handing over that big fat check wasn't the wisest move on MJ's part, but accepting it was even more suspect. Would that really make you feel better, even if you knew your child had been violated? 20 million enough to turn a blind eye to your child's suffering? Their emotional and physical damage - is it enough to make you sleep better at night? If MJ was guilty, Chandler's parents were no better than him, IMO. But, like I said, I don't believe he was.

Yeah that's the thing, when you settle because you have a history of settling just to get on with life, you have to determine that not all cases and accusations are the same. There's a whole lot more to say about that case than what I'd stated, including the father approaching MJ with a script to sell that was refused to be shopped by him, a taped phone conversation between the father and uncle that the father was going to ruin MJ to the father's benefit (who was wayyy behind on child support, to the tune of +$60K), etc., etc. But you're right, mistakes were made that create even a shadow of a doubt. I can't ever EVER imagine a parent settling for money. There's a lot more to say, but sparing a whole recount of the evidence presented and how it didn't stand up to scrutiny, my whole point was that sooo much was made of MJ without looking at WHY he did the things he did. Some undoubtedly was for publicity no doubt, there's no naivete here, but so much shameful speculation was sold as authoritative that it made him seem like a clown, all the while losing sight of the fact that he was a human being. Shameless.

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Which is why, even if MJ wasn't guilty (and I'd like to think that he wasn't), at least one party was. If your child had been molested, the perpertrator's irrelevant (to a degree) - whoever it is, you'd want them going down for it. Handing over that big fat check wasn't the wisest move on MJ's part, but accepting it was even more suspect. Would that really make you feel better, even if you knew your child had been violated? 20 million enough to turn a blind eye to your child's suffering? Their emotional and physical damage - is it enough to make you sleep better at night? If MJ was guilty, Chandler's parents were no better than him, IMO. But, like I said, I don't believe he was.

Not many people know this but Michael Jackson had a lot of trouble with his attorneys in the first trial. He chose two big name attorneys, each used to "running the show" to be on a team and work together. This strategy backfired because they both wanted different things and sometimes didn't cooperate with one another before giving a statement to the press. They also both ended up leaving the case before it was over due to Michael be unwilling to fire either one. Add to this fact that Michael was also addicted to painkillers at this time and in dire need of entering rehab plus the possibility of extended legal fees, defamation suits from the prosecution, etc. Him settling was actually the smarter, and possibly even cheaper route...plus it prevented a civil trial occuring before the criminal trial. In a civil trial, the jury did not need to be unanimous and if Michael was found guilty in a civil trial, then that could have been used as ammunition in a criminal trial.

If anybody's interested there is an article written in the 90s I believe in GQ called "Was Michael Jackson framed?" that presents a lot of sketchy details concerning the Chandlers and their attorney surrounding the case.

None of the news networks ever mention any of this however and Michael and his attorneys weren't allowed to disclose this information as per the settlement agreement.

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In a civil trial, the jury did not need to be unanimous and if Michael was found guilty in a civil trial, then that could have been used as ammunition in a criminal trial.

Civil trials do not address the issue of guilt, only liability.

Michael could not be found guilty in a civil trial.

Guilt is decided in a criminal trial only.

Edited by eternal light
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the latest from TMZ...

Law enforcement sources tell us the evidence points to the anesthesia Propofol as the primary cause of Jackson's death. As we first reported, vials of Propofol were found in Jackson's home after he died.

Law enforcement sources say there is already "plenty of powerful evidence" linking Dr. Murray as the person who administered the drug to Jackson. The evidence includes various items found in Jackson's house, including the Propofol, an IV stand and oxygen tank.

Dr. Murray's lawyer would neither confirm nor deny if his client administered the Propofol.

And we've learned the LAPD has had "multiple conversations" with the L.A. County District Attorney's office, although the case has not been formally presented to the D.A.

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Oy, more freaks coming out of the woodwork. I believe I read a story where in one of Joe Jackson's many beatings on Michael, he kicked him so hard in the junk that his testicles were permanently damaged. Now, as hard as that is to believe, take a good look at Joe Jackson and ask yourself if he's capable of doing that. The answer is yes.

So I don't think Jacko could father children biologically. He permanently sounded like his balls didn't drop.

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he does look like michael. i hope it's true that they were close if he is indeed his son.

Hi S2Z,

I didnt know that plastic surgery became implanted in your Gene's, or was even Genetic, you learn something new on here every day if you keep your eyes open. ;)

Regards, danny

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  • 3 weeks later...
just heard that michael has been buried in forest lawn cemetary after all. any truth to this? and apparently the cause of death has been identified, but not being released yet because the police are still investigating.

I have also heard many times that Michael has been laid to rest. Good.

"This is It" will be released in theaters this October


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