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Sarah Palin Steps Down As Governor Of Alaska


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Lot's of discussion here, agree and disagreement on the subject ..... But, No one step's down from a high ranking office before they have the opportunity to say, "I will not be running for re-election at the end of my term", as LBJ did in the 1960's (not that I think that any one president was the best ever).

I don't know for sure but this all seems fishy to me. It wouldn't be the first trouble's in politics and I know it will not be the last but, if there is something wrong going on it was best that she did as she has done.

No one is perfect and there will be the one's that can't keep there paints up to save there life but, I don't think it put's out a good impression and make's for a poor pick for a leader of the freest and fairest nation in the world.

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Since I can't delete this, let me point out that it was in response to a post that WAS deleted, and not to Tangerine.

OK, carry on!

I missed it, darn :) Did it have anything to do with my post? My link could be part of her reasons. I'm sure there are more Palin secrets to come out, eventually B)

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The point isn't the sex, its the way your dickhead fascist heroes have portrayed themselves as asexual and then fucked everything they could.


Oh this is rich. Only four posts and you have already dropped the "dickhead facist heroes" bomb.

Sure you wouldn't like to warm up a bit first and say something about how Reagan raped starving women in their sleep? :lol:

As for raising taxes in a recession, who's taxes exactly have been raised? People making over 200k will have the bush tax cuts expire in 2 years. Limbaugh and Hannity left those parts out of their speeches didn't they?

But you would just love to raise the taxes on those evil rich people wouldn't you? People who um.... what?... are smart and made a few bucks from their own initiative and hard work.

Regarding "whacky socialized healthcare", you guys keep trying that socialism boogey man, but nobody gives a fuck; you showed us what runaway capitalism is like, just like "bleeding heart liberals" tried to tell you it would be, and we don't like it, and we don't like your heroes for still trying to pimp it to us.

Do you have a job? What do you do for a living?

Are you one of those jealous types who is angry that you don't have enough and want someone else to pay your way through life?

Most people find the whorish nature of American medicine to be disgusting and would like it to be quite a bit more socialized than it is now. We also like socialized fire departments and socialized military, which I'm sure you're especially fond of.

As a taxpayer I get something for my money with the fire department and the military. What do I get when my tax dollars go to bail someone else out who is looking for a hand out?

But they could join the military and get healtcare provided if that is a solution.

I for one find the whole pro life ultra right to be pretty fucking reprehensible when they can only stop complaining about abortion to scream about the dangers of socialized healthcare.

So go out and kill some babies if that makes you feel better. No better yet, why not kill pregnant mothers too.... afterall some of them might be 'evil rich people' or better still 'reprehnsible right wingers.'

There's a whole world out there besides fox "news." You do realize that you actually lambasted Obama for not delivering on his liberal agenda and then complained that he's too liberal?

I don't watch too much of FOX News, other than to look at all of the hot blonde white chicks that are pleasing to my eyes. For news I go to MichaelSavage.com --- much more fair and balanced.

When does the part about how god loves america better than any other country in the world come?

I wouldn't say he loves America more...

probably just hates us less than those other smelly places. ;)

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