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Just opened the time capsule

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Thank you for sharing this with us--love looking at the pics!!

I am so sad though--I used to have that Pez cover book, and have NO idea what ever happened to it. :( I remember at the time I used to LOVE that book--musta read it a hundred times!


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I am so sad though--I used to have that Pez cover book, and have NO idea what ever happened to it. :( I remember at the time I used to LOVE that book--musta read it a hundred times!


That was the first Zeppelin book I ever bought- and I'm pretty sure that I read it at least a hundred times too! :D

Does anybody know if that was the first ever published Zeppelin biography?

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Does anybody know if that was the first ever published Zeppelin biography?

I am pretty sure Ritchie Yorke's bio with the Pez cover is the first hardcover book published about Led Zeppelin...maybe even the very first book period that dealt exclusively with the band; certainly the first one by a recognizable rock music writer.

Circus put out a cheapie paperback in 1973 on Robert Plant to take advantage of the hype and hysteria of Zep's 1973 U.S. tour, where they broke the Beatles' attendance record, but it wasn't a "real" book in any objective sense...more like a fan's mash-note.

Published in 1976, Ritchie Yorke's Zep bio has since been updated and republished...alas, without that distinctive Pez cover design.

Stacilayne, I recognize a lot of the other books and magazines you have in your collection...many of which I lost in an apartment fire, along with tons of other Zeppelin paraphenelia.

That 1973 Circus Robert Plant paperback which you could order through the magazine...they also did little books on Elton John, Rod Stewart and a couple others.

I still have some of my old Creem, Circus, and other rock mags with Zep on the cover...but not as much as I used to have and certainly not as much as you appear to have.

But looking at your photos I am having major flashbacks, haha!

Good luck with packing them up...fortunately everything seems to still be in good condition and not falling apart.

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That one is by Ritchie Yorke, and was first published in 1974, and yes, to my knowledge it was the first. It's been republished and updated several times. Here's a later edition.


I think the next one was Howard Mylett's Led Zeppelin, which was a Panther paperback.


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Haha! You have Circus magazine's Robert Plant: Led Zeppelin's Golden Boy by Michael Gross! That was my first book waaay back when. I still have a copy. A funny read when you revisit it now. :lol:

I've also got a copy of that book. Haven't seen it in years but I know it's around somewhere. If I remember it wasn't very good.

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Wouldn't it be cool to have a Led Zeppelin Library where we could all go check these things out temporarily???

Now that's an idea! That would be pretty cool to have something like that. Like a Led Zeppelin version of Graceland.

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Awesome collection there. Some of that stuff is no doubt worth quite a bit of money. It's cool when you find something you had totally forgotten about....like that slice of pizza under the couch from last summer....it's times like that that make life worth living. :P

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Really cool collection. The thing though is that I bet a lot of the information in those books and magazines is now redundant because of the internet.

Back in the 80s and 90s I used to buy a lot of Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd books and things like that, imported rarities and stuff. It was so much fun to have all that, and try to piece together the puzzle they seemed to suggest. Lyrics to unreleased songs, photographs, etc.

I bet a lot of people don't look for these things much anymore, making this kind of collection even cooler. Information is easier to come by these days, but we've lost some of the fun.

(But you're just going to seal it up and put it back in storage? Why?!)

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(But you're just going to seal it up and put it back in storage? Why?!)

I don't have the room. My decor is now Old Hollywood and Art Deco... not the LZ motif. The storage space in climate-controlled, so it should be OK. I am going to display my signed Robert Plant pic, and maybe one or two other things. We'll see (in the process of decorating... here's my living room).


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Just saw your amazing collection, but please, store don't these vinyl bootlegs in a box full of heavy books and stuff.

(Had to get this off my chest, as beeing a vinylophiliac.....these ones are quite hard to get, and I treat my own records almost as gentle as women)


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Today's task is taking my precious LZ collection out of its trunk, where it's sat unopened for many, many, MANY years, and boxing it up for storage.

I merely unhinged it and opened the top, and saw the first haphazard layer... I'd completely forgotten I had so many of these things! Such as this ilustrated Japenese paperback (I think Robert Plant is a fictionalized character... can't remember, and it is all sealed up). I also have more tour guides and tour tees than I'd recalled, etc.

As I unearth, I will take more photos!



theres some good stuff ive seen here :D

talk about letting the led out!! ;)

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Today's task is taking my precious LZ collection out of its trunk, where it's sat unopened for many, many, MANY years, and boxing it up for storage.

I merely unhinged it and opened the top, and saw the first haphazard layer... I'd completely forgotten I had so many of these things! Such as this ilustrated Japenese paperback (I think Robert Plant is a fictionalized character... can't remember, and it is all sealed up). I also have more tour guides and tour tees than I'd recalled, etc.

As I unearth, I will take more photos!



Wow, cool! :notworthy:



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I wish I could find a large poster I had of Jimmy throughout the 80's; I've never seen its like anywhere - dunno if it's rare or I simply need to get out more. It was of Jimmy circa 1975-ish, maybe '77, playing his dual neck Gibson SG, with his head thrown back a bit, smiling. He may have had a cig in his mouth.

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