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Alcoholic Beverages


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Easy and simple topic. If you are a casual, social or full-blown alcoholic, makes no difference to me. What do you prefer? Beer, wine, liquor, or whatever else there is on the market or at your nearest supermarket.

I will start off since I created this topic. I LOVE BUDWEISER! Plain and simple. Some people love Budweiser, some people hate Budweiser. I am one that loves BUDWEISER. I know that there are hundreds of other beers out there. Some are probably better than Bud, but you know what, I grew up drinking Budweiser ever since I was a teenager. And, not that this makes a difference (or maybe it does) I grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. I now live in Dallas, Texas and I still drink Budweiser. Geographic locations do not seem to change my taste in quality beer. Remember, THIS BUD'S FOR YOU.

I'm with you bub. Budweiser is the best. Especially with the kind of weather we've been having around here lately.

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Red wine, white zinfandel, sangria

Captain Morgan and coke

Cherry or vanilla vodka and coke

Woodford Reserve and coke

Vodka and Red Bull



Beer: Corona, Blue Moon, Stella Artois

Shots: Lemon Drop, Patron, Cherry Bomb

That's all I can think of...

Yes!!! I just visited the Woodford Reserve distillery in Kentucky, and MAN that stuff is good!

Bourbon, whiskey, or rum and Coke (Jack and Coke's pretty much my go-to drink)

Bourbon or whiskey on the rocks



Southern Comfort

Piña Colada (if I'm somewhere with a decent bar)

Tequila Sunrise (I wore out margaritas, but I still like these)

Bahama Mama (yes, I love my tropical drinks)

Redheaded Slut

Beer: Newcastle, Bass Ale, Corona (as a fallback), Cucapa Obscura (but nobody ever has this)

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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May I direct your attention to a very small percentage of my collection:


This was taken a year and a half ago I believe, so the collection has grown. In fact the opposite side of my room proudly displays my collection of fine single malts. I love a good 12 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Yummy stuff man. :D:D:D

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  • 3 years later...

My daughter is a big fan of earl grey tea, hot, but wants to experiment on making a earl grey martini.

I looked up several different recipes on the net and her and I will be trying out hand at it this afternoon. Made some strong earl grey and is cooling now. Bought Absolute Wild Tea Vodka, Lemoncello, honey and fresh lemon. And lemonade.

Mixology 101.

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My daughter is a big fan of earl grey tea, hot, but wants to experiment on making a earl grey martini.

I looked up several different recipes on the net and her and I will be trying out hand at it this afternoon. Made some strong earl grey and is cooling now. Bought Absolute Wild Tea Vodka, Lemoncello, honey and fresh lemon. And lemonade.

Mixology 101.

Please update with the results. I,too, love Earl Grey tea and Lemoncello. Good luck!

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Forumula #1 had too much alcohol, not enough tea, not sweet enough.

Formula #2 much better.

Earl Grey Mar-tea-ni

2 oz strong earl grey tea, cooled

1 oz Absolute Wild Tea Vodka

1 oz Lemoncello

1/2 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice

1 oz simple syrup.

Shake with ice and pour into martini glass (rim the inside edge with honey)

Garnish with a lemon slice.

The taste test with with the hubby and he enjoyed it.

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Hey Ev,

This is for you mate, my shout!


Classic. Love VB. It's the only beer i'll drink but the weather has to be hot for me to have one. I am not a beer drinker but if i do VB is the one. I once hitched a lift from Northern Victoria to Melbourne with a wagon full of hops going to the Carlton Brewerey. Great

I am a wino man - as Frank would say. Red usually. Especially from Rioja, Spain. They make magnificent red wine there. Bodegas Navajas is one of the best.

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in no particular order

Sauvignon Blanc (New Zealand)

Red Bordeaux (St. Estephe)

bloody Mary


maker's Mark Bourbon or old Rip Van Winckle Bourbon

geuze Oud Beersel or Girardin unfiltered

Orval trappist

Duvel tripel hop

Oban single malt

Campari orange

gin Tonic

Nouilly Prat on the rocks with lemon zest


Old jenever (Filliers)


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Orval trappist

I had a very unfortunate experience with Trappist in Amsterdam. My partner and I were in a bar and there was an offer on the said brew. We had about 5 or 6 bottles of it and a few joints. We were so fucked neither of us could remember where our hotel was. Eventually we found it but couldn't get in. I stumbled off leaving my partner outside the hotel to find a police station to tell them what had happened. They threw me out. When I got back I kicked fuck out of the front door and it opened. In the morning we had the worst hangover ever,no money left and lost my stash. It's probably why I don't drink beer.

Having said that I did have a good Bock Bier once

Edited by chillumpuffer
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I had a very unfortunate experience with Trappist in Amsterdam. My partner and I were in a bar and there was an offer on the said brew. We had about 5 or 6 bottles of it and a few joints. We were so fucked neither of us could remember where our hotel was.

Orval is an atypical trappist. Lower in alcohol than Other Trapists like Westvleteren, abt Sixtus ... Orval is also very bitter whereas the other Belgian Trappists have à distinct chocolaty sweetness and are much darker.

Orval's unique character has another advantage: due to It's complex aroma it is also quite univiting for bingedrinking, just like my two fave Geuze brands.

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Orval is an atypical trappist. Lower in alcohol than Other Trapists like Westvleteren, abt Sixtus ... Orval is also very bitter whereas the other Belgian Trappists have à distinct chocolaty sweetness and are much darker.

Orval's unique character has another advantage: due to It's complex aroma it is also quite univiting for bingedrinking, just like my two fave Geuze brands.

Thanks Duckman for this insight. To be honest we weren't binge drinking. It was over a few hours. It was went we outside in the street. My legs went and I looked like someone who had just run a marathon. I have given it a wide birth since. But as I said I really don't drink beer. A Guiness at a pinch

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IPA for me! I like Lagunitas, Green Flash West Coast and New Belgium Ranger. But my favorite is Russian River Pliny the Elder, try it if you can find it.

Other than that I like bourbon, Bulleit and Knob Creek though Buffalo Trace is very good too.

For mixed drinks I like either light rum or vodka usually with white grapefruit juice and a tiny dash of Triple Sec.

I invented a drink I call the Free Lunch:

A shot of 100 proof Smirnov vodka

A shot of Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce (rooster sauce)

A table spoon of lime juice

(optional: a shot of clam juice)

Sounds wicked, I know, but there is something compelling about it. Most people are disgusted at first sip but they always end up finishing it! I think the alcohol dissolves the capsaicin and it is absorbed into the blood stream producing an endorphin like reaction. Try it!

Edited by chef free
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