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That poor dog's right eye is damaged.

Looks like he could have lost the eye in a previous accident?

Or he may have glaucoma.

Or due to the injury from the fork, he may have brain damage that has caused his eye to turn in and become enophthalmic.

Anyway, it could be a sign of previous abuse.

I hope that they investigate this as cruelty to animals and remove that poor creature from his owners if he is found to be abused.

He seems to be doing better.

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Okay, now I get it. The chihuahua was speared in London, KY and Plant was in London, England.

Threw me for a loop. I watched the video and thought these people sound like they're from Kentucky. :D

I'm happy to hear the chihuahua is going to be okay; poor little guy.

Glad Mr. Plant is okay too. I read somewhere that his other accident was in July also. I don't know which year though.

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He seems to be doing better.

Thanks for the link, eternal light.

His right eye does seem to be wanting to close in that video. I would guess that he has some minor brain damage causing this.

Wasn't that curious, that the fork that the vet held after removal from the dog's head had fur and tissue (I presume) on it?

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Thank goodness everyone was okay.

Repairing the Audi will be more expensive than buying a new (nice) car, just kind of throwing that out there.

Yea, it would a be a lotta money to repair that audi. Maybe Plant will decide to tour with Zeppelin to repair his car! :P

jk in case you didnt know

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I guess now we know for sure that he drives an Audi, LOL.

I didn't catch if the photo revealed his license plate number? I will have to take another look.

Isn't it ironic that we were just discussing cars of Zep members on that thread recently? And someone posted that Robert drove an Audi?

I think "drove an Audi" is more accurate at this point, unfortunately. The car looked totalled to me. The car was in the photo in the paper, but yes, they blurred the plate. It's in the first post in this thread.

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Thanks for the link, eternal light.

His right eye does seem to be wanting to close in that video. I would guess that he has some minor brain damage causing this.

Wasn't that curious, that the fork that the vet held after removal from the dog's head had fur and tissue (I presume) on it?

Yes, his eye is looking tired on that side.

Perhaps when the doctor removed the fork, it may have had some blood and abraded tissue attached that stuck to some loose fur?

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That title scared me a bit! I don't remember if it was last night or the night before. I dreamt someone asked me if I knew who Geddy Lee was. I said yes, and they said Rush was in a plane crash. Apparently there was another band/bands in the plane crash, and I was frantically trying to verify if Robert/Zep were in the plane crash. I was relieved when I found out he/they wasn't.

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VERY scary headline to read!

Something is fishy with that poor chuiwawa (sp??) That huge fork 'accidentally' went into his head? Sorry, I'm not quite buying that story. Yes, his eyes are haunting and I want to bring him home with me right now!

:yesnod: I wonder if there is something like "animal police" in London, like the one you can see on "Animal Planet" channel. They could ask the little dog's owners some questions.... <_<

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:yesnod: I wonder if there is something like "animal police" in London, like the one you can see on "Animal Planet" channel. They could ask the little dog's owners some questions.... <_<

Apparently the fork suddenly and unexpectedly slipped from the cook's hand.

This accident happened in the United States.


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Yawn - its a fender bender. Big deal.


I was rear-ended and my car didn't survive..I wasn't hurt but still was advised to go to the hospital.. The medical staff took my pulse, blood pressure etc and the doctor had me walk around and asked alot of questions..He was assessing for head, back injury etc..


Gee..I miss my Chevy.....

Edited by Juliet
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Whoa... I just saw this and at first I thought it was somebody posting an archival article about Plant's 1975 crash.

My heart skipped a beat when I looked and saw it was contemporary...good to see that nobody was hurt.

BTW, I was under the impression that Plant and Krauss were in Nashville recording the new record; now that Plant's been in jolly old to pick up his CBE and now this car crash, does this mean that the record is finished, or is there more recording to be done?

Would love it if we get a new Plant & Krauss record before the end of the year.

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BTW, I was under the impression that Plant and Krauss were in Nashville recording the new record;

Would love it if we get a new Plant & Krauss record before the end of the year.


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BTW, I was under the impression that Plant and Krauss were in Nashville recording the new record; now that Plant's been in jolly old to pick up his CBE and now this car crash, does this mean that the record is finished, or is there more recording to be done?

Would love it if we get a new Plant & Krauss record before the end of the year.

I doubt it. Robert stayed in Nashville very shortly and Alison has been busy with Union Station, very little time for the new record.

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Sorta off topic, sorta on topic.

This morning on the interstate, I almost traded paint with a car that soon after whipped over in front of me. The irony...the vanity license plate on the vehicle? LESPAUL

Made me think of this thread driving 75 mph early this morning.

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I don't know if anyone else had mentioned this but I thought Robert Plant and Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham would all have driven brand new Cadillacs. Isn't that the car company that use(d) to use "Rock and Roll" as their theme song a few years ago? I would think that if the members of the group had gotten millions of dollars for an endorsement deal with Cadillac cars then they probably would get at least a couple of brand new Cadillacs a year (for life). That would certainly make sense to me. Me, personally, I would rather drive a Cady than an Audi. Just my preference. By the way, I drive a decent 1998 Toyota Avalon. Good car. Not as nice as an endorsement Cadillac.

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