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Ronniedawg Update!


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Haven't been around much, been on strike with the City of Toronto for 31 days now. Been spending a lot of time at my cabin relaxing and taking in nature.

So far my summer has sucked large!

I hear ya Ronniedawg. I had that privilege for 4 mo in 2001. Eventually we were legislated back and not a moment too soon. You know this is just about the city saving some money. Like us, they'll keep you out untill they feel they have saved enough and / or the provincial gov steps in. It's in their hands

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I hear ya Ronniedawg. I had that privilege for 4 mo in 2001. Eventually we were legislated back and not a moment too soon. You know this is just about the city saving some money. Like us, they'll keep you out untill they feel they have saved enough and / or the provincial gov steps in. It's in their hands

Meanwhile giving each other nice fat raises and all expense lunches.Probably a message on the side.... All on the backs of the workers.

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Meanwhile giving each other nice fat raises and all expense lunches.Probably a message on the side.... All on the backs of the workers.

True enough Babs ! It's the reality of trying to negotiate a contract in the public sector these day's.

If they want you out your gonna be out no matter what . Our management dudes received a nice fat

17% bonus for hanging us out to dry. It would have been larger save the new provincial gov stepping in and putting a stop to the nonsense. Oh yeah, moral has been absolutely wonderful since then <_<

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At Least it is the summer! I have been laid off since November and it sucks! The city can piss away more money than we will ever make but when it comes to looking after the working man there always seems to be nothing left <_< . From what i gather your union demands are not overly excessive. The time has come to start dumping the citys garbage at city hall and not in redidential neighborhoods! Keep strong brother :D

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Hey Ronnie:

Sounds like you will be back to work soon...according to the CBC, CTV, CITY, CH news today..

VIA RAIL is back....Windsor workers are back..now it's the Toronto outside and inside municipal workers who must settle their disputes and get back to work...


PS I was on strike 2 years ago...it caused me considerable stress..I will never go through it again..if another strike is called I will be leaving the career and town.. :rollin:

Edited by Juliet
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Yep, looks like it will be over and called back soon....hopefully after the long weekend cos I wanna go away. I've been spending lots of time at the cabin, writing songs, taste testing a lot of different beer, and tequila combinations....all with new (and), various BBq recipes.


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Im back at work, nothing to do until City Council votes on the contract - you think they would do that before the unions, however.....I have a BBQ to go tonight, hanging home and not going to the cabin this weekend :slapface:

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Hey Ronnie:

I was watching CITY this am...sounds like some city councillors will not vote "no" for various reasons..you may be back on the picket line afterall...

I feel bad for some of your co-workers. I saw that they have started cleaning up some of the garbage..I see they have to wear face masks.... :bagoverhead:

Juliet :wave:

PS Enjoy the b-b-q...have a burger or hot dog for me....or roast a marshmallow

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I'm thinking about ya RD. One question though, are there any outstanding issues that will go to joint committee and /or arbritation ?

As far as I know, no. Management didnt want anything going to arbitration cos they would have lost. I know City Council is voting today if they accept the new contract....so I'll sit in my office, do nothing (as usual), and wait to stay until my day is up or leave early if it's not accepted.

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As far as I know, no. Management didnt want anything going to arbitration cos they would have lost. I know City Council is voting today if they accept the new contract....so I'll sit in my office, do nothing (as usual), and wait to stay until my day is up or leave early if it's not accepted.

I figured as much my man. Sounds like they are playing politics but I'guessing and hoping they'll vote to accept. Being out is no fun even if your enjoying the cabin. Wishing you the best RonnieDawg

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I was watching CITY this am...sounds like some city councillors will not vote "no" for various reasons..you may be back on the picket line afterall...

I feel bad for some of your co-workers. I saw that they have started cleaning up some of the garbage..I see they have to wear face masks.... :bagoverhead:

I don't get it. If people walk off from their jobs, why should we feel sorry for them? (no offence Ronnie)

Lot's of people have lost their jobs where they did not have a choice, and I for one do not understand why any union would be calling for a strike in this economy? I remember when the air traffic contollers walked off their jobs in the 80's and President Reagan fired the whole lot of them and replaced them with other controllers still willing to work. I personally am much more in favor of a free labor market. Unions end up fixing labor prices, driving up the cost of healthcare, and as General Moters would be an example, driving a company into bankruptcy.

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I don't get it. If people walk off from their jobs, why should we feel sorry for them? (no offence Ronnie)

Lot's of people have lost their jobs where they did not have a choice, and I for one do not understand why any union would be calling for a strike in this economy? I remember when the air traffic contollers walked off their jobs in the 80's and President Reagan fired the whole lot of them and replaced them with other controllers still willing to work. I personally am much more in favor of a free labor market. Unions end up fixing labor prices, driving up the cost of healthcare, and as General Moters would be an example, driving a company into bankruptcy.

In this case, I think it's safe to say that the city chose to go after provisions within the contract that no union member in their right mind could accept, thus creating a work stoppage. RonnieDawg may shed a different light on my statement and if he does, I'll reconsider my position

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In this case, I think it's safe to say that the city chose to go after provisions within the contract that no union member in their right mind could accept, thus creating a work stoppage. RonnieDawg may shed a different light on my statement and if he does, I'll reconsider my position

And I can appreciate that, especially from Ronnie's perspective. However, as a tax payer I have another perspective, and that is of opposing unions that end up costing me more money.

I have a friend who is city council member in a suburb near Los Angeles. He does this job for no actually salary, although he does get a couple hundred dollars per month for expenses. But anyway, to hear him talk about the manner in which some of the city workers unions burden the city budget at the expense of everyone else is shocking. For example: the police union sued the city because they wanted an extra half hour before and after their shifts (one hour total per day) in overtime to compensate them for putting on their uniforms. Can you believe that? Who gets paid for getting dressed for work? Well, the city found itself in a position due to the budget to not fight the union because of the legal costs. The solution ended up being that the police officers got paid for getting dressed/undressed but not on overtime as the city could not afford that. Basically the officers end up working one less hour per shift (five hours less per week) so that the taxpayers can pay them to get dressed.

And who suffers if their are cops actually needed on the streets rather than in the locker room?

I have to say that I am against all labor unions.

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