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Woman in SanAntnio beheads child and eats brains


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Holy shit! :o


July 27, 2009

Posted: 10:57 am

July 27, 2009

SAN ANTONIO -- A woman charged with murdering her 3½-week-old son used a knife and two swords to dismember the child and ate parts of his body, including his brain, before stabbing herself in the torso and slicing her own throat, police said Monday.

Otty Sanchez, 33, is charged with capital murder in the death of her infant son, Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez. She was recovering from her wounds at a hospital, and was being held on $1 million bail.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said the early Sunday morning attack occurred a week after the child's father moved out. The child's aunt and two cousins, ages 5 and 7, were in the house, but none were harmed.

McManus, who appeared uncomfortable as he addressed reporters, said Sanchez apparently ate the child's brain and some other body parts. She also tore his face off, chewed off three of his toes and decapitated the infant before stabbing herself.

"It's too heinous for me to describe it any further," McManus said.

Officers called to Sanchez's house at about 5 a.m. Sunday found her sitting on the couch "screaming that she killed her baby," police spokesman Joe Rios said. They found the boy's body in a bedroom.

Police said Sanchez said the devil told her to kill her son.

"It was a spontaneous utterance," McManus said. "She said she was hearing voices."

Sanchez does not yet have a lawyer, police said, and was hospitalized in San Antonio. The police declined to identify other family members.

No one answered the door Monday at Sanchez's home, where the blinds were shut. A hopscotch pattern and red hearts were drawn on the walk leading up to the house.

Neighbor Luis Yanez said everyone on the street was appalled by the news.

"Why would you do that to your baby?" said Yanez, 23, a tire technician. "It brings chills to you. They can't defend themselves."

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What is this world coming to?

How's it going "Dzldoc" A.K.A. Charles? I know, I heard about it and it doesn't please me one f*c*ing bit and I live here in San Antonio! I swear Charles, San Antonio is reminding me more of Los Angeles everyday. You mark my words Charles, San Antonio is going to be another Los Angeles. ROCK ON!

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That post partum depression can really wreak havoc.

Someone should have been monitoring her after she gave birth.

This is one reason why not all women should leave the hospital early after they have given birth to a child.

Why did they release her from the hospital with the baby?


SAN ANTONIO — The 33-year-old San Antonio woman accused of decapitating her infant son and eating parts of his body had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and postpartum psychosis, family members said Monday.

Otty Sanchez said she killed Scott Wesley Buchholz Sanchez on Sunday with a steak knife and two swords before mutilating the baby and eating parts of his body, including his brain, nose and toes, police said.

She has been charged with capital murder and remained under 24-hour observation Monday at University Hospital, where she was treated for self-inflicted knife wounds.

The father of the baby now is asking that she receive the death penalty.

"She was a sweet person and I still love her, but she needs to pay the ultimate price for what she has done," said Scott W. Buchholz, who referred to his child as "baby Scotty."

Sanchez's relatives are hoping authorities will take into consideration her history of mental illness, which included a recent diagnosis of postpartum psychosis.

"It's just tragic and unbelievable what happened," said Greg Garcia, Sanchez's first cousin who considers her a sister. "She was a good, hard-working person, but she had been diagnosed with schizophrenia last year."

Child Protective Services officials said the agency has never investigated Sanchez. On Monday, the agency was at the home of the woman's mother, where early Sunday morning police found the mutilated body. Sanchez is the aunt to two young children, 5 and 6, who live there.

Police said the two children, their mother, and Sanchez's mother were in the home at the time of the slaying. The adult women had taken turns caring for baby Scotty at night. Sanchez's shift began at 1:30 p.m. Her sister discovered the baby's body about 4:30 a.m. and called police about 5 a.m.

Sanchez told detectives that she was "hearing voices" and the devil made her kill the baby boy she had given birth to June 30, police said.

The Bexar County District Attorney's Office will review the homicide detectives' recommended capital murder charge, which is punishable by the death penalty.

"You can still be prosecuted if you have some form of mental illness," said Bexar County First Assistant District Attorney Cliff Herberg. "The test is if you understand the difference between right and wrong. The question is whether or not you know your act is wrong."

Defense attorneys can request competency hearings to determine whether Sanchez is fit to stand trial.

Relatives said Sanchez's mental health had severely deteriorated in the week before baby Scotty's death. On July 20, she moved out of the home she was sharing with the baby's father.

That day she checked herself into a hospital after hearing voices, but she soon checked herself out. She then took the baby to her mother's home. Buchholz called her every day to persuade her to return to their home.

She reappeared about 2 p.m. Saturday at Buchholz's parent's home.

"We were so happy to see Scotty again," said Buchholz.

She was at the home for about 15 minutes when Buchholz told Sanchez that he needed a copy of baby Scotty's birth certificate and Social Security card. The request seemed to "set her off," Buchholz said.

"She grabbed the baby and just said, 'I gotta go. I gotta go. I'm out of here.'"

Sanchez and Buchholz met in 2003, while enrolled in the San Antonio College of Medical and Dental Assistance. The relationship was on and off for the past six years, but they became more dedicated after learning she was pregnant last year, relatives said.

Buchholz also has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Buchholz said Sanchez had been hospitalized for her mental illness at least once.

Edited by eternal light
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I don't believe the mentally ill should be executed. Same with the mentally handicapped. I'm not saying she deserves NO punishment for what she did, she should absolutely have to pay.

And she should pay by spending the rest of her life in a white padded cell, strapped to the bed and pumped full of psychotropics. Executing her won't do anything but satisfy blood lust. It doesn't force her to accept what she's done and live with the consequences. Getting her the mental help she needs so that she can be lucid and living with the thoughts and memories of the crime she committed.....now that's punishment. In fact, paper the cell with photos of her child.

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I don't believe the mentally ill should be executed. Same with the mentally handicapped. I'm not saying she deserves NO punishment for what she did, she should absolutely have to pay.

And she should pay by spending the rest of her life in a white padded cell, strapped to the bed and pumped full of psychotropics. Executing her won't do anything but satisfy blood lust. It doesn't force her to accept what she's done and live with the consequences. Getting her the mental help she needs so that she can be lucid and living with the thoughts and memories of the crime she committed.....now that's punishment. In fact, paper the cell with photos of her child.

Those are valid points,but if she's doped up enough,she'll be so out of it that she'll never know what she's done....and no one will be able to tell her.

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or how some people might take a woman who did a absolutely disgusting thing and spin it into an attack on the president when the two have absolutely nothing to do with each other...

but, I'm sure that would never happen around here :rolleyes:

Edited by zosodude13
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Can't wait for Obama to comment...he'll probably spin this and say if she'd had universal

health care she would have been treated and wouldn't have eaten her kid for dinner...

Is that all you got?

Your an idiot. :blink:

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Can't wait for Obama to comment...he'll probably spin this and say if she'd had universal

health care she would have been treated and wouldn't have eaten her kid for dinner...

Wow Steve, this statement is completely irrelevant to the story. Really unnecessary.

This is an absolutely horrifying and deeply sad event. That poor child. This woman obviously had no idea what she was doing. Sounds like it was either severe post partum depression or schizophrenia. I wonder what her mental status was prior to giving birth. Was she psychotic all along or only after the pregnancy. Would be interesting to know.

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The woman was obviously severely mentally ill. It's therefore impossible to judge her by our own concepts of right and wrong which a totally disturbed brain wouldn't be able to comprehend.

Or there is the remote possibility that she was just evil, in which case we fucking shoot her ass.

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59 drove me to it. :angel:

I always knew you had it in ya! :D

But yes, ol' 59 can bring the grit outta ya! ;)

Really glad to see him back (as if I've not said it enough, but still...) It's been like trying to throw a curveball without a middle finger not having him here y'know? :beer:

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And in rare moment, Aqua reaches for the gun AND cusses!! Wow!! :o;)

I know! Holy crap! :o:o:o:o:o:o


I'm torn between this one. I agree wholeheartedly with those who say "kill her", and yet I feel like death is too god for this one. I feel she needs to be reminded 24/7/365 of what she did, and be forced to feel the pain and guilt of it 24/7/365, with no breaks. And keep her on suicide watch to be sure.

I don't know... she's either past-the-point-of-saving schizophrenic or just plain evil.

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I'm torn between this one. I agree wholeheartedly with those who say "kill her", and yet I feel like death is too god for this one. I feel she needs to be reminded 24/7/365 of what she did, and be forced to feel the pain and guilt of it 24/7/365, with no breaks. And keep her on suicide watch to be sure.

I don't know... she's either past-the-point-of-saving schizophrenic or just plain evil.

I'm sure more will come out in time.

And Electrophile, might I suggest that continual Thorazine be administered in suppository form? With a hammer? :beer:

I have a different idea of how she should be "stoned" BTW:


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A person with these characteristics could be helped in time.

Elements are a very didactic way to explain also the behavior.

The personal chaos is symbolized by any of them and their place of action determined by the particular combination of the others.

A personality, particularly spirited, imaginative, emotional or material and the weaknesses of each combination.

Are infinite posibilities, such as levels of needs ...

Psychology and philosophy takes as unit a imaginary typical man and we are all different.

And we have different needs. The structure of this woman collapsed at a given time by a specific reason.

No other time and no other reason.

Know thyself, should be the basics of education.

Edited by el mago
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I always knew you had it in ya! :D

But yes, ol' 59 can bring the grit outta ya! ;)

Really glad to see him back (as if I've not said it enough, but still...) It's been like trying to throw a curveball without a middle finger not having him here y'know? :beer:

Certainly has (look further up the page for explanation of my *ahem* unusual response, y'all--though actually I seem to have given a rather more :angel: impression of myself here than the real me :D).

And again, regarding this woman--I don't think there's any point treating a mentally ill person who wouldn't even understand why you were doing what you're doing like a criminal--except that it would give everybody else some satisfaction, I guess. But some people can never understand what's heinous about their acts, and not just in this kind of case, either, knowwhaddimean?

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59 drove me to it. :angel:

I'll take the credit.....or blame....

I always knew you had it in ya! :D

But yes, ol' 59 can bring the grit outta ya! ;)

Really glad to see him back (as if I've not said it enough, but still...) It's been like trying to throw a curveball without a middle finger not having him here y'know? :beer:

Thanks Ev......consider me Jim Palmer..... B)

Eats brains? Maybe she's a zombie.....

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Certainly has (look further up the page for explanation of my *ahem* unusual response, y'all--though actually I seem to have given a rather more :angel: impression of myself here than the real me :D).

And again, regarding this woman--I don't think there's any point treating a mentally ill person who wouldn't even understand why you were doing what you're doing like a criminal--except that it would give everybody else some satisfaction, I guess. But some people can never understand what's heinous about their acts, and not just in this kind of case, either, knowwhaddimean?

Exactly... I agree with the point that anybody who would do this to a child deserves a fate worse than death, but if she's that twisted, keeping her alive and pumped full of drugs is kind of a useless gesture.

'Look we're footing the bill to keep her in a stupor....."

Yeah, that'll teach her.

This runs wayyyy deeper than post-partum depression as well, so unfortunately for her, I think you do away with the threat before she goes gladiator on someone else.

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