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Obama Joker Poster: Libs Outraged


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Racism? "It's because he's black". I'm so sick of that phrase. For the love of god, isn't it time to let that go? Maybe MoveOn.org can help us "move on" from that tired banner waving. We've got a black president and we just swore in the first Latina to the Supreme Court. I think the days of Uncle Tom are behind us. Man I wish it could just end already. Christians did this. Slaveholders did that. It's history. Move on indeed. There's your "change". Enjoy it already. Hatred is passe.

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Racism? "It's because he's black". I'm so sick of that phrase. For the love of god, isn't it time to let that go? Maybe MoveOn.org can help us "move on" from that tired banner waving. We've got a black president and we just swore in the first Latina to the Supreme Court.I think the days of Uncle Tom are behind us. Man I wish it could just end already. Christians did this. Slaveholders did that. It's history. Move on indeed. There's your "change". Enjoy it already. Hatred is passe.

I WISH they were, but in parts of the South, especially down here in the Delta, that kind of thinking is still alive and well among many people. :( The Civil War (sorry, War Between the States) is refought in our local newspaper every week, as if by refighting it often enough, the South might finally win. Which would, of course, please African Americans because apparently they enjoyed being slaves. :rolleyes: (Please, don't anybody bother posting the so-called "proof" of this!)

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Racism? "It's because he's black". I'm so sick of that phrase. For the love of god, isn't it time to let that go? Maybe MoveOn.org can help us "move on" from that tired banner waving. We've got a black president and we just swore in the first Latina to the Supreme Court. I think the days of Uncle Tom are behind us. Man I wish it could just end already. Christians did this. Slaveholders did that. It's history. Move on indeed. There's your "change". Enjoy it already. Hatred is passe.

claiming that the poster is racist because he's black is racist in itself lol.

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I WISH they were, but in parts of the South, especially down here in the Delta, that kind of thinking is still alive and well among many people. :( The Civil War (sorry, War Between the States) is refought in our local newspaper every week, as if by refighting it often enough, the South might finally win. Which would, of course, please African Americans because apparently they enjoyed being slaves. :rolleyes: (Please, don't anybody bother posting the so-called "proof" of this!)

It's not just the south. All it takes is a small town of 4000 with absolutely no diversity at all other then white and the things that are said and done make me just :slapface: . It's not nearly as bad as it is in the south, but racist is alive and well across the nation. And its not gonna end if everyone calling an insult at Barack Obama a 'racist' attack, just like sexism will never end if attacks against Sarah Palin or Hilary Clinton are always labeled as 'sexist'.

All because there ARE racist, sexist attacks, it doesn't mean every single one is. I blame the media for making stories out of nothing in the quest for ratings and money.... Yellow Journalism is 90% of the journalism in this country today.

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I may be going out on a limb here, but I don't really think the poster was meant to be as deep as comparing Anarchy and Socialism.

I honestly think it was as superficial as "Obama is a joke (Joker)" and Socialism is the big tag that's put on him. The Joker whiteface just works well visually since it's a fairly current image many people recognize.

I just don't think the creator of the poster was putting a lot of deep thought into the ideologies of the two characters.

Of course I have no way of knowing, just my $.02

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I may be going out on a limb here, but I don't really think the poster was meant to be as deep as comparing Anarchy and Socialism.

I honestly think it was as superficial as "Obama is a joke (Joker)" and Socialism is the big tag that's put on him. The Joker whiteface just works well visually since it's a fairly current image many people recognize.

I just don't think the creator of the poster was putting a lot of deep thought into the ideologies of the two characters.

Of course I have no way of knowing, just my $.02

This much, I agree with. :D

Hence my lack of outrage. It's just not that clever, deep, or interesting.

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Precisely my point. I was quoting the "because he's black", not saying it. Just to be clear. ;)

of course! and anyway, eople with good taste in music cannot be racist. Those two concepts are almost completely contradictory. Hm, I think I should do my anthropology report on that. Maybe replace "good" with a more objective term, though. Wide?

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No shit. Why should anyone be outraged by that? It looks like something a 3rd grader did with a cheap copy of Photoshop.

Aaaah, don't hate. Credit where credit is due.

Technically, it's actually very good.

The creator captured not only the correct "Joker" style they were shooting for, but also gave it an authentic "propaganda" feel with the limited color palette and hard contrast.

It may fail by a confused mishmash of ideologies, but it's quite good artistically.

It's good enough it's created a nationwide buzz. I don't think a poorly-executed result would have captured the attention this has.

I sure wish something I had done could catch fire like that! thumb_smileyvault-cute-big-smiley-static-049.gif

Don't let your political bias prevent you from recognizing a good effort.

That'd be like me saying a particular movie sucks because I disagree politically with the director or actors.

I'd like to meet the 3rd grader that could create anything like that in Photoshop. :P

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This gave me a few lulz...

Love the expiration date on the side.

Made their statement politically, but that gradient in the background? Very distracting.

Should have only been a quarter of the opacity, if used at all.


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No it's not.

I beg to differ.

I have no idea what you do for a living, but I assure you I am more than qualified to offer a legitimate critique on a photoshopped image.

Not only am I a professional graphic artist who photoshops images pretty much daily, I also compete on one of the premier photoshop contest sites, Worth1000, where artists from all over the world compete and critique images created for daily themed contests.

Without sounding (hopefully) TOO conceited, I am a very talented artist and highly-skilled using Photoshop.

On a side note, I even started a thread at Worth (although the site is notoriously politics-free, so I'm not sure the admins will allow the thread to stay) soliciting critiques on the poster based solely on execution. I will gladly post the results if the thread is permitted, regardless of how it goes, or even post a link.

Anyway, Aquamarine, I explained specifically why I thought the poster was done well technically.

I'd be curious to hear why you think otherwise, other than "no, it's not" (done well).

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