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Steven Tyler Trip's off of stage


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Unfortunate happening for the singer of Aerosmith as he broke his shoulder and is now under a doctors care 6 - 8 week's! Been a hard one for the boy's from "Bean Town" as this is not the first bad thing to happen this time around for the group.

They'll be back, I'm sure.


Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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Unfortunate happening for the singer of Aerosmith's as he broke his shoulder and is now under a doctors care 6 - 8 week's! Been a hard one for the boy's from "Bean Town" as this is not the first bad thing to happen this time around for the group.

They'll be back, I'm sure.


I hope he starts feeling better soon.

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Good Monday Morning:

Much More (Canada) reports the rest of Aerosmith's Canadian dates are cancelled and will be rescheduled...


Juliet xo

PS Sam...we need an emoticon that holds a sign or wears a T-shirt saying get well soon...

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  • 2 weeks later...


I read that he was moving out of the way so the crew could do reset the fuses...I find this hard to believe...it this happened in Canada..the labour department would probably investigate..the crew should have moved him to a safer place..

Juliet :coffee:

PS I was in a choir where I had to stand on the top step of the riser..I always felt like I was going to fall backwards..it was a terrible feeling...I'm not in that choir anymore....

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Unfortunate happening for the singer of Aerosmith as he broke his shoulder and is now under a doctors care 6 - 8 week's! Been a hard one for the boy's from "Bean Town" as this is not the first bad thing to happen this time around for the group.

They'll be back, I'm sure.


I made errors the first I posted this am...I have since had a coffee, some fresh air and corrected my errors..

I'll help out my fellow Zep fan, BLD

1. doctors should be spelled doctor's

2. week's should be spelled weeks,

3. boy's should be spelled boys,

4. they'll is spelled correctly..

Juliet :)

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Hi all,Danny-sama!

Well,your 'mother-in-law' was seen inside a liquor store,not good for a man who is suppose to be clean and sober! :blink:


Kev, my 'mother-in-law' is a man? must be the Cheap Drugs she used to take, that would account for it. <_<

As for Mr Tyler, well to only person he's fooling is himself, i have no problem with people who drink alcohol, the problem i have is with the ones that try to decieve you that it is not a problem, they dont get it, when you try to decieve people about anything, then it is a problem.

Another "World Problem" Sorted by BIGDAN. :lol:

Keep Safe and Well, Kev Sama.

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